Is this the worst time in history to be a Democrat?

Mandating that you inject an experimental drug into your body or you lose your job.

Fascism: authoritarian political ideology, Check
characterized by a dictatorial leader, Check
centralized autocracy, Check
forcible suppression of opposition, Check
belief in a natural social hierarchy, Check
subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, Check
and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Check

Any words here you are having trouble with?
Your list is getting closer to accurate.

But it is fundamentally premised on ultranationalism. I notice you avoided that topic.

It is insular. It is protectionist. It is militaristic.

It has contempt for democracy and liberalism.

It forms an "in group" whose interests are promoted above those of the "out groups".

Which has nothing to do with vaccine requirements.
I work on Federal contracts for the U.S. Department of Energy. I had to offer my letter of resignation, because I was not vaccinated thanks to Joe Biden. I got some real pissed off Fed Employees mad at me because my role is important. Thankfully, a constitutional judge shot down Joe Biden / Democrats authoritarian order and I was able to stay on, but I learned which people and projects I will no longer work for after we complete this cycle. Fuck them.
His original mandate would have forced over 80 million to take the shot.
The Democrat party, the most racist organization in the history of the United States, is in utter collapse.

For only the second time in our 250+ year history, we're on the verge of a president resigning the office.

It's very likely high-ranking members of the party colluded in an effort to murder their chief opposition.

It's certain the party engaged in lawfare to imprison their chief opposition.

Polling has never been worse.

The party's current leader has one of the lowest approval ratings of any president in history.

The party's second in command has THE worst approval rating of any VP in history.

Once-guaranteed voting blocks are abandoning the party en masse.

Two-thirds of the party believes their current leader is too old and infirm to remain employed.

It's very likely the current winner of the primaries is going to abandon the race, leading to an unprecedented attack on our democracy, wherein party elites rather than voters will nominate the candidate.

Total disaster, and they deserve every bit of it.
It was pretty bad for them after the gop freed their slaves
No it's not.

The mood at the DNC right now is very reminiscent of the mood in a particular bunker under Berlin in April of 1945.

You guys have been drinking too much of your own cult Kool-aid.
Unfortunately for convicted felon Trump even dementia Joe is not polling as far behind him as you would think.
Joe is most likely going to pass the torch to Harris though....who even now polls pretty much even with convicted felon Trump in a hypothetical matchup.
And that's even BEFORE she picks a running mate and starts her own campaign!
Also before the mini-trial begins in Chutkan's courtroom for convicted felon Trump's attempted coup. Also before his sentencing in September on his 34 felonies.
Harris/Newsom are going to blow Trump and the hillbilly out of the water!
Convicted felon Trump couldn't keep his eyes open for his own felony trial.
He even fell asleep last night at his own national convention.
He's as old and senile as Biden.
Voters are ready for a new, FRESH ticket.
Harris Newsom 2024!

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