We Can't Unsee What We Saw

Again, I love Joe and the team around him. I see they are being true middle class first Democrats. FDR like. Love it. But like Carter, I can smell the blood in the water and so can the Republicans.

His performance was our worst nightmare. Exactly what Republicans have been saying. He looked like my mom who has Alzheimers. Or my 94 year old uncle who's still good, but showing signs of dementia. Can't hear, gets mad, misunderstands things, forgets, the way he looked and got mad. It was HORRIBLE. I felt sorry for him.

Well, now is the time to tell him to step down. Republicans didn't have the balls to tell Trump. We must tell Biden. He's got to go. Fresh blood. Come up with someone good. Michelle Obama.
Only thing Trump did wrong was not join the SWAMP and sell us out in the process.

You need to come to the realization that the people running our country are screwing us over and the only thing that concerns them is retiring with a beachfront property and huge chunk of cash in the bank.
Yea he seemed sick. He was sick. He should have postponed the debate. Or just cancelled it. Just have the one debate that's coming up. It would have been better than what we saw.

Think about it. ME? I'm calling for Biden to step down? That means EVERYONE wants him to step down.
He was so sick yet with 12 hours out campaigning.
Thinking and medicine says NO
If he gets his doing away with the IRS to finance government on Tariff and excise tax, all passed to the middle and lower class, the economy could tank, so it is financially important to remember, his policies do suck, economically for the majority of American and will ripple around the world.

Your plan sounds as solid as anybody has a right to expect, having done analysis and planning. You should fair better than many.

I do not think there will be a 20% cut in SS Retirement benefits presently paid to retirees. If you have not cranked up your SS and receiving it already, you should before the end of year, if you hope to get back what you paid in. At least, that is my opinion. I retired at 60 with 3 retirements and added SS at age 62, the plan being taking less per month and knowing that slightly small payments starting 3 years early would be made up for in years to come, figuring total dollars recouped. That was my plan, and it still seems valid, as I am in excellent health. I plan to linger and recoup every penny I paid in.
You are full of shit Wipe.
Foxnews has been stating over and over again how bad Bidens mental state has been, and the left has denied it. Now that they saw it first hand, they are in shock.

Perhaps if they would watch a real news network every now and then, they wouldn't be.

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