Outrage in Wisconsin as trump allows a "darkie" to say a sikh prayer on stage

Hardly a "barrage: and hardly "hate"... merely religious sensitivity amongst a handful of practitioners of do-it-yourself Christianity...

The Guardian is only a notch or two above America's own National Enquirer at its zenith as a supermarket tabloid...

Coming from the same country that once expelled the Jews and shoved religious dogma down its subjects' throats...
I dont think the Guardian ever bought up stories about a politician in oorder to bury them.
what does the "TeNaK" "Talmud" and "Kabbalah" say about
"GOYIM"? What do christian scholars say about people who do
not accept the idea that Jesus is "DIVINE" ? Is the word "jew" ever used as a pejorative amongst christians?
First of all, I'm not a Christian. All Europeans, aren't Christians or religious, many of us are secular. You're going to have to ask Christians those questions. I don't want my tax dollars going to your ZioNazi Jew-State, and Jews shouldn't be in positions of power or influence in Western countries, because your culture is anti-goyim/anti-human.

All Jews who refuse to throw out their Jewish supremacist, misanthropic, xenophobic, religion and culture, should be expelled from the land. People born Jewish who live out their "Jewishness", are a public safety hazard, due to the nature of their religion and culture. A born Jew who rejects Jewishness, I'm willing to embrace them as a human being and member of the community, otherwise LEAVE! Get out! Go to Antarctica with the penguins.

Jews Antarctica.png
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What does that actually mean ? The thread is about a sikh woman reading a sikh prayer and then getting blasted by the republican herd.. There was no need for that in any rational society. Only in racist scum circles..
Who said "darkie"?
That's PROJECTION you stupid fat bastard.
I'm not an egalitarian, and what you're saying about entropy and "the system" is silly. Capitalism, while it is able to exist, should be under the control of the state and should always serve the good of the nation, not a few capitalists. The working class should be protected and taken good care of because it's they who do the work. You're all for dictatorship provided the capitalists are the ones doing all of the dictating, serving their own vested interests at everyone else's expense.

I don't believe in "equalness", but I do believe in everyone being equal before the law, and in the natural phenomenon of human beings earning their place through service to their community (nation). Everyone should have a right to the basics of life to avoid all of the social ills that come with extreme poverty, but as far as social status and merit, that is earned through hard work and service to the nation and community.

Only savages base their behavior on the "natural world" or wildlife. Are you wildlife? Humans naturally have the propensity to cooperate with one another and establish social, tribal structures, where plenty of solidarity, and empathy are expressed.

Entropy is only silly to people who choose to be ignorant of reality. You claim that you don't believe in equal-ness yet you espouse all of the characteristics of egalatarianism. I wonder if you know your own mind on the matter.

We already have a much cooperation as the human society can abide.

So you don't like the results, oh well, that's all the real world works. Life is a violent motion that plays no favorites.

The idea that we have arrived where we are due to something that went wrong is a purely subjective wishfulness that lacks the primary pragmatism of the inevitable.

There's nothing wrong with hope and there's nothing wrong striving to be better. There is something seriously wrong with ignoring reality however.

The systems of the natural world function perfectly without man. In many instances they are demonstrably superior.
Entropy is only silly to people who choose to be ignorant of reality. You claim that you don't believe in equal-ness yet you espouse all of the characteristics of egalatarianism. I wonder if you know your own mind on the matter.

We already have a much cooperation as the human society can abide.

So you don't like the results, oh well, that's all the real world works. Life is a violent motion that plays no favorites.

The idea that we have arrived where we are due to something that went wrong is a purely subjective wishfulness that lacks the primary pragmatism of the inevitable.

There's nothing wrong with hope and there's nothing wrong striving to be better. There is something seriously wrong with ignoring reality however.

The systems of the natural world function perfectly without man. In many instances they are demonstrably superior.
If it were left to you, we would still have black slaves. If you want to emulate wild animals and limit yourself to what you see them doing, go right ahead. In reality, some phenomena emerge from complexity. The more complex or evolved an animal is the more it can do, including establishing a civil society where people are equal before the law and aren't abusing and exploiting each other. Your profile picture fits you well, you're a Neanderthal, and you want to remain in the cave, with your spear and club. You do that. Good luck caveman.
If it were left to you, we would still have black slaves. If you want to emulate wild animals and limit yourself to what you see them doing, go right ahead. In reality, some phenomena emerge from complexity. The more complex or evolved an animal is the more it can do, including establishing a civil society where people are equal before the law and aren't abusing and exploiting each other. Your profile picture fits you well, you're a Neanderthal, and you want to remain in the cave, with your spear and club. You do that. Good luck caveman.
Not sure if you noticed but we don't have black slaves anymore. It wasn't my decision or lack of decision that caused this to be so.

See this is the point that you keep missing. Life pulses ahead and carves out a profile based on all the various inputs existing in our society. It's pretty hard to predict how they will interact with each other. Certainly there are preferred standards and concepts of morality and decency. Elements that we catagorize as evil and undesirable are also pretty easy to identify.

Nothing of any major importance has ever been up to me or up to you. It's not about decisions that I make or that you make, It's about recognizing both the potential as well as the limits of humanity and doing our very best to work within those parameters, hopefully for the betterment but that's not always how it works out.
They probably don't need them because many services are free like healthcare and education.
Free services tend to be the most expensive ones. Health care for profit however is also abominable. Unfortunately profit is the thing that makes most of these things available. It would be nice if a hospital could simply just grow up out of the ground like a plant.... Maybe we'll get there someday But it hasn't happened yet.
Who said "darkie"?
That's PROJECTION you stupid fat bastard.
Oh dear.
Satire is the art of making someone or something look ridiculous, raising laughter in order to embarrass, humble, or discredit its targets.

I chose that word to satirise prevailing attitudes in the GOP. It has upset you and a few other actual racists because it has shined a light into an area that you do not want to be shown. At least until after the election.

Satire is a humorous tool that educated people use to make serious political points. Swift was one of the earlier satirists and he caused outrage with his book A Modest Proposal which advocated for poor people selling their children to the elites so that they could be eaten. It was on the nail.

The GOP have not adopted that yet but it wont be a long time. Satire is popular amongst educated people and other people of sense. It isnt meant for you or other members of the maga tribe.. It is meant to mock the likes of you. Because you are stupid and hateful.

The best proponent of satire on here was Biff Poindexter. He, or she,made me laugh every time he posted and I am sorry he is no longer on here.
Free services tend to be the most expensive ones. Health care for profit however is also abominable. Unfortunately profit is the thing that makes most of these things available. It would be nice if a hospital could simply just grow up out of the ground like a plant.... Maybe we'll get there someday But it hasn't happened yet.
It will never happen. The UK had a thousand years to evolve a proper health service and it never happened.
On the day the NHS opened 100k people turned up eith hernias. They could not afford the operation before the NHS.

nb - I cant find the link for the 100k but it was around that.
Not sure if you noticed but we don't have black slaves anymore. It wasn't my decision or lack of decision that caused this to be so.

See this is the point that you keep missing. Life pulses ahead and carves out a profile based on all the various inputs existing in our society. It's pretty hard to predict how they will interact with each other. Certainly there are preferred standards and concepts of morality and decency. Elements that we catagorize as evil and undesirable are also pretty easy to identify.

Nothing of any major importance has ever been up to me or up to you. It's not about decisions that I make or that you make, It's about recognizing both the potential as well as the limits of humanity and doing our very best to work within those parameters, hopefully for the betterment but that's not always how it works out.
What a meaningless word salad. If we all thought like you, appealing to the natural world to justify whatever exploitation and abuse we commit, slavery would still be legal and women, over 50% of the population, wouldn't be able to vote. In this country, for the first 100 years, only white wealthy males were allowed to vote. We would still have Jim Crow laws in the South if left to your mindset.
What a meaningless word salad. If we all thought like you, appealing to the natural world to justify whatever exploitation and abuse we commit, slavery would still be legal and women, over 50% of the population, wouldn't be able to vote. In this country, for the first 100 years, only white wealthy males were allowed to vote. We would still have Jim Crow laws in the South if left to your mindset.

And yet none of that remained the same. Why do you suppose that is?
And yet none of that remained the same. Why do you suppose that is?
We must evolve and improve, reform ourselves as a species. Become more civil, and realize that on this little speck of dust floating in the dark vacuum of space, all we have is each other. We are human beings, and we should value and cooperate, to improve our lives. The last thing we should be doing is killing, exploiting, and abusing each other. At the end of the day, the truth is that we're on this sinking ship together so we should do everything we can to make things better for everyone, not just a small group of elitists.

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