"article 49 of the fourth geneva convention”.- Israels illegal theft of west bank land and sponsoring of thug settlers is illegal

Doesn't look that way if you are actually paying attention.
ICJ rulings condemning the state, UK resuming UNRWA operations (leaving the US isolated), ICC arrest warrants (pending), a Prime Minister who is acting increasingly frightened, a population protesting daily about hostages not being helped, Yemeni drones bombing Tel-Aviv, Orthodox Jews refusing point blank to participate in war crimes. More and more countries recognizing Palestine.

That's how I'm looking at it.

This is ten minutes, ten minutes to listen to a Jew who survived the Holocaust and rebuilt his life as a Physicist. A Jew who learned how ordinary young German men were converted into haters and how that was the first and necessary step that enabled the Holocaust to take place. Ten minutes, that's all it takes unless your a coward.

"I saw them (Begin, Sharon) as real Nazis. I know the Nazis, don't forget, I grew up in Nazi Germany so I can smell these types of people from very far, even if I don't see them. So I see it from the words they use, I know all this."
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ICJ rulings condemning the state, UK resuming UNRWA operations (leaving the US isolated), ICC arrest warrants (pending), a Prime Minister who is acting increasingly frightened, a population protesting daily about hostages not being helped, Yemeni drones bombing Tel-Aviv, Orthodox Jews refusing point blank to participate in war crimes. More and more countries recognizing Palestine.

That's how I'm looking at it.
The ICJ has no power to do anything, and they are and always have been, an anti-Israel body.
The UK is overrun by muslim immmigrants and also has no power.
The prime Minister being frightened only exists in your imagination.
Yemeni drones are mostly being shot out of the sky.
Orthodox Jews will not participate in wars for any reason.

You are ignoring the point. you stated that Hamas is winning and you deflected.
Hamas is suffering continuous devastating setbacks and cannot survive.

Well we all knew it. How long will the west tolerate these bandits and ttheir theft. It isnt as if they even try and hide it.

Israel puts jewish people at risk. Now and forever. Look at your grandchildren and their children. Executed because of the larceny of these extremists.

Israels illegal theft of west bank land​

Who did they steal Samaria and Judea from? When?
The ICJ has no power to do anything, and they are and always have been, an anti-Israel body.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
The UK is overrun by muslim immmigrants and also has no power.
You must spend a lot of time on extremist websites, I'm from Britain and "overrun" is a ridiculous thing to say.
The prime Minister being frightened only exists in your imagination.
And the Israeli press.
Yemeni drones are mostly being shot out of the sky.
Not last night.
Orthodox Jews will not participate in wars for any reason.
So why piss them off by drafting them?
You are ignoring the point. you stated that Hamas is winning and you deflected.
No I did not state that - show me the post where you read that.
Hamas is suffering continuous devastating setbacks and cannot survive.
How could you ever demonstrate that Hamas are no longer a threat, what would the proof of that look like?
Oh Oh, the tantrums are starting...


They're making a movie, called "Zionism vs The World". The plot revolves around a plan to bomb every country on earth except the United States, this is the goal, the dream, "today Palestine, tomorrow the World!"
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The OP/thread headline is almost as retarded as taint.

He ponders such things as “illegal theft” (as opposed to “legal theft”)?

And then Sherlock Foams chimes in with his usual anti semite drivel.
Oh Oh, the tantrums are starting...

View attachment 980036

They're making a movie, called "Zionism vs The World". The plot revolves around a plan to bomb every country on earth except the United States, this is the goal, the dream, "today Europe, tomorrow the World!"
You will likely find that this forum is Israel right or wrong. Some are paid by Israel and some are just trumpers.. Their support has no basis in decency.
You will likely find that this forum is Israel right or wrong. Some are paid by Israel and some are just trumpers.. Their support has no basis in decency.
Or, more likely, you’re just an anti semitic piece of shit.

Your posts are unrelated to decency.
You will likely find that this forum is Israel right or wrong. Some are paid by Israel and some are just trumpers.. Their support has no basis in decency.
Yes, my recent experiences are bearing that out, but it matters not, Sherlock Holmes knows all the tricks that these dastardly people like to play!
You will likely find that this forum is Israel right or wrong. Some are paid by Israel and some are just trumpers.. Their support has no basis in decency.
Thats me

But since Israel is mostly right I dont have to overlook very much
No no.

You are an anti semite piece of shit.

You might as well admit it. We all see it, anyway.

Yes, my recent experiences are bearing that out, but it matters not, Sherlock Holmes knows all the tricks that these dastardly people like to play!
You have a very familiar odor about you. More like a stench. Sock?

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