Is this the worst time in history to be a Democrat?

Where does the appointment letter say that he can’t pursue any cases outside DC?
Good t doesn’t, cause watergate was in dc, his investigation was limited to that

But more over, he appeared with Richardson in front of the US Senate.

Jack never did
Good t doesn’t, cause watergate was in dc, his investigation was limited to that

But more over, he appeared with Richardson in front of the US Senate.

Jack never did
So Archibald Cox wasn’t limited to just DC. Gotcha.

They’re the same.
Sorry do you not know where watergate is located??

Haha no, again Cox appeared before the US Senate, with Richardson

Jack never did
Special counsel jurisdiction isn’t based on geography. It’s based on an issue.

You already admitted he could have prosecuted cases outside DC related to the issue.

This is the same.
Special counsel jurisdiction isn’t based on geography. It’s based on an issue.

You already admitted he could have prosecuted cases outside DC related to the issue.

This is the same.
When did I admit that? He couldn’t. Watergate is literally in Washington DC

Moreover, Cox appeared with Richardson in front of the US Senate

So again, they aren’t the same
The country has survived world wars, depressions, COVID, trump's first term...........and it will survive another if that happens. But we came out of his first presidency weaken by his divisiveness, incompetence, and constant chaos. He will weaken us again if elected. Hopefully not fatally.
What complete and utter nonsense, the truth is not divisive. Problem is you mamby pamby's can't handle the truth.
When did I admit that? He couldn’t. Watergate is literally in Washington DC

Moreover, Cox appeared with Richardson in front of the US Senate

So again, they aren’t the same
Did the Senate vote to confirm Cox?
More projection. You can't even argue against what he said, all you have is oh yeah.
Biden chose to drop out after he was convinced that he shouldn’t run again.

It’s a little crazy, but nothing we can’t handle.

Honestly, it’s far better being a dem today than a few days ago. We get a new candidate and you’re still stuck with the wanna be fascist.
Biden chose to drop out after he was convinced that he shouldn’t run again.

It’s a little crazy, but nothing we can’t handle.

Honestly, it’s far better being a dem today than a few days ago. We get a new candidate and you’re still stuck with the wanna be fascist.
Convinced? He was convinced the day before he was till going to win. This was all orchestrated behind the scenes by Schumer, Piglosi, and Obummer. They want to pick who you vote for, they don't give a rip about democracy, they care about power, and Obummer's 4th term. Whose back his hand fits is who it will be so he can work them like a puppet.
Convinced? He was convinced the day before he was till going to win. This was all orchestrated behind the scenes by Schumer, Piglosi, and Obummer. They want to pick who you vote for, they don't give a rip about democracy, they care about power, and Obummer's 4th term. Whose back his hand fits is who it will be so he can work them like a puppet.
Everyone running for office says they’re going to win.

They care about beating Trump. We all do.

I pick who I vote for, that occurs in November.
Where does the constitution say that confirming one person counts as confirming a totally different person?
Who said that’s what happened?

The Constitution doesn’t say they can’t confirm two people at once
Who said that’s what happened?

The Constitution doesn’t say they can’t confirm two people at once
You did because I asked if the Senate voted to confirm Cox and you said yes.

Constitutuonally, Cox was never confirmed by the Senate.
You did because I asked if the Senate voted to confirm Cox and you said yes.

Constitutuonally, Cox was never confirmed by the Senate.
Yes they did. They confirmed both.

Cox was in front of the US Senate, asked questions by congress and told he would be special prosecutor if they confirmed Richardson. They did just that

Jack was never in front of the senate

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