Trump Set To Announce VP In Next 2 Hours, JD Vance Spotted Leaving His Home In Motorcade

It looks like Trump may go FULL MAGA and crown JD as his #2.

Fingers crossed.

Whoever it is, will of course have our support I am sure.

As long as it's not Nikki Haley. ;)

full "vice president apprentice."will trump give him a rose? or a noose?
Demoquacks are probably already thinking up some smear on Vance. Likely something along the lines of that Kavanaugh BS or some mystery woman will claim he sexually harassed her years ago...but she told a friend lol
Look, I am no fan of Harris so that is not going to get you anywhere. If Biden has any hope of victory, it is giving Harris Trump's favorite two words during the Democratic convention, "You're Fired". She has absolutely zero leadership skills and is in no way qualified to be president.
Which, the cynic in me says is precisely why Biden picked her - insurance purposes.
The point is that JD is bought and bossed and will hitch his wagon to any passing horse. It absolutely insults me that JD claims Appalachian values, coming from someone that was actually raised, and lives by those values. He is a poser, he is fake, a mere puppet for the real "deep state". I mean I am starting to believe this entire episode is nothing by theater.
What national politician do you think is not a poser? Of course it's theater, who told you it wasn't?
It's more a question of what choice would make Trump palatable to more voters. JD is the opposite.

Sorry to break it to you, but Trump already has the election wrapped up. It's his to lose.
Let's put it this way: Trump is now the wounded soldier that has suddenly found the god. Have pity on his ear if nothing else.
The thing is with JD is that he's contrary to the momentum Trump is creating with the Dems and both parties' cause (faked) of bringing the country together. JD just becomes another slap in the Dems' faces.
That's up to them though isn't it? JD would not be my first choice because he is quite a bit more authoritarian than I like when it comes to the federal government and I think he's too young to have the life experience necessary to establish the best priorities. (I had the same concerns about DeSantis.) But with four years of training under Trump, things could be very different. JD is extremely intelligent graduating Magna Cum Laude from Ohio State and receiving a Juris Doctorate from Yale. He is also a marine veteran though he was a journalist and not a combat soldier. I will support the choice whoever it is because I do trust Trump to choose someone suitable.

My personal first choice would be Tim Scott, squeaky clean, has real life experience in the business, seems to have his priorities quite straight, and sufficient life experience to fully understand how the world works. But the conventional wisdom seems to be that it won't be him.
Demoquacks are probably already thinking up some smear on Vance. Likely something along the lines of that Kavanaugh BS or some mystery woman will claim he sexually harassed her years ago...but she told a friend lol
Well who could Trump choose that wouldn't cause the Dems to smear?
Which, the cynic in me says is precisely why Biden picked her - insurance purposes.

What national politician do you think is not a poser? Of course it's theater, who told you it wasn't?
Right off the bat, I would go with Roy Cooper, my governor. From the past, Terry Sanford, a former senator from North Carolina. Both came from academia. On the other end of the political spectrum, Jesse Helms, another North Carolina senator. Those men are, and were, genuine.
It looks like Trump may go FULL MAGA and crown JD as his #2.

Fingers crossed.

Oh look, he is going to choose another white dude....


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