If Character Matters, Biden Flunks the Test

You are one stupid shitstain you lefturd. When one's own DAUGHTER accuses her FATHER of sexual assault, that is also incest. Not surprising you don't even know that being the lefturd you are. Your disgusting views and being a hypocritical piece of shit are not my problem. Try again asshole.
No, she doesn't. That's only in your mind, because you're not directly attached to reality.

I can't help you. Sorry.
No, she doesn't. That's only in your mind, because you're not directly attached to reality.

I can't help you. Sorry.
Poor little retarded lefturd Mac triggered because he got exposed as a liar again. The diary was confirmed you stupid piece of shit. YOU deny reality to defend an incestuous pedo. Not a good look.
Poor little retarded lefturd Mac triggered because he got exposed as a liar again. The diary was confirmed you stupid piece of shit. YOU deny reality to defend an incestuous pedo. Not a good look.
And there's the surrender from Mac. The like and running away
Say leftists, what does it say for a man who uses the deaths of his own family, to lie about those deaths, so that he can appeal to you fucks?

Never mind Biden used a State of the Union as a stage for campaign stop, this may be the lowest I've seen a politician go, at 2:10. Do you even know why it's low? No, you probably don't, and that's telling too.

Say Cornhole, I mean Candycorn, what's fake about it?
34 felony convictions...quite a show I’d say. I thought he may get one or two kicked . But Bragg hung 34 on the blob’s neck.

34 wins for the good guys.
It was quite a show. Show trials typical are. Folks like you thought it was a win for the good guys when Mandela was locked up too
34 felony convictions...quite a show I’d say. I thought he may get one or two kicked . But Bragg hung 34 on the blob’s neck.

34 wins for the good guys.
You have to believe it. If the person accusing you is a piece of shit, why believe it? And DEI of course.

If Character Matters, Biden Flunks the Test

23 Jun 2024 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

When a candidate runs on character, you know his record can’t be good.
Hence President Biden’s reported $50 million spend on an ad titled “Character Matters,” which features unflattering photos of Donald Trump while focusing on the Republican nominee’s legal troubles. Hey, we paid good taxpayer money engineering those court cases and we’re not going to waste it.
“Going negative,” as they say in politics, worked for Biden before. He was on the ticket in 2012 when Barack Obama became the first modern president to win reelection with fewer votes than he received the first time. And Trump gives the Democrats plenty more to work with than Mitt Romney did.
Biden will try to keep the discussion focused on Trump’s flaws with good reason: Only in the bizarro world of American politics could the current incumbent be cast as the candidate of decency and integrity.
With the unstinting support of the corrupt corporate media, which works to bury evidence of Biden’s troubling character rather than expose it, the president will memory hole his long history of dishonesty, deceit, and disturbing behavior to cast himself as a man of compassion and integrity.
Biden told one of the most consequential lies in American political history when he declared at his last debate with Trump in 2020 that his son Hunter’s abandoned laptop was a “Russian plant.” Polls later showed that many of his voters in the tight election might have had second thoughts about backing him if they had known that the damning materials – which contradicted his insiste
nce that he knew nothing of his son’s shady foreign dealings – were true.
The foundational evidence for Biden’s decency is his deep commitment to family. His “boundless love” for his two children and his almost “religious devotion” to his grandchildren are staples of articles describing his character. This narrative, however, requires one to ignore the words of his own son and daughter.
In a July 2019 diary entry, his daughter Ashley wonders why she was “Hyper-sexualized @ a young age.” “What is this due to?” The reasons she lists include “showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)."
We live in strange times when a man as morally flawed as Joe Biden can present himself as shining beacon of integrity. One can draw many distinctions between the two leading candidates for the presidency, but character is not one of them. My advice: Hold your nose and vote on their records.

Character doesn’t matter to Democrat Neo-Marxists.
The only thing that matters to them is power, and they’ll attain power through whatever means possible, including stealing elections. Lying and cheating and using lawfare, are some of their tactics, meaning that, character is meaningless to them.
If character mattered to any of them, the accusations on DJT for collusion with Russia would never have happened. If character mattered to any Democrat, the Trump trial of last month would never have happened. If character mattered to any Democrat, the border would be secured and we wouldn’t have the 10-25 million illegals in the country from the last 3.5 years. If character mattered to Democrats, we wouldn’t have Democrats trying to codify abortions into law.
If character was of importance to Neo-Marxists Democrats they would not be condoning the anti-Semitism to raise it's ugly head in America, just as they allowed Racism and Segrfation to be revived under Woodrow Wilson.
Character is not a word that Democrats can use to make any of their decisions. If there was a Democrat dictionary, the word character would not appear on any page.
Biden’s lucky he’s running against someone with even less character! :cool-45:


If Character Matters, Biden Flunks the Test

23 Jun 2024 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

When a candidate runs on character, you know his record can’t be good.
Hence President Biden’s reported $50 million spend on an ad titled “Character Matters,” which features unflattering photos of Donald Trump while focusing on the Republican nominee’s legal troubles. Hey, we paid good taxpayer money engineering those court cases and we’re not going to waste it.
“Going negative,” as they say in politics, worked for Biden before. He was on the ticket in 2012 when Barack Obama became the first modern president to win reelection with fewer votes than he received the first time. And Trump gives the Democrats plenty more to work with than Mitt Romney did.
Biden will try to keep the discussion focused on Trump’s flaws with good reason: Only in the bizarro world of American politics could the current incumbent be cast as the candidate of decency and integrity.
With the unstinting support of the corrupt corporate media, which works to bury evidence of Biden’s troubling character rather than expose it, the president will memory hole his long history of dishonesty, deceit, and disturbing behavior to cast himself as a man of compassion and integrity.
Biden told one of the most consequential lies in American political history when he declared at his last debate with Trump in 2020 that his son Hunter’s abandoned laptop was a “Russian plant.” Polls later showed that many of his voters in the tight election might have had second thoughts about backing him if they had known that the damning materials – which contradicted his insiste
nce that he knew nothing of his son’s shady foreign dealings – were true.
The foundational evidence for Biden’s decency is his deep commitment to family. His “boundless love” for his two children and his almost “religious devotion” to his grandchildren are staples of articles describing his character. This narrative, however, requires one to ignore the words of his own son and daughter.
In a July 2019 diary entry, his daughter Ashley wonders why she was “Hyper-sexualized @ a young age.” “What is this due to?” The reasons she lists include “showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)."
We live in strange times when a man as morally flawed as Joe Biden can present himself as shining beacon of integrity. One can draw many distinctions between the two leading candidates for the presidency, but character is not one of them. My advice: Hold your nose and vote on their records.

Character doesn’t matter to Democrat Neo-Marxists.
The only thing that matters to them is power, and they’ll attain power through whatever means possible, including stealing elections. Lying and cheating and using lawfare, are some of their tactics, meaning that, character is meaningless to them.
If character mattered to any of them, the accusations on DJT for collusion with Russia would never have happened. If character mattered to any Democrat, the Trump trial of last month would never have happened. If character mattered to any Democrat, the border would be secured and we wouldn’t have the 10-25 million illegals in the country from the last 3.5 years. If character mattered to Democrats, we wouldn’t have Democrats trying to codify abortions into law.
If character was of importance to Neo-Marxists Democrats they would not be condoning the anti-Semitism to raise it's ugly head in America, just as they allowed Racism and Segrfation to be revived under Woodrow Wilson.
Character is not a word that Democrats can use to make any of their decisions. If there was a Democrat dictionary, the word character would not appear on any page.
Character officially stopped mattering on this day. . .

If anyone had any illusions that it did any longer, Bush with his coke habit and NG deferment, Obama and his dope habit and concealed school records, and well, lets not even get into Trump and Biden. . .


If Character Matters, Biden Flunks the Test

23 Jun 2024 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

When a candidate runs on character, you know his record can’t be good.
Hence President Biden’s reported $50 million spend on an ad titled “Character Matters,” which features unflattering photos of Donald Trump while focusing on the Republican nominee’s legal troubles. Hey, we paid good taxpayer money engineering those court cases and we’re not going to waste it.
“Going negative,” as they say in politics, worked for Biden before. He was on the ticket in 2012 when Barack Obama became the first modern president to win reelection with fewer votes than he received the first time. And Trump gives the Democrats plenty more to work with than Mitt Romney did.
Biden will try to keep the discussion focused on Trump’s flaws with good reason: Only in the bizarro world of American politics could the current incumbent be cast as the candidate of decency and integrity.
With the unstinting support of the corrupt corporate media, which works to bury evidence of Biden’s troubling character rather than expose it, the president will memory hole his long history of dishonesty, deceit, and disturbing behavior to cast himself as a man of compassion and integrity.
Biden told one of the most consequential lies in American political history when he declared at his last debate with Trump in 2020 that his son Hunter’s abandoned laptop was a “Russian plant.” Polls later showed that many of his voters in the tight election might have had second thoughts about backing him if they had known that the damning materials – which contradicted his insiste
nce that he knew nothing of his son’s shady foreign dealings – were true.
The foundational evidence for Biden’s decency is his deep commitment to family. His “boundless love” for his two children and his almost “religious devotion” to his grandchildren are staples of articles describing his character. This narrative, however, requires one to ignore the words of his own son and daughter.
In a July 2019 diary entry, his daughter Ashley wonders why she was “Hyper-sexualized @ a young age.” “What is this due to?” The reasons she lists include “showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)."
We live in strange times when a man as morally flawed as Joe Biden can present himself as shining beacon of integrity. One can draw many distinctions between the two leading candidates for the presidency, but character is not one of them. My advice: Hold your nose and vote on their records.

Character doesn’t matter to Democrat Neo-Marxists.
The only thing that matters to them is power, and they’ll attain power through whatever means possible, including stealing elections. Lying and cheating and using lawfare, are some of their tactics, meaning that, character is meaningless to them.
If character mattered to any of them, the accusations on DJT for collusion with Russia would never have happened. If character mattered to any Democrat, the Trump trial of last month would never have happened. If character mattered to any Democrat, the border would be secured and we wouldn’t have the 10-25 million illegals in the country from the last 3.5 years. If character mattered to Democrats, we wouldn’t have Democrats trying to codify abortions into law.
If character was of importance to Neo-Marxists Democrats they would not be condoning the anti-Semitism to raise it's ugly head in America, just as they allowed Racism and Segrfation to be revived under Woodrow Wilson.
Character is not a word that Democrats can use to make any of their decisions. If there was a Democrat dictionary, the word character would not appear on any page.
In Biden's defense, can you have character if you don't even know which end is up or which end is down?
But you didn't find anything wrong with this 81 year old man fondling little kids hair, shoulders, smelling their hair,

You are one truly sick person who probably doesn't see any issue with the above video!

It's disgusting. He gets into their personal space, constantly touching, shoving his face into theirs or into their hair, putting his hands on them inappropriately. He's a pig.
He's running on character because Trump's character is immoral.

I'd really love to know when the left started to care about 'morals'? You've worked really hard for the last 50+ years to tear them down in this country, but now suddenly you care about them? I mean, you ran against them for decades, vilified the 'religious right' for shoving their 'morals' on everyone else. You've advocated for the deaths of millions of unborn, innocent children. Now you're the ones playing at the morality police role, why the sudden change of heart?
Character officially stopped mattering on this day. . .

If anyone had any illusions that it did any longer, Bush with his coke habit and NG deferment, Obama and his dope habit and concealed school records, and well, lets not even get into Trump and Biden. . .


Yeah, funny how all of these hypocrites are suddenly concerned about what happens behind closed doors in one's private sex life. They have no integrity, they are party uber alles, they are in favor of using evil means to hold onto power, that's all they care about.
The only thing Biden should be tested on is how much longer he has to live in the late stages of dementia.
Biden will not be the nominee.

This whole election cycle is insane. Even more than usual. I wonder how the press can play along with this stupidity with a straight face. Anyone with an IQ over 80 can see how dysfunctional it all is.
34 convictions for fictitious bookkeeping errors, or raping your 11-year old daughter in the shower....

34 convictions for fictitious bookkeeping errors, or encouraging your crackhead sprog to fuck its dead brother's widow before the body is cold which leads to the molestation of your 14-year old granddaughter....

22 shell companies, $150M+ extorted from countries that need our fianancial aid, 172 Suspicious Activity Reports from international banks to law enforcement, several aliases and fake emails, one that leads to the PA Dept of Corrections ([email protected]), 5 "opulent" mansions on a govt wage...

Character doesn't mean shit to these fucking animals.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

decency 99w.jpg

Yes, we know Jill, but we just saw your soulless spawn getting a 'footjob' from his 14-year old niece while smoking crack and plotting to make 'billions' from money laundering.... then we watched it argue with a whore about how much crack it had on the scale... forgive us for being skeptical. :laughing0301:
This whole election cycle is insane. Even more than usual. I wonder how the press can play along with this stupidity with a straight face. Anyone with an IQ over 80 can see how dysfunctional it all is.
How can the press sleep at night? Play along with a straight face as they walk out to their BMW or Mercedes after a long day to sleep in the comfy luxury of their upper middle class home in a no crime nice neighborhood.

My guess is their greed for money comforts them

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