BREAKING: Supreme Court rules Trump is entitled to some immunity in Jan. 6 case

That's the myth that the TDS media immediately put out and its followers swallowed whole. Trump answered every question except the one about whether he would sign a nationwide abortion ban. But he delayed anwering until his time was almost up, to prevent the Democrat moderators from stalling with time-consuming follow ups.

He used words that is for sure, but he did not actually answer any questions.

A "bout of inflation?" Typical Democrat minimizing Biden's disastrous economic policies. Is the "bout" over?

Yes, a bout of inflation that the whole world experienced. And yes, inflation has come down to around historical averages.

Have the prices come down, or are people still having the choose between food and medicine? Still paying twice as much at the pump as they did under Trump?

Prices never come down after a round of inflation, wages catch up to the prices. Which they are doing now.
Here it is:

What you need to know​

  • JUST IN: The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Donald Trump may claim immunity from criminal prosecution for some of the actions he took in the waning days of his presidency in a decision that will likely further delay a trial on the federal election subversion charges pending against him.
And, of course the democrats are incensed that he's allowed any defense at all.
And who is the SC accountable to...NOBODY and they will have the final say.

I have far more faith in the experts in Fed agencies than I do in judges. Judges will be ruling on things they have no clue about. Does not seem a good way to go.

Which is what I just said. And who does the SC answer to...NOBODY.

It always is.
Have a blessed day
He used words that is for sure, but he did not actually answer any questions.
Name one question besides the nationwide abortion ban that he did not answer.
Yes, a bout of inflation that the whole world experienced. And yes, inflation has come down to around historical averages.
But nowhere close to the near zero we had with Trump. Government check recipients may be unfazed, with their incredibly generous COLAs added to their already outrageously generour checks. But single moms who are not on welfare are hurting and that will kill Biden with his base.
Prices never come down after a round of inflation, wages catch up to the prices. Which they are doing now.
So, it is by no means over, nor will it be in November.
Will not be blip, but it might make his followers even more rabid as they know now he can do damn near anything he wants with immunity

i gotta believe that americans are gonna do some revolting at the polls. the revolution 2.0 has just been awakened. this fucking decision by the supremes is remining us that we've stood up to a crown b4 & we can do it again. & this time it's only a gold plated one.
The Biden administration should immediately take full advantage of this ruling and start making some long overdue executive decisions.

hey newbie! welcome to our little corner of the interwebs. did you stop by the reception desk & pick up yer complimentary hazmat suit, yet?
He used words that is for sure, but he did not actually answer any questions.

but but but

Yes, a bout of inflation that the whole world experienced. And yes, inflation has come down to around historical averages.

& we are doing better than most other industrialized nations.

Prices never come down after a round of inflation, wages catch up to the prices. Which they are doing now.

prices will remain high as long as bigcorp keeps the prices high. they made record profits during the pandemic & the (R)S voted down - in unison - an anti gouging bill.

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