Rittenhouse Family In Dire Straits

I understand how it works perfectly fine... I've tracked several images to their source using it.

You clearly don't.
You do not know shit about it

A source does not equal and owner DUMBASS

Now why do you lie about rittenhouse like a coward?
Rosembaum was half his size, and unarmed.

it wasn't self-defense.

Joseph Rosenbaum was a 36 year old 'man.' Rittenhouse was a 17 year old kid. A 36 year old, N-word slinging man chased and attempted to attack a 17 year old kid, after having verbally threatened the 17 year old kid. If Kyle was just itching to shoot someone, why did he run at all? Why not shoot the 36 year old man as soon as he started chasing him?

Look, I'm really sorry that the facts of the case simply don't line up with your ideological beliefs, that has to be a tough pill to swallow, but we need you to at least try...
A black man in a hoodie ran out of a CVS.

He said, "I wish I had my AR so I could shoot that guy!"

Too bad the jury didn't get to hear that.

Too bad they didn't see pictures of him exchanging racist gestures with the Proud Boys.

Too bad they didn't see the video of him beating a 14 year old girl senseless.

Did he say 'I wish I could shoot that guy because he's black?'
Joseph Rosenbaum was a 36 year old 'man.' Rittenhouse was a 17 year old kid. A 36 year old, N-word slinging man chased and attempted to attack a 17 year old kid, after having verbally threatened the 17 year old kid. If Kyle was just itching to shoot someone, why did he run at all? Why not shoot the 36 year old man as soon as he started chasing him?

Look, I'm really sorry that the facts of the case simply don't line up with your ideological beliefs, that has to be a tough pill to swallow, but we need you to at least try...
Guy, he was a punk with a gun who went to a riot looking for trouble and found it. I know that he lived out the wank fantasy of every ammosexual out there, but these things have consequences.

Did he say 'I wish I could shoot that guy because he's black?'

He said he wished he had his gun to shoot a black guy running out of a CVS. I'm sure it wasn't over his sense of style.
Because only one of those was a credible threat.

Babbit was part of an angry mob that was storming congress.

Rosenbaum was an angry homeless guy.
1.) Then why didn’t the officer shoot anyone else in the mob? If the mob is a threat, why just shoot one of them?

2.) If an officer is justified in shooting one man who is advancing on him and saying “I’m gonna kill you”, why is a civilian not justified in shooting for the same reason?
He was going to kill Rittenhouse with a plastic bag he threw at him... riiiiiight.
Fuck the plastic bag. The throwing of the bag is inconsequential to what prompted Rittenhouse to shoot and was never touted as a reason for his shooting.

Rosenbaum was going to (possibly) kill Rittenhouse with his own firearm. This was evidenced by his attempt to wrest the gun from Rittenhouse.
I'd say what a piece of shit Kyle is, but that was already established when he gunned down three people in the middle of the street.

The courts don't agree with you sir, it has been well shown that he had valid self-defense which is why two of the losers are dead and the third in the hospital.
1.) Then why didn’t the officer shoot anyone else in the mob? If the mob is a threat, why just shoot one of them?

2.) If an officer is justified in shooting one man who is advancing on him and saying “I’m gonna kill you”, why is a civilian not justified in shooting for the same reason?

Shooting her got the point across.

Because the civilian had no business being there. He wasn't defending his home or even a community he lived in. He was looking for someone to murder.
Shooting her got the point across.

Bullshit. If shooting her had deterred the mob or otherwise caused them to stand down or disburse, you’d have a point. But it did not. The mob continued as it was and eventually breached and entered the building.
Because the civilian had no business being there.

As mentioned already, no one had any business being there, least of all Rosenbaum, who had just been released from a mental health facility.
He wasn't defending his home or even a community he lived in. He was looking for someone to murder.
Again, if this was established fact, you’d have a point. It is not. This is pure speculation on your part. At least admit that much if for no other reason than to regain some semblance of integrity.

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