Why did the city of Minneapolis pay $27 million to George Floyd’s family? Will a Republican or Democrat ever demand Chauvin is freed?

Where in the Policy and Procedure Manual of the MPD is it? I'm looking right at it. Show us where it says that a knee on the neck of a suspect that is already subdued is what you're supposed to do.

Because the man that trained Chauvin testified under oath that is NOT standard procedure. As did the Police Chief.

Or perhaps the police chief is an infinitely better source on the matter than an entertainer?

Who is your next source on proper police procedure, Jeanine Garofalo? Carrot top?
Watch the documentary mentioned itt…your repeating left wing propaganda.

The police chief is wrong..all you can do is repeat yourself.

I go by the law you by something else.. your ignoring key points ie Floyd overdosed
Beating someone isn't killing them...

But okay, that was over the top on my part... I just get annoyed dealing with the constant whining from you people.

Point is, the Zionists are Europeans, it was on them to get along with their fellow Europeans, and they couldn't meet that low bar.

So they find someone else to abuse, and they get the same result. Imagine that.
Israel Is Our Shield

The Jewish Homeland was set up to protect Europeans from the 20th Century jihad. In fact, considering the apparent odds against its survival, I wonder if the winners in World War One wanted to throw Jews to the lions, hoping to slack the Nazislamis' blood lust.
Nope, sorry, I'm a former Catholic turned Atheist.

I don't care about ZIonist casualties because THEY SHOULDN"T BE THERE! You steal their land and kill their kids, don't be surprised when they retaliate.
Paleonasties Are Desert Nomads, Never Been Settlers Anywhere

It was Turkish land, ceded to the Allies after World War One.
Israel Is Our Shield

The Jewish Homeland was set up to protect Europeans from the 20th Century jihad. In fact, considering the apparent odds against its survival, I wonder if the winners in World War One wanted to throw Jews to the lions, hoping to slack the Nazislamis' blood lust.

Except it isn't our "sheild", it's a stick that keeps stirring up the hornet's nest.

In a world where Israel doesn't exist, the Arabs are tribes with banners fighting over water holes and certainly no threat to us.

Even the British realized resettling Europe's Jews in Palestine was a terrible idea, which is why they stopped doing it by the 1930's.
Watch the documentary mentioned itt…your repeating left wing propaganda.

The police chief is wrong..all you can do is repeat yourself.

I go by the law you by something else.. your ignoring key points ie Floyd overdosed

You just proved you go by a movie. The legal testimony of the actual police chief is something else entirely.
JoeB131 said:
Uh, why shouldn't he have called the cops?

I mean, I know you Zionist Squatters want to blame Palestinians for all the ills of the world, but he was perfectly justified in calling the cops when receiving a fake $20.00.

It's how the cops reacted after that which was the problem.
So, Arab "palestinian" immigrants in this country of our US are OK, but Jews are "squatters" to you Mr Racist-Arabist frankensteinPalestine?

Like fake "indigenous palestinans" lie..

Because why would JoeB131 want ever to tell facts/truth, if he advocates to beat up Jews?

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JoeB131 said:
Nope, it was a province ..
That was long after the exile of indigenous Jews by the Romans.

Not accidentally, in Italian, the Jews (so named - since in the book of Esther) are called:
EBREI. (Hebrews)

Of course after living outside Israel for 2,000 years most adopted local languages.

Yet, amazingly, Hebrew was preserved in writings --by this Biblical nation-- throughout persecution.

Ethnic cleansing by Arabs Trivia:
Some “40,000 Jews lived in Caesarea (Israel/palestine) alone at the Arab conquest, after which all trace of them is lost.”

In his book, "A History of Palestine, 634-1099" Moshe Gil (Cambridge University Press, 1997) details what happened to people, who lived in their ancestral land since the time of "Joshua ben Nun." That is to say, these Jewish residents claimed this land going back to the conquest of Joshua, and in effect they said it was theirs "in perpetuity." Gil decided to examine the fate of his people who lived in what they called the land of "al-Sham" concisely between the rise of Islam and the coming of the Crusades.

Along came the Arabic conquerors who, according to another source — citing the Muslim chronicler Baladhuri (d. 892 C.E.) — said, "40,000 Jews lived in Caesarea alone at the Arab conquest, after which all trace of them is lost."

Gil's book is 1000 pages of humiliation, taxation, degradation of the original inhabitants of this land, not to mention the Christians who were either converted Jews, Muslims, or people who had moved there. He recounts one story from events in the present day West Bank and Gaza:

"One source tells of a Muslim who converted to Christianity and became a monk, and was renamed Christophorous. He was beheaded on 14 April 789. At around the same time, evidently, there was an Arab attack on the monastery of St. Theodosius, near Bethlehem. The monastery was pillaged, many of the monks were slaughtered and some escaped. The attackers also destroyed two churches near that monastery. A Church source tells about the suffering endured by the monasteries in the Judean mountains during the inter-tribal warfare which broke out in 796b ... While Bet Guvrin was being abandoned by its inhabitants, who were falling captive to the Arabs, assaults were being made in Ascalon, Gaza, and other localities. Everywhere there was pillage and destruction. (p. 126).

Thus, we have a picture of Muslim-Arabic subjugation of a people who inhabited the land of "al-Sham." It was these invaders who now claimed that the land of "al-Sham" was theirs forever, according to the laws of Islamic jurisprudence.
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It’s a horror story if you think about it. This is something that happens in a Third World country or a totalitarian country. Do you remember how there was a video showing George Floyd with a neon him. The media only showed us one angle.

We were told by the media George Floyd cried out for his mom. That’s actually his girlfriend he would call his white girlfriend known as “mama”.

$27 million for Floyd’s family. Did Floyd’s family members ever actually know George Floyd. Could it have been that they didn’t even speak to him in years? $27 million and there are millions of poor or homeless black-and-white Americans in this country.

Candace Owens points out the knee on the upper back and neck area of Floyd was a police procedure. Yet Chauvins own fellow policeman threw him to the wolves, apparently afraid of a violent mob.
You're pathetic trash.
Watch the documentary mentioned itt…your repeating left wing propaganda.

And where in your youtube video does it show that the MPD procedures and policy manual says that a knee on the neck of a suspect that is already subdued is what an officer is supposed to do.

Give us the time stamp. Because I've got the officer who trained Chauvin AND the police chief of the MPD saying it absolutely was not.

You've never actually looked at the MPD procedures and policy manual, have you? You're just repeating what the youtube video told you to think. All while ignoring not one, but TWO veteran officers of the MPD who clearly indicate that what Chauvin did was outside the policy and procedure of officers in Minnepolis.

But tell us more about 'propaganda'. And feel free to mechanically ape your youtube video.
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Hey Ahmed. So excited about Muhammad's religion?

And it's not a separate issue. You're not pro palestine nor do you care about casualties caused by Hamas use of civilians. You're anti Jew period
No matter the subject.

Which causes to lie about history and current facts.

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he can tap dance all he wants, but JoeB131 is an antisemite after all. I bet he cheered when nineteen Islamic scumbags hijacked four commercial airliners and rammed them into the WTC and Pentagon.

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