Least we forget, March 1933: The Enabling Act becomes law in Germany

So you don't see inflation as a problem. For MILLIONS of people it is crippling. They cannot afford the basics. They cannot pay rent. Some cannot eat. Homeless. See, that's one of the biggest problems with democrats. They couldn't care less about anyone but themselves.
if your measure of a healthy economy is the slim corridor of Wall Street profits then you are unfamiliar with Main St.

Trump did no such thing to ANY degree that every single president before AND AFTER him didn't do far worse. Stop being foolish.
Trump has no aspirations to be any kind of dictator. That is the gibber of very small minded people. I'm not saying America won't get one some day soon, but it will NOT be Donald Trump.
I don't like Trump. I wish we had someone better than ANY candidate we have right now.
"Best economy on Earth"....sure. Too bad your measure means that ALL countries are facing declines so 'Best" isn't such a meaningful statement. And companies are greedy, that's true but the costs of doing business have gone up astronomically due to democrats and their taxes and stifling energy and trade policies that wreak havoc on all but the biggest fish. But the Feral government is FAR greedier and gouges the American people like no other entity in history. Only the feral government can run a perpetual and exponentially increasing deficit yet keep right on taxing and spending like there's no tomorrow.

If you're serious about that...then you are seriously deluded and confused. Biden can't control himself. He can't climb stairs without falling. Most of the time he has no clue where he is. If you really think Biden is in charge in DC God help you. That would make you as intellectually incompetent as you appear to be.
I think you actually know exactly who is in fact in charge, but you want to pretend you don't know.
Talk about a 4th Reich.
Inflation was not caused by Biden. And inflation has beenreduced from 9 percent to less than 3. Meanwhile congress has wasted our money investigating any Democrat that has legally held trump to account instead of passing laws to reduce inflation.

We do have the best economy on earth right now. That is a fact whether uou like it or not.

Trump abused his power in his last term. If you give this asshole absolute immunity he will be a dictator.
In March of 1933, the Enabling act was passed in soon to be NAZI Germany, Give the Chief Executive the power to enforce his own laws without checks and balances.

6 Months later Germany was a one party nation.

And you know what happened after that.

The so-called supreme court has just started us down the same path.

Is the world ready for the next Reich?

I don't see the connection
This fucks everyone's life.

Nazis are kinda known for that.
National Socialist, fascist, really do…hence why a record number of people are worse off todsy then before xiden got elected

Thankfully this dark chapter in our history is soon to be over
In March of 1933, the Enabling act was passed in soon to be NAZI Germany, Give the Chief Executive the power to enforce his own laws without checks and balances.

6 Months later Germany was a one party nation.

And you know what happened after that.

The so-called supreme court has just started us down the same path.

Is the world ready for the next Reich?

I’m loving to watch the total meltdown of you Leftards!!!!
In April 1933 from Madison Square Garden Samuel Untermyer declared war on all things German.

In 1939 the American Bund met at Madison Square Garden in support of Hitler. Trump's father was in attendance.

S. Untermyer "declared war on all things German"??? That
American hero READ THE BOOK that al nabi adolf published
in 1925 and recommended economic boycott---a man of
foresight. There is no evidence that Fred Trump supported
al nabi, adolf.

The ideology is virtually impossible to separate from harmful ethnic and racial discrimination of a kind conservatives would readily condemn in other contexts.

Like socialism, with which it has important similarities, nationalism encourages harmful government control over the economy. Nationalism also poses a threat to democratic institutions. Finally, nationalist ideology is at odds with America’s foundational principles, which are based on universal natural rights, not ethnic particularism.

In crucial ways, nationalism is just socialism with different flags and more ethnic chauvinism. All Americans, but especially traditional conservatives, classical liberals, and libertarians, should recognize nationalism’s dangers and recommit instead to the core principles of our founding.
nationalism----Benjamin Franklin---"gentlemen, either we hang
TOGETHER, or we will hang alone"
Trump puts on his pants one leg at a time. Hitler put on his pants one leg at a time.


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