USMB Coffee Shop IV

The company I work for is no longer owned by the family that started it. Its funny the number of kids that dont want to carry on the family legacy but instead take the cash and run. New policies are creeping in. Saying a naughty word to someone gets you fired. No joke. Supe that had been there almost 20 yrs got booted for such a stupid reason. People are thin skinned these days. When I started nary a day went by without hearing some "hard" language on the dock, trying to get that person fired would probably have resulted in you getting fired instead for being such a weak crybaby.
🍳🧈🥞🧇🥓☕🫖 Good morning, all. Hot steamy morning. A trip to the land fill and housework for me today. You know that's what us lifelong macho type he man playboy bachelor's that married men envy do.:cool:;)
LOL. You keep talking like that and you'll have lots of ladies wanting to marry you. :)
1st granddaughter was was born June 10., at 6:11 am. Wife's birthday birthday is 6/11, moms birthday is 11/6.

Our daughter was an easy baby. We could take her anywhere without a care. Rarely fussed in the night, very little crying at all. Her daughter appears to be the same. Went up to see her she never made a sound.
1st granddaughter was was born June 10., at 6:11 am. Wife's birthday birthday is 6/11, moms birthday is 11/6.

Our daughter was an easy baby. We could take her anywhere without a care. Rarely fussed in the night, very little crying at all. Her daughter appears to be the same. Went up to see her she never made a sound.
Congratulations Granddad!! We love our kids but those grandbabies are in a special class all by themselves :) Wild how those dates work out though, huh.

Hombre's older brother and his dad shared a birthdate, Hombre is a twin, and his older sister and mom shared a birthdate. So in a family of six they only had three birthdays to remember. :)
The company I work for is no longer owned by the family that started it. Its funny the number of kids that dont want to carry on the family legacy but instead take the cash and run. New policies are creeping in. Saying a naughty word to someone gets you fired. No joke. Supe that had been there almost 20 yrs got booted for such a stupid reason. People are thin skinned these days. When I started nary a day went by without hearing some "hard" language on the dock, trying to get that person fired would probably have resulted in you getting fired instead for being such a weak crybaby.

This actually started back in the 90's. Now it's widespread fucktardery all over.

A manager at the last company I worked for almost shit herself when I was describing another employee, as I didn't know her name. I said "the older woman" several cubicles down. She's like "YOU CANT SAY OLD OR WOMAN"!!!!!
So then I said, "Ok, the short haired blond woman of age down there" and I pointed in the direction of her cubicle.
She went off the hinge...."You CANT say what kind of hair she has"!!!!!

I just walked away and went back to my cubicle and laughed my ass off.
This actually started back in the 90's. Now it's widespread fucktardery all over.

A manager at the last company I worked for almost shit herself when I was describing another employee, as I didn't know her name. I said "the older woman" several cubicles down. She's like "YOU CANT SAY OLD OR WOMAN"!!!!!
So then I said, "Ok, the short haired blond woman of age down there" and I pointed in the direction of her cubicle.
She went off the hinge...."You CANT say what kind of hair she has"!!!!!

I just walked away and went back to my cubicle and laughed my ass off.
One of my besties way back when women's lib was getting big and some women were offended by just about everything men did or said told me all the ladies in their office posted and signed something to the effect: "ATTENTION MALE COWORKERS. Your respect and good manners are always appreciated, but if your joke is too off color or we think your pinup is too inappropriate, you might get "THE LOOK!" but we won't report you or sue you. We want you to know we aren't fragile at all, don't need special deference and you don't need to be afraid of any of us. We love you all!"

I thought it brilliant. :)

I on the other hand was heading a large social agency in which all but a few employees were women. It was important to me that they treated the guys with respect. LOL.
One of my besties way back when women's lib was getting big and some women were offended by just about everything men did or said told me all the ladies in their office posted and signed something to the effect: "ATTENTION MALE COWORKERS. Your respect and good manners are always appreciated, but if your joke is too off color or we think your pinup is too inappropriate, you might get "THE LOOK!" but we won't report you or sue you. We want you to know we aren't fragile at all, don't need special deference and you don't need to be afraid of any of us. We love you all!"

I thought it brilliant. :)

I on the other hand was heading a large social agency in which all but a few employees were women. It was important to me that they treated the guys with respect. LOL.

Treating people in a decent manner is one thing. Living the narcissist life is another.

As I've stated thousands of times on other and other manners aren't taught anymore.
Which is one of the biggest problems there is. Especially with the brainless zombies walking around with their earbuds in and eyes glued to their phones or tablets.

Human interaction gets less and less prevalent every year. And I think this is where a lot of the hate and animosity comes in.

As for working women in step with men.................I've seen women put up beefcake calendars and talk about mens butts like men do about womens. usually backfires. Cause men LOVE that stuff. ROFL.
Treating people in a decent manner is one thing. Living the narcissist life is another.

As I've stated thousands of times on other and other manners aren't taught anymore.
Which is one of the biggest problems there is. Especially with the brainless zombies walking around with their earbuds in and eyes glued to their phones or tablets.

Human interaction gets less and less prevalent every year. And I think this is where a lot of the hate and animosity comes in.

As for working women in step with men.................I've seen women put up beefcake calendars and talk about mens butts like men do about womens. usually backfires. Cause men LOVE that stuff. ROFL.
Yep. :) Men and woman are somewhat different animals in which different things are emotionally/psychologically important but they share a lot of common human traits too.

The thing is a strong woman doesn't need 'official' protection to deal with guys just being guys or vice versa. There is such a thing as REAL sexual harassment which is assault--unwanted obviously sexual in nature contact--or when a woman or man is obviously being offered benefits/promotions or threatened with having benefits taken away if the employee does not 'accommodate' the boss and such.

But geez, a woman goes to great lengths to chose an appropriate outfit to look her best for the office and then is offended if a male coworker notices it? Or by a guy on the dock who gives her a wolf whistle? Or by a friendly hand on the shoulder as a guy would do with a guy he was conferring with? Or by somebody asking her to dinner?r? Give me a break. Women who would report a coworker for things like that are grade A jerks and do women a huge disservice.
We lost a deputy yesterday to a gun. First one since 1930. It made the national radio news. The deputy was shot during an arrest for warrants. A four hour search resulted in another gunfight that the Michigan State Police ended. Weird part was I was working just a mile and a half away.

EOW 6-27-2024 Bill Butler

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