Trump selects JD Vance for VP

As I like to hear from the horses mouth myself, I took the liberty of listening to many of Vances actions in Senate.

He is intelligent and clearly able to discuss in granular, important detail, even with those in positions of knowledge; critical policies federally (as in banking) and internationally (as in the Russian sanctions) and even the homeless issue. He was less interested in scoring a happy sticker but more interested in trying to understand issues. At least up this point.

As such, Trump should tell Vance to tone down the political-talk in public, so DON'T try to be like Trump or any other career politicians. DON'T push buzzwords or too much vitriol. He should allow him to work from a position of strength. Promote this man as a guy who can craft policies and common sense actions to assist those most hurt by the current border and inflation. A military man who worked hard and who gets the concept of living through difficult circumstances. He can talk about the fact he trained with men of all races and religions, all who would rely on each other if sent to war.

He should push him as a guy who came from poverty who understands what so many Americans are going through.

I can tell you as someone born and raised poor, there isn't one person who hasn't lived in poverty themselves who can understand this. I don't care their race, gender or otherwise. My libertarian views are based on this poverty and my drive to succeed, for which the expansive state impeded and destroyed, rather than harnessed and leveraged for national benefit.

He was born poor. He understands what it is like to be poor. He understands the failures of virtue signal government initiatives that hurt rather than help the poor.

This should be his angle. "A person of substance who will help Trump get the economy moving again. Helping the most vulnerable, not with plastic policies but with genuine efforts to help them improve their opportunities for them and their families. His short term career is a boon rather than one with a 30 or 40 year career in government who is removed from the plight of the average American".
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JD once called the Orange Menace “cultural heroin” and said he feared he could be “America’s Hitler.” He was absolutely right.

Then came the realization Trump had completely co-opted the party. With it, the realization if Vance wanted a future in the POT he would have to lick Don's a-hole clean on request.

Ultimately, he would go so far as to say if he were in Pence's position on Jan. 6 he would have acquiesced to the illegal plot to steal the election. That's when Individual 1 knew he had found his VP sock puppet.
He is a piece of shit. I dare his ass to come to Appalachia, he will get his ass kicked like he did in his godforsaken self-glorifying movie.
Appalachian values my damn ass. One of those core values is, you get what you earn. You don't kiss ass, you don't wallow in self-pity.
He is a piece of shit. I dare his ass to come to Appalachia, he will get his ass kicked like he did in his godforsaken self-glorifying movie.
Appalachian values my damn ass. One of those core values is, you get what you earn. You don't kiss ass, you don't wallow in self-pity.
Appalachia was Dixiecrat Kluxer Country so he does not represent that Group
Kamala will have such an unfair advantage in their debate. :(

I mean she has been the border czar for 4 years, how can Vance hope to counter that vast experience?

Vance will simply be awed by her bonafides.

Indeed, I’m afraid Vance will be immediately star struck and rendered totally mute if she pulls out the “what can be, unburdened by what has been” line. ;)

I’m a bit surprised, but not shocked. I thought he would select Nikki Haley
Women don't do well in US politics as a rule

Look at what they did to Sarah Palin, probably received more abuse from the Left than Trump.

Then Hillary lost to Obama.

And now Harris, that polls lower than pretty much everything in the universe.
Appalachia was Dixiecrat Kluxer Country so he does not represent that Group
And that is just it. He fucking insults me. I believe what you are referencing is the Klu Klux Klan, and I won't argue with that. If anything, I hail from one of the strongest Klan activity areas in the country, outside of Illinois. Not proud of it, dealt with them SOB's on the front porch of my Dad's house. Too bad the cowards were afraid of my dog.
Vance is a smart mofo. No doubt, but he has been playing the pity card his entire damn life, that is not Appalachian values.
I was really hoping against Scott. He is just too nice a guy to continue being destroyed by democrats like he was in his brief run for president.

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