The Biden Campaign’s Losing Battle

The Biden Campaign’s Losing Battle

Beating up on the media is Trumpian and ineffective.
17 Jun 2024 ~~ By John Hendrickson

… Biden’s allies believe that journalists are failing to meet the moment; that they’re falling back on horse-race coverage and ignoring the knock of fascism at America’s door.
... Many Biden supporters and campaign staffers have fashioned this argument into a shield against any critical coverage of the president. Like a previous White House occupant raving about “fake” stories, they sometimes behave as if they are the arbiters of what’s newsworthy at all. Sounding a bit like Donald Trump isn’t the only problem with this strategy, though; it’s also highly unlikely to advance the campaign’s larger goal of actually winning the election.
…The Biden campaign seems to believe that journalists should stop reporting on polls, rallies, and other tentpoles of traditional presidential races, and instead devote their resources to telling Americans that Trump wants to be a dictator, over and over again. If that means ignoring Biden’s missteps and weaknesses, well, the Biden campaign can accept that.
… I asked the Biden campaign about its relationship with the media…: “This election isn’t just about a few minor policy differences—we are running against a guy that has all but promised to erode American democracy, rule as a dictator and strip Americans of their freedom ”
…Biden staffers clearly believe they have every right to set the agenda of journalistic decision making. As Berner put it, “There’s plenty of work that the White House and the campaign and others do behind the scenes to shape a story, to push back, to have editorial conversations. But when coverage is particularly out of bounds, it’s fair for them to make those criticisms public, because working the refs publicly is an important way of taking that spotlight and turning it around back on them.” That this statement sounded Trumpian seemed lost on her.
...Biden’s belief in the Constitution means he supports a free and independent press. Authoritarians rise by lying and sowing mistrust. If journalists are truly going to combat that force—as Biden’s campaign implores them to do—they will have to be honest and rigorous about not just Trump but also his opponent.

The Neo-Marxist Fascists who rule us dont think that the ongoing media tongue bath is earnest enough. What else is new?
Biden will probably pull in about 400 million votes in November once all the plumbing leak votes, virtual votes and imaginary votes are tallied.
Nothing like a Soviet Style election after Soviet style convictions of Americans and political dissidents in America.
Soviet-styled elections would mean that Trump is dead.

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