Hulk Hogan At The MAGA RNC Is The Best Thing EVER

Yes, that would be my argument, Woody.


I too would like to find remedies for our bloated, corrupt government, but do we not get the government we deserve? Our lack of self awareness is the Catch-22? :dunno:
My grandfather was political. Held local offices, lived politics.
He used to say "we need to get rid of our federal government intrusion in our lives, but we would have to get a committee together to get it done. If we do that we got a bigger monster than we have now. ". Then he always added "we just need to hang half of 'em".
Of course he never actually intended to hang anyone.
Anyway, that's the problem with a big government, if you want to get rid of it you need something bigger to achieve that.
I have read that throughout history, citizens have always had the same big bloated government complaint
My grandfather was political. Held local offices, lived politics.
He used to say "we need to get rid of our federal government intrusion in our lives, but we would have to get a committee together to get it done. If we do that we got a bigger monster than we have now. ". Then he always added "we just need to hang half of 'em".
Of course he never actually intended to hang anyone.
Anyway, that's the problem with a big government, if you want to get rid of it you need something bigger to achieve that.
I have read that throughout history, citizens have always had the same big bloated government complaint
Sure. Just like anyone else, I rail about political stuff I have absolutely no control over. :dunno: Human nature, I suppose. But I try to not to obsess about them, because I find it a pointless exercise in futility. Unfortunately, I believe the cancer of social media has turned it all up to 11. We're so caught up in the division we're totally losing the plot on our priorities. I believe neither presidential candidate will enact change to this in any meaningful way.

PS: My grandmother was a local politician.
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Sure. Just like anyone else, I rail about political stuff I have absolutely no control over. :dunno: Human nature, I suppose. But I try to not to obsess about them, because I find it a pointless exercise in futility. Unfortunately, I believe the cancer of social media has turned it all up to 11. We're so caught up in the division we're totally losing the plot on our priorities. I believe neither presidential candidate will enact change to this in any meaningful way.
Maybe, maybe not. You pulls the lever and takes your chances.
Pretty much how it's always been. Still better than every other country I have visited.
I'm not shitting on the country. It's the greatest country in the world. The politics, not so much.
That is a given. The politics are a bit much at times.
In one Mideast country I worked in, during an election, what we call a drive y happened, several wounded and killed.
In Mexico, where I visit a few times a year, politicians and even office holders are killed and beheaded on a n almost regular basis.
I was in Brazil four years ago, and I couldn't get to the airport until the hotel got us guards to ride on the bus with us. It was not a pleasant trip to the airport and we got busses right up to the plane. When we got in the air it looked like the place was a fire.
I can go on. Point is, we are lucky and blessed with what we have. I still bitch about it, and encourage others to bitch as well. I even bought a place in Uruguay if I have to go. I can go to Israel. But I don't want to, I love it here. Doesn't mean I won't bitch though. You should too.
That is a given. The politics are a bit much at times.
In one Mideast country I worked in, during an election, what we call a drive y happened, several wounded and killed.
In Mexico, where I visit a few times a year, politicians and even office holders are killed and beheaded on a n almost regular basis.
I was in Brazil four years ago, and I couldn't get to the airport until the hotel got us guards to ride on the bus with us. It was not a pleasant trip to the airport and we got busses right up to the plane. When we got in the air it looked like the place was a fire.
I can go on. Point is, we are lucky and blessed with what we have. I still bitch about it, and encourage others to bitch as well. I even bought a place in Uruguay if I have to go. I can go to Israel. But I don't want to, I love it here. Doesn't mean I won't bitch though. You should too.
Oh I do. I'm also fairly well traveled and I have seen enough shit outside the bosom of these states to last four lifetimes. Some good, some terrible. But I'm never going to see isolationism as any practical solution to our problems either.
The limp-wristed self-proclaimed "intellectual" morons - also known as the Woke Left - will decry this as hard evidence of the debased state of the Republican party.

I'm sorry.

Did the Hulk participate in a "mostly peaceful" protest, firebombing federal courthouses and police precincts?

Did he brainwash children into cutting off their genitals while plotting to hide it from their parents?

Did he invite tens of millions of deranged criminal psychopaths to cross our unprotected border?


He simply had the temerity to tear off his leotard, and proclaim allegiance to the man taking the Nation by storm - bigly.

I remember growing up as a conservative Democrat in central FL, when everyone both voted for Clinton and loved this shit.

Those days are gone.

But don't worry Lefties: Surely Kamala will bring back the fun and spontaneity.

Hoo boy are you in trouble. :)

Sure, toots. Some old has-been ex wrestler and the orange felon has us quaking. Sweet dreams. :itsok:
Sure, toots. Some old has-been ex wrestler and the orange felon has us quaking. Sweet dreams. :itsok:

You don't even have a nominee.

Oh please. I lived through the orange administration, COVID (up close) and 3 1/2 years of aftermath with the mediocre Brandon administration, just like you. Our only difference is personal experience. I'm just not obsessed with 99% of the shit both tribes are obsessed about. :dunno:

Everybody's an entitled snowflake these days. The cancer of social media has lulled the US into thinking garbage like 'everybody's voice matters'.

I'm a monster because I don't believe that's not the case anymore. Individuals don't have a right to be entitled dicks on private property. The owner is not obligated to have to listen to what entitled dicks have to say and can 86 them immediately. Both parties whine about this constantly, and I have no fucks to give them. :dunno:
you're a leftist .

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