project 2025

Debunking Each Claim​

End no-fault divorce​

  • Accuracy: This claim is not directly supported by Project 2025 documentation. Conservative platforms have debated family structure, but there is no explicit policy proposal from Project 2025 to end no-fault divorce.
  • Source: Heritage Foundation Project 2025 Overview

Complete ban on abortions without exceptions​

  • Accuracy: Project 2025 does advocate for pro-life policies, but the specific call for a complete ban on abortions without exceptions is not documented in the project materials.
  • Source: Heritage Foundation Project 2025 Overview

Ban contraceptives​

  • Accuracy: There is no evidence that Project 2025 includes a policy to ban contraceptives. Conservative platforms typically focus on restricting abortion rather than contraceptives.
  • Source: Heritage Foundation Project 2025 Overview

Additional tax breaks for corporations and the 1%​

  • Accuracy: Project 2025 does advocate for tax reforms that could benefit corporations and high-income individuals, but it emphasizes overall economic growth and simplification of the tax code.
  • Source: Mandate for Leadership

Higher taxes for the working class​

  • Accuracy: This claim is misleading. Project 2025 focuses on tax cuts and reforms across the board, not specifically raising taxes on the working class.
  • Source: Mandate for Leadership

Elimination of unions and worker protections​

  • Accuracy: While the project advocates for reducing regulations that could affect unions, there is no explicit call to eliminate unions entirely.
  • Source: Heritage Foundation Labor Policy

Raise the retirement age​

  • Accuracy: This claim is not directly supported by Project 2025 documentation. However, discussions about entitlement reforms often include raising the retirement age.
  • Source: Mandate for Leadership

Cut Social Security​

Cut Medicare​

End the Affordable Care Act​

Raise prescription drug prices​

  • Accuracy: There is no specific policy in Project 2025 to raise prescription drug prices. The project advocates for market-based solutions to healthcare.
  • Source: Heritage Foundation Health Care Policy

Eliminate the Department of Education​

  • Accuracy: Project 2025 does propose significant reductions in the role of the Department of Education, favoring local and state control over education.
  • Source: Heritage Foundation Education Policy

Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools​

Teach Christian religious beliefs in public schools​

End free and discounted school lunch programs​

  • Accuracy: This claim is not supported by Project 2025 documentation. The project focuses on broader education reforms rather than specific programs like school lunches.
  • Source: Heritage Foundation Education Policy

End civil rights & DEI protections in government​

  • Accuracy: Project 2025 calls for changes to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, but not an outright end to civil rights protections.
  • Source: Heritage Foundation Civil Rights Policy

Ban African American and gender studies in all levels of education​

Ban books and curriculum about slavery​

  • Accuracy: There is no policy in Project 2025 to ban books or curriculum about slavery. It advocates for educational content that aligns with certain historical perspectives.
  • Source: Heritage Foundation Education Policy

Ending climate protections​

  • Accuracy: Project 2025 advocates for reducing regulations and promoting energy independence, which could impact climate protections.
  • Source: Heritage Foundation Energy Policy

Increase Arctic drilling​

Deregulate big business and the oil industry​

Promote and expedite capital punishment​

End marriage equality​

Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”​

Defund the FBI and Homeland Security​

Use the military to break up domestic protests​

Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in “camps”​

  • Accuracy: The project calls for stricter immigration enforcement but does not explicitly advocate for mass deportation and incarceration in camps.
  • Source: Heritage Foundation Immigration Policy

End birthright citizenship​

Ban Muslims from entering the country​

Eliminates federal agencies like the FDA, EPA, NOAA, and more​

If democrats didn't lie they would have nothing to say.
Read the platform for the Democratic Socialists of America, those are the hard lefties in the Dem party.

Well, you see:
  1. Most democrats are not on the evening news saying they are a member of the DSA.
  2. I've not seen any democrats espousing what is on the DSA website.
  3. You have to know about and go to the DSA website to find that stuff. My point is that major figures of the GOP are regularly on Fox, major media channels saying "This is who we are, this is our plans" in detail. And those really are their plans, whereas, little if any of what Obumma or Biden did in office was ever mentioned much less detailed in their campaigns.
Well, you see:
  1. Most democrats are not on the evening news saying they are a member of the DSA.
  2. I've not seen any democrats espousing what is on the DSA website.
  3. You have to know about and go to the DSA website to find that stuff. My point is that major figures of the GOP are regularly on Fox, major media channels saying "Thids is who we are, this is our plans" in detail. And those really are their plans, whereas, little if any of what Obumma or Biden did in office was ever mentioned much less detailed in their campaigns.

1. There are plenty of Democrats that are part of the DSA, including AOC.
2. See response 1.
3. Where are these people saying that? From what I've seen it's all Dems talking about it, not Republicans.
4. The Heritage foundation isn't a party, it's an interest group.
1. There are plenty of Democrats that are part of the DSA, including AOC.

Do you think the average voter knows that? I've never heard her talk about it.
The average voter has no idea what the DSA is all about because it isn't covered in the news.
Yet here are the GOP making a big deal out of Project 2025 all over the news. Meantime Trump claims he personally got rid of RvW, which is not true.
Well, you see:
  1. Most democrats are not on the evening news saying they are a member of the DSA.
  2. I've not seen any democrats espousing what is on the DSA website.
  3. You have to know about and go to the DSA website to find that stuff. My point is that major figures of the GOP are regularly on Fox, major media channels saying "This is who we are, this is our plans" in detail.
You've seen GOP leaders on Fox promoting Project 2025? Like who?
  1. And those really are their plans, whereas, little if any of what Obumma or Biden did in office was ever mentioned much less detailed in their campaigns.
True, the ran as moderates and governed like far left loons.
Do you think the average voter knows that? I've never heard her talk about it.
The average voter has no idea what the DSA is all about because it isn't covered in the news.
Yet here are the GOP making a big deal out of Project 2025 all over the news. Meantime Trump claims he personally got rid of RvW, which is not true.

Again, is the GOP making a big deal of it or are the Dems?

Trump made it possible. And getting rid of Chevron. And getting Bruen.
Both. Meanwhile, are the GOP making a big deal out of the DSA?

Only by nominating three fairly constitutional conservatives to the bench (which any president should do). He could not predict the RvW issue would come up and would be resolved this way.

They should.

That has been in the pipeline for years now, we knew it would come up somewhere near his term.

Should we stop groups like the Heritage foundation from releasing things like this?
  1. You have to know about and go to the DSA website to find that stuff. My point is that major figures of the GOP are regularly on Fox, major media channels saying "This is who we are, this is our plans" in detail. And those really are their plans, whereas, little if any of what Obumma or Biden did in office was ever mentioned much less detailed in their campaigns.
Uh-huh....And they've been saying those things since at least Nixon....What have they ACCOMPLISHED?
It's the unwritten parts that should scare people. I hate to be the one "leaking" this, but just can't help myself.
2025 unwritten goals:
U1) all registered democratic voters to be rounded up for reeducation and tattooing a big "L" on the left side of the forehead.
U2) All females will be required to raise the children that otherwise would have been aborted, since abortion will be illegal. Make it fashionable to call every female "mom".
U3) All celebrity persons and production companies, including writers, will be placed immediately into reeducation camps. Those that can't be reeducated will never be set free.
U4) News organizations will operate at the pleasure of the Republican president. Those that displease the president will be required to be a bad guy in a western starring Alec Baldwin.
U5) Doctors who lie to the public will be forced to undergo shock treatment and lobotomy.
U6) Nobody will be allowed to disagree with Ozro, Ozro shall be venerated by everyone at all times and recognized as the supreme authority on every subject.

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