Professor: Hamas fakes casualty figures: ‘The numbers are not real’ [Gaza DEATH Ministry].

Yes, it's a terrible event but did not simply happen spontaneously, ...
October 7 Happened Before, in Hebron.

Hamas genocidal massacre on October-7 has deep historical roots.


On August 20, members of Haganah (Hebrew: ההגנה The Defense; the Jewish paramilitary defence militia) visited Hebron to offer safe evacuation for the Jewish community, or to provide weapons for self-defense. The community were convinced that the violence would not be allowed to escalate further by the local Arab head men, and declined both offers. They considered their relations with their Arab neighbors to be strong, based upon years of friendship and shared experiences...
The Hebron massacre.
On the afternoon of the August 23, an Arab mob broke into the Yeshiva, and killed the only student who had remained there, Shmuel Rozenholtz, a conscientious, young yeshivah bachur who had prepared for Shabbat early and had gone to the yeshivah to review the parashah. As the Arabs made their way back through the streets, an Arab who had participated in the murder of Rosenholtz boasted, "Too bad we found only one boy. Tomorrow the number will be higher." Although there were no further killings that night, the Jews were besieged in groups of up to 40 people scattered around homes in the city center. Shortly after 8am on August 24, frenzied Arab mobs, with axes, knives and iron bars, screamed, "Kill the Jews!" They broke into the homes where the Jews were sheltering and stabbed and mutilated everyone they found they found. The mob that rampaged through the city included respected Arab merchants and "good neighbors" who killed their friends, clients and business associates.

When the massacre began, the Palestinian Police presence in Hebron consisted of 18 mounted police and 15 on foot, commanded by one British policeman, Raymond Cafferata. Except for one Jew and Cafferata, all of the police constables were Arabs. The mob went from house to house, while the Arab police stood by, watching the slaughter. Some of them spurred on the rioters and even participated in the riots. The British police officer said in his testimony afterwards:

"On hearing screams in a room I went up a sort of tunnel passage and saw an Arab in the act of cutting off a child's head with a sword. He had already hit him and was having another cut, but on seeing me he tried to aim the stroke at me, but missed; he was practically on the muzzle of my rifle. I shot him low in the groin. Behind him was a Jewish woman smothered in blood with a man I recognized as an Arab police constable named Issa Sherif from Jaffa. He was standing over the woman with a dagger in his hand. He saw me and bolted into a room close by and tried to shut me out, shouting in Arabic, "Your Honor, I am a policeman!" I got into the room and shot him."
Believing they would be safer, many people had gathered in the home of one of the rabbis, Eliezer Dan Slonim Dwek. However, in that house alone, twenty-two men, women and children were slaughtered, including Eliezer Dan himself, his wife, Hannah, one of their children (aged 6) and Hannah’s parents. Hannah’s sister, aged fifteen, "was pushed into a closet by Lezer Yanishker - one of the students in the Yeshivah. Yanishker, twenty-four years old, powerfully built, was known as the giant of the Yeshivah. He held the girl confined in the closet during the massacre. When she saw her parents killed - she was watching through a crack in the door of the closet - she would have screamed. Yanishker held her mouth, held it so tightly that her lips were swollen and distorted for weeks after. When the Arabs had done slaughtering they turned to plunder. They tried to open the unlocked door of the closet. Yanishker held its handle inside [with such strength] that they gave up trying to pry the door open. He saved his own and the girl's life thereby - much more than he could have done, despite his physical prowess, had he tried to face the armed killers."

In another house, the mob gouged out the eyes of Gershon Ben-Zion, the Hebron pharmacist, and stabbed him over and over again; then they cut off his wife's hands and killed her. They also tortured his daughter, and then murdered her "in a strange and cruel way." American journalist Van Paassen was one of the first to arrive after the massacre and saw the results of the "strange and cruel" killings - when he arrived back in Jerusalem and heard the government and Arabs had published a refutation of the rumors that the dead Jews had been tortured and mutilated "this made me rush back to [Hebron] accompanied by two medical men, Dr. Dantziger and Dr. Ticho. I intended to gather up the severed sexual organs and the cut-off women's breasts we had seen lying scattered over the floor and in the beds. But when we came to Hebron a telephone call from Jerusalem had ordered our access barred." He also reported that the Arabs had draped blood-drenched female underwear around the pictures in the Slonim household.

One survivor, Yosef Lazarovski, then only a young child, recounted: "I remember a brownskinned Arab with a large mustache breaking through the door. He had a large knife and an axe that he swung through the doorjambs until he broke through. [He was] full of fury, screaming, "Allah akbar!" and "Itbach al Yahud!" [Slaughter the Jews!] I understood all this; my grandfather tried to hold my hand, then [he tried] to push me aside [and hide me], screaming, "Shema Yisrael"…and then I remember another Arab… with an axe that he brought down on my grandfather’s neck…"

One Arab policeman stood outside a house and even hinted to rioters to continue as they wish. Rabbi Grodzinski was murdered and abused, they poked out his left eye, smashed his brain and his blood was splattered on the ceiling and walls. Many women were raped. One young woman who finished the seminary in Jerusalem and returned for vacation to her parents' home, was raped by thirteen... in front of her parents, they then killed her father and seriously injured her mother. One girl begged the murderers to kill her and when they "felt sorry for her" they rattled her stomach and burned her intestines. The rioters attacked the baker and burned his head in a primus stove which they lit, set him on fire, and when they saw that he was still alive, they beat his intestines with daggers.

92-Year-Old Palestinian Woman in a "Right-of-Return[sic]" Demonstration (May, 2011): Palestinians Should Massacre the Jews Like We Massacred Them in Hebron.
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On August 20, members of Haganah (Hebrew: ההגנה The Defense; the Jewish paramilitary defence militia) visited Hebron to offer safe evacuation for the Jewish community, or to provide weapons for self-defense. The community were convinced that the violence would not be allowed to escalate further by the local Arab head men, and declined both offers. They considered their relations with their Arab neighbors to be strong, based upon years of friendship and shared experiences...
The Hebron massacre.
On the afternoon of the August 23, an Arab mob broke into the Yeshiva, and killed the only student who had remained there, Shmuel Rozenholtz, a conscientious, young yeshivah bachur who had prepared for Shabbat early and had gone to the yeshivah to review the parashah. As the Arabs made their way back through the streets, an Arab who had participated in the murder of Rosenholtz boasted, "Too bad we found only one boy. Tomorrow the number will be higher." Although there were no further killings that night, the Jews were besieged in groups of up to 40 people scattered around homes in the city center. Shortly after 8am on August 24, frenzied Arab mobs, with axes, knives and iron bars, screamed, "Kill the Jews!" They broke into the homes where the Jews were sheltering and stabbed and mutilated everyone they found they found. The mob that rampaged through the city included respected Arab merchants and "good neighbors" who killed their friends, clients and business associates.

When the massacre began, the Palestinian Police presence in Hebron consisted of 18 mounted police and 15 on foot, commanded by one British policeman, Raymond Cafferata. Except for one Jew and Cafferata, all of the police constables were Arabs. The mob went from house to house, while the Arab police stood by, watching the slaughter. Some of them spurred on the rioters and even participated in the riots. The British police officer said in his testimony afterwards:

"On hearing screams in a room I went up a sort of tunnel passage and saw an Arab in the act of cutting off a child's head with a sword. He had already hit him and was having another cut, but on seeing me he tried to aim the stroke at me, but missed; he was practically on the muzzle of my rifle. I shot him low in the groin. Behind him was a Jewish woman smothered in blood with a man I recognized as an Arab police constable named Issa Sherif from Jaffa. He was standing over the woman with a dagger in his hand. He saw me and bolted into a room close by and tried to shut me out, shouting in Arabic, "Your Honor, I am a policeman!" I got into the room and shot him."
Believing they would be safer, many people had gathered in the home of one of the rabbis, Eliezer Dan Slonim Dwek. However, in that house alone, twenty-two men, women and children were slaughtered, including Eliezer Dan himself, his wife, Hannah, one of their children (aged 6) and Hannah’s parents. Hannah’s sister, aged fifteen, "was pushed into a closet by Lezer Yanishker - one of the students in the Yeshivah. Yanishker, twenty-four years old, powerfully built, was known as the giant of the Yeshivah. He held the girl confined in the closet during the massacre. When she saw her parents killed - she was watching through a crack in the door of the closet - she would have screamed. Yanishker held her mouth, held it so tightly that her lips were swollen and distorted for weeks after. When the Arabs had done slaughtering they turned to plunder. They tried to open the unlocked door of the closet. Yanishker held its handle inside [with such strength] that they gave up trying to pry the door open. He saved his own and the girl's life thereby - much more than he could have done, despite his physical prowess, had he tried to face the armed killers."

In another house, the mob gouged out the eyes of Gershon Ben-Zion, the Hebron pharmacist, and stabbed him over and over again; then they cut off his wife's hands and killed her. They also tortured his daughter, and then murdered her "in a strange and cruel way." American journalist Van Paassen was one of the first to arrive after the massacre and saw the results of the "strange and cruel" killings - when he arrived back in Jerusalem and heard the government and Arabs had published a refutation of the rumors that the dead Jews had been tortured and mutilated "this made me rush back to [Hebron] accompanied by two medical men, Dr. Dantziger and Dr. Ticho. I intended to gather up the severed sexual organs and the cut-off women's breasts we had seen lying scattered over the floor and in the beds. But when we came to Hebron a telephone call from Jerusalem had ordered our access barred." He also reported that the Arabs had draped blood-drenched female underwear around the pictures in the Slonim household.

One survivor, Yosef Lazarovski, then only a young child, recounted: "I remember a brownskinned Arab with a large mustache breaking through the door. He had a large knife and an axe that he swung through the doorjambs until he broke through. [He was] full of fury, screaming, "Allah akbar!" and "Itbach al Yahud!" [Slaughter the Jews!] I understood all this; my grandfather tried to hold my hand, then [he tried] to push me aside [and hide me], screaming, "Shema Yisrael"…and then I remember another Arab… with an axe that he brought down on my grandfather’s neck…"

One Arab policeman stood outside a house and even hinted to rioters to continue as they wish. Rabbi Grodzinski was murdered and abused, they poked out his left eye, smashed his brain and his blood was splattered on the ceiling and walls. Many women were raped. One young woman who finished the seminary in Jerusalem and returned for vacation to her parents' home, was raped by thirteen... in front of her parents, they then killed her father and seriously injured her mother. One girl begged the murderers to kill her and when they "felt sorry for her" they rattled her stomach and burned her intestines. The rioters attacked the baker and burned his head in a primus stove which they lit, set him on fire, and when they saw that he was still alive, they beat his intestines with daggers.

There it is
"They considered their relations with their Arab neighbors to be strong, based upon years of friendship and shared experiences"
how could there ever have been "years of friendship and shared experiences" if all along the Arabs were deeply antisemitic, hated Jews? Why would that serene relationship suddenly turn on its head and become mass murder? The answer is obvious, the sentiments arose from outside the region, something alien to it arrived and began to grow and drive a wedge between ordinary Arabs and Jews and it has now infested the entire region.
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There it is

how could there ever have been "years of friendship and shared experiences" if all along the Arabs were deeply antisemitic, hated Jews?...
Because it's about incitement.
No one is born a racist... it's about education.

Why do you think the textbooks and UNRWA teachers is THE problem? It's not a few teachers. It's 110! Teachers of Hate. It's all over that place. The doctrine of "apes and pigs" and adopting Nazi cartoons is strong TODAY.
Because it's about incitement.

Believe whatever you wish, embrace the Jew supremacist narrative and pick and choose the historic events that can be used to supposedly "support" that narrative.

In the pre-state period (1920s-1940s), Zionist paramilitaries like the Irgun, Lehi, Haganah and Palmach engaged in violent campaigns against British authorities, Palestinian Arabs, and internal Jewish dissenters to advance their political goals.

See? Zionist violence even against other Jews was taking place around the region BEFORE the Hebron massacre.

Zionist Political Violence

The contents and proposals of both the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and Paris Peace Conference, 1919, which later concluded with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, were the subject of intensive discussion by both Zionist and Arab delegations, and the process of the negotiations was widely reported in both communities.

In particular, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire led to an undertaking by the victorious powers, predominantly Great Britain and France, to assume a 'holy mission of civilization' in the power vacuum of the Middle East. Under the Balfour Declaration, a homeland for the Jewish people was to be created in Palestine.

The principle of self-determination affirmed by the League of Nations was not to be applied to Palestine, given the foreseeable rejection by the people of Zionism, which the British sponsored. These post-World War I arrangements both for Palestine and other Arab societies led to a 'radicalization' of the Arab world.[6]

Outside forces "...led to a radicalization...". No democracy was allowed in the decision making, the decisions were to be forcibly imposed upon the Arabs by The British who were "sponsoring" Zionism.

The British abandoned democracy because Zionism would be rejected, the vote if there had been one, would have come out "wrong" so instead they just did what they wanted to do. To not expect a negative reaction from Arabs under these circumstances is utter stupidity.
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Believe whatever you wish, embrace the Jew supremacist narrative and pick and choose the historic events that can be used to supposedly "support" that narrative.

See? Zionist violence even against other Jews was taking place around the region BEFORE the Hebron massacre.

Zionist Political Violence

Outside forces "...led to a radicalization...". No democracy was allowed in the decision making, the decisions were to be forcibly imposed by The British who were sponsoring Zionism.
"jew" singular in context you write is typical neo Nazi style.


The whole conflict is rooted in Arab racism / Arab anti-Jewish supremacy. Why do you think the Arab leadership rejected partition in 1947? What was their stated reasoning as outlined by Arab Higher Committe AHC spokesperson Jamal? Quote: a speech given in London and New York in 1947 by Jamal Husseini, representative of the Arab Higher Committee of the Palestine Arabs of the United Nations, and [relative] of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, is significant. Husseini claimed the Arab world's "territorial continuity" served as a "natural bulwark for peace, homogeneity, and race" that a Jewish state in the region would destroy.
Indeed: Two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, rejects any presence that isn't Arab in its neighborhood; the second is Islamic intolerance which leads to same rejection


You speak about pick and choose?
As if you don't know about Arab Zionist collaborations and the 5,000 to 7,0000 moderates which Mufti gang massacred...

Quiz: Who was Ahmad Shukeiri's brother?

(Don't bother with Wikipedia controlled by Arab anti Jewish club at least since around 15 years ago).
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"jew" singular in context you write is typical neo Nazi style.


The whole conflict is rooted in Arab racism / Arab anti-Jewish supremacy. Why do you think the Arab leadership rejected partition in 1947? What was their stated reasoning as outlined by Arab Higher Committe AHC spokesperson Jamal? Quote: a speech given in London and New York in 1947 by Jamal Husseini, representative of the Arab Higher Committee of the Palestine Arabs of the United Nations, and [relative] of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, is significant. Husseini claimed the Arab world's "territorial continuity" served as a "natural bulwark for peace, homogeneity, and race" that a Jewish state in the region would destroy.
Indeed: Two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, rejects any presence that isn't Arab in its neighborhood; the second is Islamic intolerance which leads to same rejection

I've just shown you the proof that the British did not permit a democratic vote on the matter of a new state of "Israel" so that's why the Arabs did not play ball, they objected to outside authorities telling them what to do in their own homeland.

The Arabs most certainly did not reject to the presence of Jews, that is false and I've shown you just some of the reasoning behind that view. They objected to the entire idea of an outside authority insisting that a new Jewish state would be created and imposed upon the Arabs who would be unfortunate enough to find themselves living within the border of said new state.

That is colonialism in a nutshell.
Believe whatever you wish, embrace the Jew supremacist narrative and pick and choose the historic events that can be used to supposedly "support" that narrative.

See? Zionist violence even against other Jews was taking place around the region BEFORE the Hebron massacre.

Zionist Political Violence

Outside forces "...led to a radicalization...". No democracy was allowed in the decision making, the decisions were to be forcibly imposed by The British who were sponsoring Zionism.
I've just shown you the proof that the British did not permit a democratic vote ...
Interpretation afterwards vs what AHC said at the time: pure Arab racism.
So did you find out who his brother was?
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