Why did the city of Minneapolis pay $27 million to George Floyd’s family? Will a Republican or Democrat ever demand Chauvin is freed?

because they are from Europe.

Not that the Europeans want them around, either.
You do know that (your heroes:) German Nazis called on the Jews to go BACK to their Israel PALESTINA.

geh zurück nach Palästina
Yes, they did.

And that was wrong.

The British stopped them because even they realized that it was a bad idea to resettle the Jewish Refuse of Europe in Arabia.



And there were always SOME Jews remaining in Israel since the exile of 2nd destruction of 2nd Temple by the Romans.

For instance, the Jews in Pek'i'n.

And you do know that most Israelis are non Europeans...

And a large cuink are[ Middle Easteners] children of Arab racist expulsion 1948-1950s..
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It’s a horror story if you think about it. This is something that happens in a Third World country or a totalitarian country. Do you remember how there was a video showing George Floyd with a neon him. The media only showed us one angle.
Two whole ass juries in the first world thought about it, both at the State and Federal level, and sent those boys to prison.
It’s a horror story if you think about it. This is something that happens in a Third World country or a totalitarian country. Do you remember how there was a video showing George Floyd with a neon him. The media only showed us one angle.

We were told by the media George Floyd cried out for his mom. That’s actually his girlfriend he would call his white girlfriend known as “mama”.

$27 million for Floyd’s family. Did Floyd’s family members ever actually know George Floyd. Could it have been that they didn’t even speak to him in years? $27 million and there are millions of poor or homeless black-and-white Americans in this country.

Candace Owens points out the knee on the upper back and neck area of Floyd was a police procedure. Yet Chauvins own fellow policeman threw him to the wolves, apparently afraid of a violent mob.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the Police Chief of Minneapolis on what proper procedure was over Candace Owen. As would any rational person.

Candace is an entertainer who has no experience in police work. While Medaria Arradondo is a law enforcement professional with over 30 years of experience with the MPD.

You can't return from a place you were never from.

the European Squatters didn't speak Hebrew when they arrived, they spoke Yiddish (which is just sloppy German) .

And you do know that most Israelis are non Europeans...

And a large cuink are[ Middle Easteners] children of Arab racist expulsion 1948-1950s..
Then why are all the top ZIonist leaders Europeans?
Yeah, I'm gonna go with the Police Chief of Minneapolis on what proper procedure was over Candace Owen. As would any rational person.

Candace is an entertainer who has no experience in police work. While Medaria Arradondo is a law enforcement professional with over 30 years of experience with the MPD.

It’s what the Minnesota police handbook says. You’re wrong on this one.

Perhaps the police chief was motivated by a violent mob or told by higher-ups to forget the fax.

No matter what you say no matter how many far left talking points you bring to the table, no matter how much racism the left wing brings to the table you cannot dispute what the Minnesota police handbook says

You apparently don’t care about an innocent man languishing in jail. You’re literally just bringing up left-wing talking points and it’s a completely heinous thing to do. No different than if some black guy was in jail for an unrighteous reason and I simply said you know what I’m just gonna go ahead and agree with whatever a political figure or police chief said. Forget about the law forget about the facts I’m just gonna agree with what this person says.
It’s what the Minnesota police handbook says. You’re wrong on this one.

Perhaps the police chief was motivated by a violent mob or told by higher-ups to forget the fax.

No matter what you say no matter how many far left talking points you bring to the table, no matter how much racism the left wing brings to the table you cannot dispute what the Minnesota police handbook says

You apparently don’t care about an innocent man languishing in jail. You’re literally just bringing up left-wing talking points and it’s a completely heinous thing to do. No different than if some black guy was in jail for an unrighteous reason and I simply said you know what I’m just gonna go ahead and agree with whatever a political figure or police chief said. Forget about the law forget about the facts I’m just gonna agree with what this person says.
"I was only following hte handbook" has about as much validity as a Nazi saying he was only following orders.

The crowd could see that Floyd was dying.
It’s what the Minnesota police handbook says. You’re wrong on this one.

Where in the Policy and Procedure Manual of the MPD is it? I'm looking right at it. Show us where it says that a knee on the neck of a suspect that is already subdued is what you're supposed to do.

Because the man that trained Chauvin testified under oath that is NOT standard procedure. As did the Police Chief.

Perhaps the police chief was motivated by a violent mob or told by higher-ups to forget the fax.

Or perhaps the police chief is an infinitely better source on the matter than an entertainer?

Who is your next source on proper police procedure, Jeanine Garofalo? Carrot top?
JoeB131 said:
You can't return from a place you were never from.


You would also advocate for the European Jews to go BACK TO THEIR Israel-palestine had you been in the 1930s.

Or you would advocate just to kill them all. Like you do today.

You would also advocate for the European Jews to go BACK TO THEIR Israel-palestine had you been in the 1930s.

Or you would advocate just to kill them all. Like you do today.

Beating someone isn't killing them...

But okay, that was over the top on my part... I just get annoyed dealing with the constant whining from you people.

Point is, the Zionists are Europeans, it was on them to get along with their fellow Europeans, and they couldn't meet that low bar.

So they find someone else to abuse, and they get the same result. Imagine that.
How nice. And now you claim to be only "against zionists" nice try.

Oh, I make no bones...I think your religion is fucked up, but that's an issue I have with most religion.

if you think God tells you to act like an asshole, I'm always going to be there to give you a hard time.

Until the happy day when humanity outgrows the need for imaginary men in the sky.
Oh, I make no bones...I..
Hey Ahmed. So excited about Muhammad's religion?

And it's not a separate issue. You're not pro palestine nor do you care about casualties caused by Hamas use of civilians. You're anti Jew period
No matter the subject.

Which causes to lie about history and current facts.

Hey Ahmed. So excited about Muhammad's religion?

And it's not a separate issue. You're not pro palestine nor do you care about casualties caused by Hamas use of civilians. You're anti Jew period
No matter the subject.

Which causes to lie about history and current facts.

Nope, sorry, I'm a former Catholic turned Atheist.

I don't care about ZIonist casualties because THEY SHOULDN"T BE THERE! You steal their land and kill their kids, don't be surprised when they retaliate.
JoeB131 said:
Nope, sorry, I'm a former Catholic turned Atheist.

I don't care about ZIonist casualties

I referred to Arab casualties caused by your [beloved] Gaza regime using them.

And What is "zionist casualties " vs 'Jewish casualties'. Mister trying to make other confuse?

And yes, "palestinian" Arab terrorists target any Jew. Zionist or not. Even Haredim who refuse to serve in IDF or Haredim anti Zionists.


So do YOUR Hezbollah, even against Jews outside Israel, such as in: Argentina (AMIA bombing), Panama (1994 bombing), plots in Europe against ANY Jews by Uran/Hezbollah m

Is "zionist" label some cover for genocide now?

Remember that you still endorse the beating up Jews. That after I reminded you about the murder iof student Halberstam - Crown Geights era riots.

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I referred to Arab casualties caused by your [beloved] Gaza regime using them.

And What is "zionist casualties " vs 'Jewish casualties'. Mister trying to make other confuse?

Is "zionist" label some cover for genocide now?

Remember that you still endorse the beating up Jews. That after I reminded you about the murder iof student Halberstam - Crown Geights era riots.

View attachment 970168
Is English even your first language?
Is English even your first language?
You mean like "Jewish refuse" you wrote?


Yes. YOUR BELOVED Gaza regime uses Arab civilians, to make sure they die.


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