Look at what the Left Fears:

White people are having less kids because of extreme feminism. This is not rocket science. Wait. DEI has made the Space Launch System a Four billion dollars a launch royalty only invited snob fest.
How has feminism affected the birthrate? Because a few less women are wanting kids? It's not at all a bad thing that all women get married, have kids, etc like years ago. Some don't want that and finally are feeling free to say nope, not for me. It only strengthens the nation.
"The Project 2025 document makes recommendations across four broad fronts: restoring the family as the centrepiece of American life; dismantling the administrative state; defending the nation’s sovereignty and borders; and securing “God-given” individual rights to live freely."

Wow! How could anyone possibly live in such a distopian nightmare?


The "individual right to live freely" would include being gay, being transexual, smoking pot, doing cocaine, j-walking....

All the things the right HATE.
Holy crap: FEWER children. Self-centered, arrested-development douchebags suffer from severe myopia.
"The Project 2025 document makes recommendations across four broad fronts: restoring the family as the centrepiece of American life; dismantling the administrative state; defending the nation’s sovereignty and borders; and securing “God-given” individual rights to live freely."

Wow! How could anyone possibly live in such a distopian nightmare?

There's a bit more to it than that, as you well know.
Dems desire a dictatorship where they rule with an iron fist and force everyone to comply with their world views. California for example. Naturally the above triggers them.
You mean like the way we micro manage women's reproductive health, tell people which gender they can love and marry, banning books, and silencing educators?? Oh wait, that would be you fuckers.

Since the OP has been unable to explain that codswallop about how agenda 2025 will restore the family, maybe you would like to take a shot at it
You mean like the way we micro manage women's reproductive health, tell people which gender they can love and marry, banning books, and silencing educators?? Oh wait, that would be you fuckers.

Since the OP has been unable to explain that codswallop about how agenda 2025 will restore the family, maybe you would like to take a shot at it
Your world, women have dicks
Trump wants to replace Civil Servants who have sworn loyalty to the Constitution with partisan employees who have sworn loyalty to him
You mean the civil servants who then illegally spied on over 200,000 Americans?

Yeah, they SHOULD be replaced.

Because they are in prison for life.

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