Oklahoma’s Superintendent of “Education” will require Bible Study in all Public schools.

I am not confused at all.

The US Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional.
thats a different case with different issues,,

and why do you keep acting like its about the constitution to you??

youve made it clear you dont care about it on other issues,,

why do you hate religion so much??
thats a different case with different issues,,

and why do you keep acting like its about the constitution to you??

youve made it clear you dont care about it on other issues,,

why do you hate religion so much??

The cases decided by SCOTUS have been used as precedents for decades. It is settled law.

It is about the constitution for me. It is about every gov't agency following the US Constitution.
The cases decided by SCOTUS have been used as precedents for decades. It is settled law.

It is about the constitution for me. It is about every gov't agency following the US Constitution.
I am having trouble believing you due to your dbl standards on what is or isnt constitutional,,

the best I can come up with is your determination is based on what you think about the topic, not what the constitution says,,

so why do you hate religion so much??
I am having trouble believing you due to your dbl standards on what is or isnt constitutional,,

the best I can come up with is your determination is based on what you think about the topic, not what the constitution says,,

so why do you hate religion so much??
What double standards are you talking about. There have been none
Personally, I think it is a bad idea to inject some religious doctrine/dogma into the Public-school classrooms which was set up to teach the three RRR's Reading, Writing, Mathematics.in the lower grades then advance upward over time.

The religious wrong has been wrong over and over, on this stuff, as if their Sunday schools and home displays wasn't enough and seen in their bibles, too they want to barge their way into PUBLIC arenas (Generally neutral ground) too as if they are afraid someone in the USA hasn't heard of it.

Then I read the worn-out bilge that because religion was taken out of the schools that is why America is becoming non religious decadent and other folderol, which the RR seems to by accident suggest that churches/Sunday schools and home worship is failing badly to keep America safe from something.......... LOL yet all is well when they invade a public area to shove it in people's faces who don't want the dumb insult to be thrust on them as most people have long known about the dam thing which by the way it was NEVER given to anyone outside of the Israelites nation as clearly shown in the beginning of the verse

The 10 commandment is all Jewish, never Christian.

The 10 Commandments in Exodus 20

1. “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me." (Exodus 20:2-3)

If you haven't learned the 10 Commandment by the time you are 13 years old you are hopeless.......


Stone vs. Graham 1980 ruled it unconstitutional

"In a 5-to-4 per curiam decision, the Court ruled that the Kentucky law violated the first part of the test established in Lemon v. Kurtzman, and thus violated the Establishment Clause of the Constitution. The Court found that the requirement that the Ten Commandments be posted "had no secular legislative purpose" and was "plainly religious in nature." The Court noted that the Commandments did not confine themselves to arguably secular matters (such as murder, stealing, etc.), but rather concerned matters such as the worship of God and the observance of the Sabbath Day."

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I'm all for the Bible, I read it daily. The main problem with bringing it into the classroom that I see is the power this gives teachers to emphasize their own personal brand of religion, or lack thereof. Jeez, consider all the controversy just a few years ago over how math was taught. This will be so much worse.

My adult sons are long out of public school plus I don't consider what they do in Oklahoma as any of my business. So I'm not advocating anything here. My plan is to sit back and enjoy the sideshow. Like wondering how this'll go over with all the Native Americans located there in the state.
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