Why did Crooks shoot Trump?

Trump has not been denied Secret Service protection.
Explain to me how white men bitch about DEI when a kinds of unqualified white men have been put into high positions?

That includes Trump who was unqualified to be president, yet he was elected. Same with GW Bush.
Tell me why Trump was unqualified......hate to break it to you,dude..... you're qualified.
There obviously were not enough competent SS agents at the trump rally
I would blame whoever was in charge of the advance team who set up the security. The agents on the ground executing that plan aren't the same people who make the plan I dont imagine. Also it wouldn't have been a SS agent securing a roof outside the security perimeter. Why there wasn't a LEO on that roof is a good question though.
Donating a small amount of money to a liberal group makes him a "left wing lunatic"?? That is over the top stupid even by your standards. All indications are that he was a troubled and confused kid looking to make a name for himself; He may well have taken a shot at Biden if given the chance. He likely was entertaining a murder-suicide fantasy and expected to die as evidenced by the fact that he was not carrying and ID
No but shooting bullets at Donald Trump does.
I would blame whoever was in charge of the advance team who set up the security. The agents on the ground executing that plan aren't the same people who make the plan I dont imagine. Also it wouldn't have been a SS agent securing a roof outside the security perimeter. Why there wasn't a LEO on that roof is a good question though.
A rooftop 150 yards away with a clear view of the stage should not be considered outside the security perimeter
I never said trump was denied any protection

Now you deny that trump failed to receive adequate protection

Somebody fucked up Bigly

There is no proof DEI contributed to it
No proof Trump was denied protection
No proof the left was involved
Somebody fucked up Bigly

There is no proof DEI contributed to it
No proof Trump was denied protection
No proof the left was involved
The proof is on the picture of the bullet whizzing past trump’s ear

This is the worst security fail since Dallas in 1963
Initial reaction seemed to be a radical leftist who was persuaded by liberal propaganda that Trump was a threat to the country who needed to be stopped.

So far there is no link of Crooks to annt-Trump websites, no political social media presence.

What we are seeing is the typical shooter profile.
Young, white male, social outcast, picked on in High School, obsessed with firearms.

Was Trump shot for political reasons or because he was a high profile target for a gun fetishist looking to go out in a blast of glory?
We cant trust the biden administration to investigate itself

This calls for a special procecutor

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