Is this the worst time in history to be a Democrat?

Apparently that will benefit the Dems / Socialists who have ignored immigration laws and allowed Americans to be killed by their imported illegals.
No, it'll benefit Trump who wanted to change the outcome of the election by illegal means. Nothing you said is actually illegal.
Proof for delusional simpletons maybe, but not for normal people.
Replacing a candidate who is demonstrating signs of not being fit for office is not "proof" of anything....except maybe that democracy is working like it is supposed to.
Maybe the Republican Party should try it as well.
Republicans may at times. They are pikers compared to Progs. I am not close minded on social justice. It is the craziness due to agendas running amok. Progs put men wearing dresses in schools reading literature to 6 years old telling them Hamas is oppressed over the destruction of hetero marriages that has occurred over the last half century or so. We must tell simpletons that nations do not last long this way. We have a long way to fall otherwise all of them people coming here is what we would be.
Democrats haven't had it so bad. They've pretty much have been responsible for wreaking havoc ever since GW Bush left office.
Why would I be in panic? What you said isn't even true.
Your defense of corrupt Dems/ Socialists reveals you're in panic mode.

What's not true about Schumer, Pelosi, Obama and the Dems not trying to push out ole' Stumblebum?
Your defense of corrupt Dems/ Socialists reveals you're in panic mode.

What's not true about Schumer, Pelosi, Obama and the Dems not trying to push out ole' Stumblebum?
Your lack of coherent discussion reveals you are a useful idiot. How are they trying to push him out?
It seems you're in panic mode now that Schumer, Pelosi and Obama have decided to cancel your vote for ole' Stumblebum.
O...M...G democracy is UNDER ATTACK!!! The duly elected Dem nominee Joe Biden is fighting off a coup from within the Dem party to disenfranchise millions of Biden voters and replace him with someone NOT democratically elected by the disenfranchised Dem voters. All votes will not count, in fact no votes will count. OH THE HUMANITY of this attack on democracy and the nation.

O...M...G democracy is UNDER ATTACK!!! The duly elected Dem nominee Joe Biden is fighting off a coup from within the Dem party to disenfranchise millions of Biden voters and replace him with someone NOT democratically elected by the disenfranchised Dem voters. All votes will not count, in fact no votes will count. OH THE HUMANITY of this attack on democracy and the nation.

Worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.
The Democrat party, the most racist organization in the history of the United States, is in utter collapse.

For only the second time in our 250+ year history, we're on the verge of a president resigning the office.

It's very likely high-ranking members of the party colluded in an effort to murder their chief opposition.

It's certain the party engaged in lawfare to imprison their chief opposition.

Polling has never been worse.

The party's current leader has one of the lowest approval ratings of any president in history.

The party's second in command has THE worst approval rating of any VP in history.

Once-guaranteed voting blocks are abandoning the party en masse.

Two-thirds of the party believes their current leader is too old and infirm to remain employed.

It's very likely the current winner of the primaries is going to abandon the race, leading to an unprecedented attack on our democracy, wherein party elites rather than voters will nominate the candidate.

Total disaster, and they deserve every bit of it.
Might be. I mean this is the first time in US history that a sitting first term president will decide to not run for re-election after having won the required delegates in the primaries. On top of that, the decision is actually coming down from pretty much all democrats and their donors who want to jump off the Titanic.
Because money coming to the Dem/ Socialist party is drying up, Biden will be subject to dismissal by Pelosi. Schumer and Obama.

Don't lie.
No one can force Biden to step down and release his delegates other than Biden.

How can Pelosi, Schumer and Obama "dismiss" him?
Because money coming to the Dem/ Socialist party is drying up, Biden will be subject to dismissal by Pelosi. Schumer and Obama.

Don't lie.
Working man Joe is such a good candidate he doesn't need donations. He is that good.
There is no decision, but if it does come it will come from Biden.

Don't lie.
Boy are you behind in the news. Even Schumer, Jeffries, and Pelosi are telling him to step down. If it was up to Biden, he would stay in. They are forcing him out. They are literally giving him no option.
Boy are you behind in the news. Even Schumer, Jeffries, and Pelosi are telling him to step down. If it was up to Biden, he would stay in. They are forcing him out. They are literally giving him no option.
What happens if he doesn't step down? Where is the "force"?
Biden’s replacement: Barry Soetoro

Yeah, the 22nd Amendment said only 2 terms but since he’s already ignored the “natural born citizen” requirement, at this point, what difference does it make?!
What happens if he doesn't step down? Where is the "force"?
LOL. He IS going to step down, even though he doesn't want to. That's the point. It's not his choice. I will concede to your point if Biden continues on as the nominee and I would absolutely love to gravel down at your feet for being right. Trump and the Republicans would love it if Biden chooses to stay in the race and I would to. Stay in there Joe! Don't let the bastards win.

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