What is a climate scientist?

Crick supplies the list a few posts up.

The one where she includes glaciologists? ... in one respect ... all occupations involve weather ... police, filing clerk, sociologists ...

You asked what a climatologist is ... the answer is someone with a college degree majoring in climatology ... from an accredited university ... and this is a sub-discipline of the broader field of Atmospheric Science (or Meteorology) ...

We once though meteors caused weather, back in the alchemy days ... some in the field wish to depreciate that term in favor of the more (politically) correct Atmospheric Science ...
1) The earths climate is complex

The math:


Why we like to use the stress tensor instead ...
The one where she includes glaciologists? ... in one respect ... all occupations involve weather ... police, filing clerk, sociologists ...

You asked what a climatologist is ... the answer is someone with a college degree majoring in climatology ... from an accredited university ... and this is a sub-discipline of the broader field of Atmospheric Science (or Meteorology) ...

We once though meteors caused weather, back in the alchemy days ... some in the field wish to depreciate that term in favor of the more (politically) correct Atmospheric Science ...
There are a number of other degrees that are qualified to study aspects of climatology: physics, chemistry, mathematics, meteorology or even economics.
Every branch of science has many routes you can go down and specialise in. Geology is the study of the earth's topography, yet you can choose to specialise in different areas.

Pardon the pun, what on earth is a climate scientist? Are they a scientist in meteorology, plate tectonics, erosion, volcanoes, corals, fossils, astrology, earthquakes etc.. do they encompass all routes? That is some feat that probably Albert Einstein couldn't achieve.

So what on earth is a climate scientist when someone says, "All climate scientists.................................."

Like psychology where you can be a marriage guidance councillor, criminal psychologist, child psychologist and so on and so on, as opposed to encompassing and knowing everything psychology.


"Climate Scientist" - a left wing activist pretending to practice science but instead fudges data, lies, and bilks the taxpayer, as well as misdiagnoses forest fires and cheers them. Wants to exterminate farm animals and anyone ideologically to the right of homO.

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