Thanks, Joe.

Joe Biden...................................................
For preventing the orange menace from imposing 8 consecutive years of chaos, deceit, and buffoonery on us. For coordinating a national, federally run distribution of the COVID vaccine after your predecessor spent the final months of his presidency golfing and plotting an insurrection. For putting the country back on track with historic legislation designed to combat climate change. For the impressive legislative record amassed during your 4 years.

For your decency and compassion towards your fellow man after four years of hateful, vitriolic spew. The contrast couldn't be more stark.

For restoring integrity to the office. For not getting in the Fed's way as it tried to combat the global, post COVID inflationary spiral we encountered. For allowing the chips to fall where they may regarding your son's prosecution.

Mistakes were made as they are during every presidency. But no one who takes a fair account of your term can question you were all in for America. Its success was always your first priority, not a distant second.
We wish you well during the next few months and in retirement. You've earned a rest.
Thanks for MUTTON
For preventing the orange menace from imposing 8 consecutive years of chaos, deceit, and buffoonery on us. For coordinating a national, federally run distribution of the COVID vaccine after your predecessor spent the final months of his presidency golfing and plotting an insurrection. For putting the country back on track with historic legislation designed to combat climate change. For the impressive legislative record amassed during your 4 years.

For your decency and compassion towards your fellow man after four years of hateful, vitriolic spew. The contrast couldn't be more stark.

For restoring integrity to the office. For not getting in the Fed's way as it tried to combat the global, post COVID inflationary spiral we encountered. For allowing the chips to fall where they may regarding your son's prosecution.

Mistakes were made as they are during every presidency. But no one who takes a fair account of your term can question you were all in for America. Its success was always your first priority, not a distant second.
We wish you well during the next few months and in retirement. You've earned a rest.
This is about as cringeworthy and creepy as a hobo masturbating in public. Give it a rest.
Joe. The man who represented the Progs and screwed thing up enough and are now seriously thinking of opening government stores in inner city neighborhoods. Well done to the Soviet Politburo. Five-year plans. The stores will be stocked in the beginning. As we move to the all-powerful state controlling and distributing products. Kamala will continue this. The inner cities will suffer worse as well as anyone whose incomes are fixed or near it. Two trillion-dollar deficits may just be the low point.
Like the Chicago Housing Authority Projects. LOL Those were such a success.
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Dems need to unify behind a candidate pretty quickly. I imagine she will start, if she is the nominee, with at least a 10 point deficit solely because she is a woman who is black. Racism and misogyny not having been vanquished yet.

She not black.
Dems are throwing Kamala to the wolves….or in this case the Lion. They know none of them have a chance in hell of beating Trump. They’re basically conceding the election.

Let’s see if the donor money starts pouring in or not?

Actually they have endorsed Kamala this afternoon.
In all fairness I doubt Biden even realizes how bad of shape he is in and should have never ever ran for a second term. The democrats knew though
Bullshiy. He hit it out of the park at the State of the Union Address.

The debate was a disaster and he couldn’t recover from that

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