Here’s How Long Trumps Insanely Boring Speech Lasted

Good to see Spews edging closer to a real break down .
These Mutants get so hysterical .
Take lots of water , Spews
All his followers wore huge bandages to honor his suffering
BUT..................They're NOT in a cult.


The dumbest of the dumb.
Sorry Republicans but Trump is starting to look foolish with the large gauze bandage on his ear.
How long is he going to milk this?

I have gotten stitches before and they put a large gauze bandage over the wound to handle any seepage.
By the next day you just cover the wound to protect it

But FIVE days?
How stupid does he think we are?

Because they can't stitch his ear and it wasn't cut open by a surgeon, it was ripped in half by a bullet. I had bandages on my wounds for weeks.
Trump reminds me of the guy who was involved in a minor car crash and shows up in court two months later in a wheelchair and neck brace

Who does he think he is fooling?
People starting to leave. Loud chattering on fringes of the arena,” wrote Edward Luce, an associate editor at the Financial Times, who weighed in a little over an hour into Trump’s speech. “Trump is boring the audience.”

Around the same time, The Atlantic’s Tim Alberta wrote that even in the middle of the crowd, people were growing impatient. “I’m standing 10 feet from the stage, in a sea of diehards, and some are getting restless. Checking phones, stealing glances at the teleprompter, whispering about when it will be over,” he posted.

Wajahat Ali, a columnist for The Daily Beast, wrote that there were “a lot of concerned faces in the RNC crowd right now.”

Reads like a lot of sour grapes from a Biden groupie.
But Trumps ear was not ripped in half
We have seen the wound
It is not that bad and is not still bleeding

It blew a hole in his ear. It will need a bandage probably for another week to week and a half, at least.

Meanwhile, Biden has a cold FOR THE 3RD TIME DESPITE BEING VAXXED AND BOOSTED and is now in hiding but lets bitch about how long Trump wears a bandage on an ear shot in half by an AR-15.
It blew a hole in his ear. It will need a bandage probably for another week to week and a half, at least.

Meanwhile, Biden has a cold FOR THE 3RD TIME DESPITE BEING VAXXED AND BOOSTED and is now in hiding but lets bitch about how long Trump wears a bandage on an ear shot in half by an AR-15.

People starting to leave. Loud chattering on fringes of the arena,” wrote Edward Luce, an associate editor at the Financial Times, who weighed in a little over an hour into Trump’s speech. “Trump is boring the audience.”

Around the same time, The Atlantic’s Tim Alberta wrote that even in the middle of the crowd, people were growing impatient. “I’m standing 10 feet from the stage, in a sea of diehards, and some are getting restless. Checking phones, stealing glances at the teleprompter, whispering about when it will be over,” he posted.

Wajahat Ali, a columnist for The Daily Beast, wrote that there were “a lot of concerned faces in the RNC crowd right now.”

If only the Daily Beast had any credibility, then this horseshit might be useful for dems, but no one believes them so it wont. :dunno:

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