when India was ruled by Moslems ….

How was the fate of the Hindus then?

Hindus and Muslims been killing each other for a long time. Still go at it hammer and tongs regularly today.
They don't even unite over killing Christians....that's some real hate they got going on.

The Britishers created Pock e Stan

The Mughals created most of the masterpieces of India. As did the Moors in Spain. They treated the christian population very well, The current hindu nationalism is dustasteful to many hindus.. At least the ones that I know.
Hindustan before English (in one picture )


the founder of the Mughal Empire was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT :

Babur about INDIA (Hindustan) : “Hindustan is a place of little charm. There is no beauty in its people, no graceful social intercourse, no poetic talent or understanding, no etiquette, nobility or MANLINESS. The ARTS and crafts have no harmony or symmetry. There are no good horses, meat, grapes, melons or other fruit. There is no ice, cold water, good food or bread in the markets. There are no baths and no schools. There are no candles, torches or even candlesticks.”

whats most bizarre here, that Hindustan folk always complain about English 18-19c. colonialism , meanwhile they are financing the genocidal Mongol - Muscovite genocidal , colonial wars TODAY !

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