Biden, Trump, and the "Character Thing"

Any person who says Biden is just as bad or worse than Trump cannot be taken seriously in a political discussion.

You worship an incestuous pedophile.

Obvious projection.
No projection at all.

My life is vastly better in 2024 than it was in 2020.

2020 about this time, I couldn't even leave the house and was very worried about losing my job. They had already reduced my hours.

Now I'm making more money than I ever have before, I live in a nicer place. Most of that is me, not who is sitting in the White House, of course. But it's nice to not have a guy like Trump who fucks up everything he tourches.

Hey, how is that Trump Media stock doing today? Oooh, down another 15%!!!

Dear Lord.

We have by FAR the two worst candidates running against each other, and ALL both sides can do is say....."Your guys did worse things." and both sides (well posters on this site) are OK with all this dysfunction and illegal activity.

Fuck BOTH candidates.
Dear Lord.

We have by FAR the two worst candidates running against each other, and ALL both sides can do is say....."Your guys did worse things." and both sides (well posters on this site) are OK with all this dysfunction and illegal activity.

Fuck BOTH candidates.

Okay, let's get real. I agree, Biden is too old for the job and probably won't live out his term. But beyond that, he's a decent guy who cares deeply about this country and has dedicated his life to public service.

Trump, on the other hand, is a lifelong grifter, racist, malignant narcissist, convicted felon, and adjudicated rapist who has fucked up every last thing he has ever touched.

This should not be a complicated choice.
"We live in strange times when a man as morally flawed as Joe Biden can present himself as shining beacon of integrity. One can draw many distinctions between the two leading candidates for the presidency, but character is not one of them. My advice: Hold your nose and vote on their records."

One of the many things that drive me crazy about this current Presidential election and its competing propaganda is the campaign to create the image of Trump as bad person. Gimmeafukkinbreak.

Biden is worse, by far. And as a Catholic, I FEEL (I admit it's not a fact) that Biden is lower than whale shit. Lower than Schumer, Schiff, and the Squad. Orange Man Bad? Compared to whom?
Trump is a sexual assaulter, fraudster and convicted felon and Biden isn't, so there is that.

He cheated on all three of his wives, stole money from his own charity, ripped people off at Trump University, etc etc.

Trump certainly isn't a role model.
Okay, let's get real. I agree, Biden is too old for the job and probably won't live out his term. But beyond that, he's a decent guy who cares deeply about this country and has dedicated his life to public service.

Trump, on the other hand, is a lifelong grifter, racist, malignant narcissist, convicted felon, and adjudicated rapist who has fucked up every last thing he has ever touched.

This should not be a complicated choice.
Pedo Joe hates America and our Constitution. He is a pervert who molested his own daughter.

And you worship him. Quite disgusting.

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