Look at what the Left Fears:

White people are having less kids because of extreme feminism. This is not rocket science. Wait. DEI has made the Space Launch System a Four billion dollars a launch royalty only invited snob fest.
Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

White people are having less kids because they are self-indulgent. Not because of feminism, environmentalism or any other scary thing hiding in your closet.
AntiTrumpistan fears nothing.


Zelensky's term expired May 20th. Parliamentary elections should have been held October 2023, Presidential ones March 2024.

He's hiding behind the Martial law provisions of the Ukrainian Constitution. That may make it legal, but it still looks bad when you claim you are fighting for Democracy.

"I'm just one of those vapid idiots that throws the term fascist around without actually understanding what I am saying"

Maga also offers threats of violence and a christofascist vision for a white a Merica.
"The Project 2025 document makes recommendations across four broad fronts: restoring the family as the centrepiece of American life; dismantling the administrative state; defending the nation’s sovereignty and borders; and securing “God-given” individual rights to live freely."

Wow! How could anyone possibly live in such a distopian nightmare?

Just a few thoughts and observations

First of all while you seem to take the position that we on the left are crying wolf about the project 2025, the Guardian article that you choose to showcase the project is hardly a defense of it. Rather, it raises the very concerns that you claim that we are over reacting to.

Secondly, when looking at thethose 4 “broad fronts” that you mention, ( which are from the Guardian Piece) there is no actual parallel in the actual 900 plus page “Mandate for Leadership” The closest to it is on page 14 which reads:

Pillar I—this volume—puts in one place a consensus view of how major federal agencies must be governed and where disagreement exists brackets out these differences for the next President to choose a path. l Pillar II is a personnel database that allows candidates to build their own professional profiles and our coalition members to review and voice their recommendations. These recommendations will then be collated and shared with the President-elect’s team, greatly streamlining the appointment process. l Pillar III is the Presidential Administration Academy, an online educational system taught by experts from our coalition. For the newcomer, this will explain how the government functions and how to function in government. For the experienced, we will host in-person seminars with advanced training and set the bar for what is expected of senior leadership. l In Pillar IV—the Playbook—we are forming agency teams and drafting transition plans to move out upon the President’s utterance of “so help me God.”

It is hard to see how this translates into those 4 broad fronts mentioned. I am especially curious about the first one the first of those 4 “broad fronts” ; restoring the family as the centerpiece of American life. I challenge you to explain exactly what that means, and what programs and policies are being proposed to strengthen the family. I see nothing specific in the document. Basically it all sounds like a bunch of vague gibberish.

For the record. We on the left have no problem with strengthening and supporting the family so save the bullshit about haw we are anti family, The fact is that the Democrats and progressives are the ones who support the expanding and inclusive definition of family. We are the one who support a decent affordable housing, shrinking wealth and income disparity, livable wages, and education. We also support the right of families to determine when and how they will have children. You people support none of that
Just a few thoughts and observations

First of all while you seem to take the position that we on the left are crying wolf about the project 2025, the Guardian article that you choose to showcase the project is hardly a defense of it. Rather, it raises the very concerns that you claim that we are over reacting to.

Secondly, when looking at thethose 4 “broad fronts” that you mention, ( which are from the Guardian Piece) there is no actual parallel in the actual 900 plus page “Mandate for Leadership” The closest to it is on page 14 which reads:

Pillar I—this volume—puts in one place a consensus view of how major federal agencies must be governed and where disagreement exists brackets out these differences for the next President to choose a path. l Pillar II is a personnel database that allows candidates to build their own professional profiles and our coalition members to review and voice their recommendations. These recommendations will then be collated and shared with the President-elect’s team, greatly streamlining the appointment process. l Pillar III is the Presidential Administration Academy, an online educational system taught by experts from our coalition. For the newcomer, this will explain how the government functions and how to function in government. For the experienced, we will host in-person seminars with advanced training and set the bar for what is expected of senior leadership. l In Pillar IV—the Playbook—we are forming agency teams and drafting transition plans to move out upon the President’s utterance of “so help me God.”

It is hard to see how this translates into those 4 broad fronts mentioned. I am especially curious about the first one the first of those 4 “broad fronts” ; restoring the family as the centerpiece of American life. I challenge you to explain exactly what that means, and what programs and policies are being proposed to strengthen the family. I see nothing specific in the document. Basically it all sounds like a bunch of vague gibberish.

For the record. We on the left have no problem with strengthening and supporting the family so save the bullshit about haw we are anti family, The fact is that the Democrats and progressives are the ones who support the expanding and inclusive definition of family. We are the one who support a decent affordable housing, shrinking wealth and income disparity, livable wages, and education. We also support the right of families to determine when and how they will have children. You people support none of that
The Left also supports childcare tax credits.

Maga doesn’t
I do wonder if the rank & file rubes really understand what they're enabling here.

No doubt some do, and that's pretty disturbing. They've really been hiding.
Those that do think they'll be part of the ruling class.
What they don't realize is that once useful idiots have outlived their purpose, all that's left is mass executions and mass graves.

But the Democrats will save them from themselves because that's what Democrats do.
Those that do think they'll be part of the ruling class.
What they don't realize is that once useful idiots have outlived their purpose, all that's left is mass executions and mass graves.

But the Democrats will save them from themselves because that's what Democrats do.
Conservatives always eat their own.

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