State an unpopular political opinion

Why are you ignoring the swastika avatar? Did you miss it or something? Or are you cool with Nazis? I sure as fuck am not. Do you even care that this hurts conservatives, or are you too fucking stupid to understand that?

This swastika shit is really pissing me off now, and its REALLY pissing me off that I see fellow conservatives acting like this is super normal.
When the left-wing Jewish men and women make their decisions to stop playing both sides or even all sides, we can all make decisions to back pure survival. What I get is that death and carnage is collateral damage and is acceptable. Of course, the ones who show no concern get that, they will change their tunes. We live in multiple propaganda agendas that gives us all choices in many ways of our own personal thinking that is interconnecting in our views of everything, and it is destroying us.
Avatars don't mean shit to me. If they did, I'd probably take exception to yours for looking like some kind of devil worship symbol. MAGA
My devil symbol isnt responsible for millions of deaths. Quit being a fucking idiot and stop normalizing this Nazi shit. Conservatives can be so fucking stupid and self destructive at times and its super god damn annoying.
When the left-wing Jewish men and women make their decisions to stop playing both sides or even all sides, we can all make decisions to back pure survival. What I get is that death and carnage is collateral damage and is acceptable. Of course, the ones who show no concern get that, they will change their tunes. We live in multiple propaganda agendas that gives us all choices in many ways of our own personal thinking that is interconnecting in our views of everything, and it is destroying us.
Shut up you cornball jew hater. Do the world a favor, go buy a shotgun and pretend that youre Kurt Kobain. :cuckoo:
My devil symbol isnt responsible for millions of deaths. Quit being a fucking idiot and stop normalizing this Nazi shit. Conservatives can be so fucking stupid and self destructive at times and its super god damn annoying.
Your annoyance is God's punishment for your ignorant defiance. Go tell that to your asshole goat friend. MAGA
We've done this exercise in class. I also done it relaxing environments; however, watch out for people drinking too much!

So it goes like this. You simply state an unpopular political opinion in one line. You don't necessarily have to back it up. Pics or memes are welcome.

Some examples.

A border wall is there not so much to keep people out, but to keep citizens in.

No drug should be illegal.

Saddam Hussein and Chairman Mao could be in heaven.

The US should have crushed Vietnam.
This is what happens to your threads now. Im hijacking every one of them until that fucking swastika disappears.
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Well, what was your question about, then?

Ok, it doesn´t. Sometimes, at least.
Apparently you have bad political instincts, so let me help you out. Conservatives strutting around with swastika avatars is not good for the Republican party. :dunno:
Shut up you cornball jew hater. Do the world a favor, go buy a shotgun and pretend that youre Kurt Kobain. :cuckoo:
I am not a Jew hater. Why should I die for anyone who will sell out their own? Ask Schumer, Wasserman Schultz, Nadler, Schiff, Cohen, And others. So, as you accuse me, Stop influencing people. You cry about being picked on for millennias. I am your undereducated goy lawyer that is not one. Stop it. 2% of the population and a major group that effects of everything we exist for and more. You have caused death and carnage in our nation. I support you. Stop reaming those who do.
<state an unpopular opinion>

<state an unpopular opinion>

You respond to Swastika guys question with a joke about Biden? I hate Biden as much as anyone, but this is not the time or place. Why arent you pointing out the fucking swastika dude? What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:
You respond to Swastika guys question with a joke about Biden? I hate Biden as much as anyone, but this is not the time or place. Why arent you pointing out the fucking swastika dude? What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:
Well, just keep this off your phone when you attend Taylor Swift’s concert. You should still be good to win prom queen.
Well, just keep this off your phone when you attend Taylor Swift’s concert. You should still be good to win prom queen.
Bitch, im as red a conservative as one can be. Thats why im not standing for this shit. You and the dipshit OP apparently arent smart enough to realize that swastikas are not good for republicans. :cuckoo:

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