Germany will accept Ukrainian children for treatment after Muscovite 's terrorist attack on the largest Children's hospital in Kyiv

News from Zelensky's concentration camp:
A Ukrainian boy from Kiev, who filmed a video from the balcony of his house in which we see an American air defense missile hitting a children's hospital, was arrested by the SBU this afternoon
Thanks to this video, the entire propaganda operation of the West has failed.

We look at the photo and look for the answer to the question, "Why are his pants clean with that bloodstain on his back?"
1. he changed his pants so the brown wouldn't show.
2. He took off the corpse's shirt, left his pants on.
3. at the time of the "event" was in the children's hospital without pants.
4. Kiev drama club prepared a pathetic show.
The Russian Defense Ministry does not deny that it attacked dozens of targets on Ukrainian territory, but the Ukrainian air defense system can be blamed for the hit on the hospital. Air defenses shot down 30 of 38 missiles, the Ukrainian air force said.

According to the latest data, two adults were killed as a result of the attack on the Okhmatdet building (which stands for "mother and child protection"), according to Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko. Another 16 people (including seven children) were injured, Klitschko said.

“Numerous published photos and video footage from Kiev clearly confirm the fact of destruction as a result of the fall of a Ukrainian air defense missile launched from an anti-aircraft missile system within the city,” the Defense Ministry said in a statement.
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According to the Ukrainian insider Telegram channel "Legitimate", after the shelling of Kiev, the authorities have sputtered to publish and disperse only the children's clinic "Okhmatdet". The reasons are several:
1. To divert attention from other arrivals, and there are very interesting objects there, and people could
ask the authorities why military facilities are directly adjacent to residential buildings and hospitals.
2. To try to raise the morale of the army and the people on the case of hatred towards the enemy. They say that they hit children purposefully, although everyone knows that it was a downed missile.
3. To distract the masses from the daily lawlessness of the authorities, corruption, tariff increases, price increases, the growing frustration of the masses, etc.
4. To distract from the constant retreat of the AFU.
5. Add another case to justify the rampant Zemobilization.
6. "To hype the media in the Western press before the NATO summit," the Isider lists, noting that Zelensky immediately "seized on this tragedy as a lifeline for himself".
7. They need to lift restrictions on strikes on Russian territory with Western weapons. Stefanchuk said today that they should definitely be lifted after the strike on "Okhmadеt".
About yesterday's clowning and debris removal.


It's been vacant.
To those who are trying to sympathize with the Khokhls.

Today, the Khokhls shelled the territory of a children's polyclinic in the Belgorod region...
Just compare the two missiles in Kiev
The one on the left (one of six) arrives clearly on target at the Artem factory.

The second one (which is claimed to be a Russian X-101) flies towards the children's hospital.

If you can't see the difference between a cruise missile and an air defense missile, you are either blind or Ukrainian.

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