Is this the worst time in history to be a Democrat?

Sure he is. He's lied about voter fraud so people has lost faith in elections. He's lied about the FBI and DoJ......ditto. He took Putin's side in Helsinki. He's made false accusations about everyone from Engoron's clerk to Garland.

The belief in those lies is what caused an erosion of faith.
He never lied about any of those things. There is voter fraud, the FBI did some illegal shit, numerous things actually, and the DOJ went at him like a mad dog, so spare me your fake outrage. :cuckoo:
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Yes, he got kicked out of the WH because he was a terrible prez. You may have noticed that hasn't stopped people from paying attention to him and his constant lies about the election, the DoJ, the system of justice generally.
So, nothing then? You're so fixated on TRUMP! that you didn't notice he's not even been in office the last 3 years? Again, what has Quid Pro Joe done to restore what you claim was lost? So far, you've given nothing.
Again with that talking point. It's Biden's decision to make. Try to come up with some original thoughts.
Ole' Stumblebum is being treated like a child because that's the limit of his mental capacity. At some point, the Dem / Socialist cabal of Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries and various senators are going to give ole' Stumblebum an ultimatum.

Orange man sad.


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