Convention note

Go easy on the rim job, fella. :itsok:
Not very classy of you.

I've followed the Trump stories since the 80s, it wasn't always "Russia, Russia", media slander and assassination attempts against him.

Don't think for a moment I am not fully aware of some of his coarse, less than ideal language and demeanour. However, as I have said endlessly "he is only needed because of those before him".

It comes down to policies.

Let me give you a prime example. A guy posted on social media that "I am a Dem voter but not anymore. I'm just glad that Biden opened up our borders and ruined our country in his first term rather than fool us and do this in his second term".

Think about that statement for a moment.
You brought it up. Less crime is committed by immigrants than citizens. Go fetch fido.

I've debunked this argument before. I won't disagree, but it is a meaningless argument to the victim because in the first case it was committed by a legal citizen, this was more inevitable than in the second case where NOT allowing someone to enter illegally ensures that no victim is found.

You also discount the efforts of China and other enemies from spreading poisons to G-d knows what else.
I've debunked this argument before. I won't disagree, but it is a meaningless argument to the victim because in the first case it was committed by a legal citizen, this was more inevitable than in the second case where NOT allowing someone to enter illegally ensures that no victim is found.

You also discount the efforts of China and other enemies from spreading poisons to G-d knows what else.
You trying to put words in my mouth? GFY
I've followed the Trump stories since the 80s, it wasn't always "Russia, Russia", media slander and assassination attempts against him.
Me too, Canadian. There are solid patterns to the behavior of the orange bag O' shit over the years. It's why I call him orange bag O' shit today.
Don't think for a moment I am not fully aware of some of his coarse, less than ideal language and demeanour. However, as I have said endlessly "he is only needed because of those before him".

It comes down to policies.
:auiqs.jpg: He has no policies. He's a fucking narcissist and a con artist. A grifter. An opportunist. He offers the same superficial right winger talking points to his magaturd base with zero details to get votes, using the revenge and grievance angle of his 2020 loss. He has the help of social media to spread it. Magaturds fall in line. Do you find this respectable?
Let me give you a prime example. A guy posted on social media that "I am a Dem voter but not anymore. I'm just glad that Biden opened up our borders and ruined our country in his first term rather than fool us and do this in his second term".
I give no fucks about 'some guy's post on social media'. So another asshole uses his SM bullhorn to say something political. Wow. That's literally never happened before. :rolleyes:

This level of nonsense holds no weight to me. :dunno:
Me too, Canadian. There are solid patterns to the behavior of the orange bag O' shit over the years. It's why I call him orange bag O' shit today.

:auiqs.jpg: He has no policies. He's a fucking narcissist and a con artist. A grifter. An opportunist. He offers the same superficial right winger talking points to his magaturd base with zero details to get votes, using the revenge and grievance angle of his 2020 loss. He has the help of social media to spread it. Magaturds fall in line. Do you find this respectable?

I give no fucks about 'some guy's post on social media'. So another asshole uses his SM bullhorn to say something political. Wow. That's literally never happened before. :rolleyes:

This level of nonsense holds no weight to me. :dunno:

You are mistaken, we saw his policies pre-covid. The problem is that ANY policy is better than an open border policy, massive inflation due to spending (which I warned of on here when the IRA was signed) and policies that lead to multiple wars around the globe with a third likely to follow in Taiwan.

I realize he can be a carnival barker, but I repeat over and over, "it's those before him and that make Trump possible, even needed".

If you purposely do away with policies that protected your nations sovereignty and other horrible decisions, citizens will reach out for hope. Hope isn't going to come from the Establishment clearly, so you get Trump.
You are mistaken, we saw his policies pre-covid. The problem is that ANY policy is better than an open border policy, massive inflation due to spending (which I warned of on here when the IRA was signed) and policies that lead to multiple wars around the globe with a third likely to follow in Taiwan.

I realize he can be a carnival barker, but I repeat over and over, "it's those before him and that make Trump possible, even needed".

If you purposely do away with policies that protected your nations sovereignty and other horrible decisions, citizens will reach out for hope. Hope isn't going to come from the Establishment clearly, so you get Trump.
The RNC convention was just another shit show. Repeats of 2016 and 2020. Why should the hatred, fear mongering and denigration be anything different or expected? Trump had 4 years to blow that smoke and you latched onto it. Good for you.
The RNC convention was just another shit show. Repeats of 2016 and 2020. Why should the hatred, fear mongering and denigration be anything different or expected? Trump had 4 years to blow that smoke and you latched onto it. Good for you.
Well bless your heart.
Your local fire station is a safe space, go there until you feel strong again.
The RNC convention was just another shit show. Repeats of 2016 and 2020. Why should the hatred, fear mongering and denigration be anything different or expected? Trump had 4 years to blow that smoke and you latched onto it. Good for you.

Just as the DNC will fear monger about "the end of democracy" and "the next Hitler if he is re-elected". Or, "he will force a national abortion ban!" Or the latest doozie, "he will have Reid and Maddow imprisoned and re-educated"!

Speaking of re-education, AOC literally pushed for a full list of Trump supporters after Trump lost in 2020. She wants that list for what purpose? She had alluded to a re-education campaign, or worse.

America should be unified under a flag and patriotism for America not media B.S and lawfare.
Hey, does your off grid homestyle smell like shit and piss? I bet it does. Must be satisfying to you.
Only the barns do, that's the nature of keeping livestock. The houses and cottage have septic tanks just like in the real world.
But you will never see it. I am satisfied, I own it all free and clear can you say the same tony?

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