Why did Crooks shoot Trump?

They still haven't mentioned whether Crooks left any sort of "manifesto" or something explaining his motive to assassinate Trump. But it does seem that Crooks wasn't very popular with the ladies.

Perhaps he is an Incel. After all, Trump is a ladies man who beds beautiful women at will. They just throw pussy at him. Trump is the archetypical "Chad" that Incels hate and despise so much out of extreme jealousy.
Initial reaction seemed to be a radical leftist who was persuaded by liberal propaganda that Trump was a threat to the country who needed to be stopped.

So far there is no link of Crooks to annt-Trump websites, no political social media presence.

What we are seeing is the typical shooter profile.
Young, white male, social outcast, picked on in High School, obsessed with firearms.

Was Trump shot for political reasons or because he was a high profile target for a gun fetishist looking to go out in a blast of glory?
Keep asking questions. Caution, make no conclusions at all.

Crooks did not donate to help Trump. Crooks donated to Biden's cause.
Holy shit !! What??? You need an example??? Read your own bullshit. Inflammatory and divisive rhetoric leads to violence. Here your making this into a left wight hit job when there is not evidence to support that claim. Yet one of you unstable MAGA nuts might act on it violently .If you are not bright enough to understand....not my problem
^^ just as I suspected, you can’t provide one example.

You still are TheRegressiveTraitor we’ve known you as for many years now.
Keep asking questions. Caution, make no conclusions at all.

Crooks did not donate to help Trump. Crooks donated to Biden's cause.
He then registered to vote Republican

I think he didn’t give a shit about politics
I did provide an example. Again, If you are not bright enough to understand....not my problem
Ohhh. I have to “prove” to you that the shooter who donated to ActBlue, is the son of a shrink and a social worker, who methodically planned out and carried out an assassination attempt against Donald Trump, was a leftwinger?

By the way, how is assuming he is a leftwinger inciting hatred?
Ohhh. I have to “prove” to you that the shooter who donated to ActBlue, is the son of a shrink and a social worker, who methodically planned out and carried out an assassination attempt against Donald Trump, was a leftwinger?
Yes actually you do. You also have to prove, regardless of what he was, that the motive was politics.
Come on. I am not claiming women fucked this up. He is. So I challenged him to show that the planning was done by all women. Not my argument. I am the one needing convincing.

How many people devise the plan? I have no idea. If it's 20 then the chances that it's 20 women is really really low. If it's one person then the chances its a woman are reasonable I would think. The DEI accusation is based on the Director of SS which has been an accusation that's existed long before this incident, and when you say that you are prioritizing diversity in hiring and then something like this happens you have invited the criticism. It's why hiring for any reason other than merit is a bad idea. Like I've sadi before there's oddly no call for diversity in careers like roofer, bricklayer of oil rig roughneck. Wonder why.
Meanwhile the left continue to show their true colors:


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