Donald Trump Breaks His Record in New Poll

What are you crying about? At least Dems have the sense to change candidates once the original guy has demonstrated he's no longer the right man for the job.
Unlike MAGAts this is not a cult.
Thanks for admitting Democrats are to stupid and just sheeples. Everyone with a room temperature IQ knew he was a 7/24 nursing home patient 5 years ago.
The Democrats are in such a state of disarray that here it is, July 2024, a few weeks from the convention, and they don’t even have a nominee! And the current VP doesn’t know if she is running for president, or for vice president!

The entire Administration is so inept that one of these days, they’ll allow a sniper to crawl up on a roof they left unguarded and then wait to fire because they’re not sure that a guy pointing his rifle at the president is a threat.

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