Biden plans to politicize Trump verdict with White House speech

Trumpanzees: Inflate every fantasy and zombie lie

Also trumpanzees: Think actual felony convictions don't matter
Not quite right. The SARs are sent when a transaction meets certain criteria. The vast majority of those reports turn out to show no wrongdoing. Only about 4% of all SARs reports result in an investigation. Less than 10% of that 4% (0.4%) are determined to show actual criminality. The existence of one or more of those reports means nothing. If you have results of an investigation triggered by kone of those reports, please present it. Otherwise, it's just another MAGA conspiracy theory.
October surprise........😁
Perhaps if Biden could assemble any sort of audience, we'll hear them all chanting, "Lock him up" in reference to Trump. Most likely they'll have corrected Joe's mistaken "Lock her up" lead.
It sounds a bit like the fix is in. Either Biden’s babysitters will have two separate campaign speeches to address the jury verdict or, Merchan's jury instructions sealed a conviction and Biden will have advance knowledge of the verdict.

The seemingly obvious answer is that Merchan has rigged the jury with instructions that such that,

“Judge: To convict Trump of felonies, jury does not need to unanimously agree on what 'predicate' crime he committed”.

President Joe Biden, who has stayed quiet on presumptive Republican Party nominee Donald Trump’s New York criminal trial, is planning on giving a public address after the jury reaches a verdict, POLITICO reported.
I wonder what Biden will say if the jury doesn't find him guilty?
This is a state case. Not a federal one. It matters not a lick what the government would or wouldn't do.

Why is it that you feel this man is above the law?

Never claimed he was.

Why is it you feel that retroactively changing laws to target a specific individual is anything but classic third world tactics?
Eyup. As noted earlier, “Judge: To convict Trump of felonies, jury does not need to unanimously agree on what 'predicate' crime he committed”.

The jury understands that they have been given a pass such that even a split jury can agree on a conviction from the menu of “one from item A or one from item B.
That's not what that means. It means they only have to agree unanimously that the illegal filings were meant to further or cover up criminal activity of some sort. They don't have to agree unanimously on what secondary crime was.committed.
Biden can talk about it, but Trump cannot.

Is this more lawfare? Biden will just talk about that the entire time but Trump is not allowed?

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