Logical next step?

So the foreign commie bitch is lying her frozen ass off again. I post links where appropriate, the last one was Saturday, it sent Care4all heading for the hills.

You've never sent ANYONE running for the hills, in your entire posting history. And calling me a "lying commie bitch" does not mean I am one. In fact, the only people who consistently claim others are lying, are themselves "liars".

If the only way you can "win" the argument is to lie about other people and call them names, it doesn't say much about your belief system, or your reasons for supporting a white nationalist government.

Your refusal to acknowledge the white nationalism which underpins the Party of Trump, show you to be in complete denial. They say it openly. They're not going to count "urban votes, or let non-whites vote.

The whole point of Civil Rights lawsuits in some States is to setup black majority districts.

And again with the "anyone to the right of Mitt Romney is a racist white nationalist nazi. "

No it is not. The point of Civil Rights lawsuits is to prevent the suppression of minority voters.

You keep posting Russian, Chinese and Iranian propaganda and lies - all of which Republicans are gleefully parroting as their own ideas.
They didn’t convey Qualified Immunity. They gave absolute immunity.
They absolutely didn't

Let’s explain the difference.

Qualified Immunity means the Cop, or Official, claims to be acting to carry out his duty. That claim is examined, usually by courts. The claim is turned down if the cop violated well established civil rights or the laws.

The immunity is qualified. As long as the cop was doing what policy said and did not violate an established civil right or restriction, the cop is immune from civil or criminal penalty.

This applies mostly the civil litigation. The President had that long before Trump showed up. The question is Criminal Responsibility.

Cops and other officials face criminal penalties all the time for violating laws. So comparing the Qualified Immunity to what is now the law for Presidents is laughable.

The protections now in place for the President are greater than any leader short of Dictator in history. Thou shall not disobey or question the Chief Executive. There are no limits to his power.

Assassinating Trump is the obvious example, and I honestly hope that Biden does so immediately. But remember how awful Biden was for ordering the forgiveness of the Student Loans? That is now perfectly legal. He just has to declare it part of his official duties as President and you can’t hold him accountable.

Heck. Biden can order the election stopped. Nobody can say anything about it. You can’t even impeach Biden now.

Impeachment is for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. But Biden can’t be charged with any crime, as he is immune to prosecution. So you can’t impeach him as he can’t commit any crime. Anything he does is automatically legal so long as it is official business of the Government.

The only way to get the President to once again be held accountable would be to overturn the decision by the Supremes, or pass an Amendment. The only way any demand for an Amendment will be heard is if Biden shows how dangerous this power created out of thin air really is.

So President Biden. You should announce that you have found Trump to be a danger to America and are ordering any and all Federal Employees to assassinate him immediately. Anyone who fails to do so will be charged with dereliction of duty.

This is exactly why homeschooling is surging. You people are an indictment of the public education system.
He ordered them to investigate the election. He also didn't try to stay in office, so any actual damages aren't there.

The Deposition was for acts performed before he was in office. try again.

You are fucking insane.

And when they investigated and found nothing, he told them to go back and find SOMETHING, ANYTHING he could use. He told State Governors to just announce there were "issues" and let him do the rest. Let's put it this way - according to the SC, everything Richard Nixon did is legal and he should never have been impeached.

"I just want you to find 11,000 votes". But since federal elections and Electors' Certificates are in no way the function of the federal government or the President, Trump is still criminally liable for the fake electors scheme and his attempts to overthrow the election.
Show me one state law that forces a women to carry an unviable fetus to term. An unviable fetus in a danger to the mother.


This is the tragedy of people like you. You don't let such a thing as not being informed stop you from claiming things with great certainty.
It has been almost 50 years since the high court ruled presidents have absolute immunity from civil lawsuits in Nixon v. Fitzgerald.

The court held ex-President Richard Nixon had such immunity for acts taken “within the ‘outer perimeter’ of his official responsibility.”

Yet in 1974’s United States v. Nixon, the court ruled a president is not immune from a criminal subpoena. Nixon was forced to comply with a subpoena for his White House tapes in the Watergate scandal from special counsel Leon Jaworski.

This new decision would have given Nixon immunity for his attempt to use the DOJ to cover up Watergate, and for his firing of the AG in the Saturday Night Massacre. In fact, under this SC ruling, Nixon could not be impeached for obstructing the Watergate Investigation, or any of his actions involving the DOJ, or the Cambodian War.
No, only if I discount your opinion and the bullshit stories being foisted on us by the MSM.
These aren’t bullshit stories. They’re documented and corroborated.

You are just telling yourself this to avoid having to face the truth.
You've never sent ANYONE running for the hills, in your entire posting history. And calling me a "lying commie bitch" does not mean I am one. In fact, the only people who consistently claim others are lying, are themselves "liars".

If the only way you can "win" the argument is to lie about other people and call them names, it doesn't say much about your belief system, or your reasons for supporting a white nationalist government.

Your refusal to acknowledge the white nationalism which underpins the Party of Trump, show you to be in complete denial. They say it openly. They're not going to count "urban votes, or let non-whites vote.

No it is not. The point of Civil Rights lawsuits is to prevent the suppression of minority voters.

You keep posting Russian, Chinese and Iranian propaganda and lies - all of which Republicans are gleefully parroting as their own ideas.

By creating districts of Minority voters, by using race as a decider for creating said districts.

What propaganda?
And when they investigated and found nothing, he told them to go back and find SOMETHING, ANYTHING he could use. He told State Governors to just announce there were "issues" and let him do the rest. Let's put it this way - according to the SC, everything Richard Nixon did is legal and he should never have been impeached.

"I just want you to find 11,000 votes". But since federal elections and Electors' Certificates are in no way the function of the federal government or the President, Trump is still criminally liable for the fake electors scheme and his attempts to overthrow the election.

Because of course people doing something criminal just leave the evidence out for everyone to see.....
These aren’t bullshit stories. They’re documented and corroborated.

You are just telling yourself this to avoid having to face the truth.

No, they are bullshit.

The truth is you are a simp, an SJW drone with limited intellect, who buys and swallows anything put in front of you by your supposed "betters"
Funny. Seems to me that dictators would be the ones who would want to avoid legal repercussions of their actions.

No, they are the ones using the legal system to prosecute/persecute/punish their political opponents.

Savannahderp is just letting what we all know out in the open for once, you people are fucking monsters.
No, they are bullshit.

The truth is you are a simp, an SJW drone with limited intellect, who buys and swallows anything put in front of you by your supposed "betters"
So you just believe whatever you want to believe.

Reality doesn’t matter.
No, they are the ones using the legal system to prosecute/persecute/punish their political opponents.
Who is “they”? Biden doesn’t have anything to do with the prosecutions.

Political opponents aren’t exempt from consequences of their actions.
So you just believe whatever you want to believe.

Reality doesn’t matter.

I believe what I believe.

Reality like women having penises, or not prosecuting crime reduces crime?

Or how about we have to destroy our Standard of living to "save the planet"?

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