Logical next step?

How ironic. YOU complaining about other people saying "weird shit". You're posts are nothing but "weird shit", and you mocking and laughing about it.

Now that your SC is busy destroying the Constitution, you're having a panic attack at left wing speculation as to what it all means.

Grow the fuck up and stop behaving like a spoilt toddler.
Settle down spaz. You dont even understand the decision. How could you, when you get all your news from biased left wing sources?
WTF are you talking about?

The disdain for the constitutional system came from Trump who thought he could wield the power of the executive branch to change the outcome of an election he lost. You think that's what the founders had in mind?

He was responding to an election where he thought the other side cheated. Cheating in elections is OK, right?
First, I'm not advocating for any harm to come to trump, or any of his supporters, but in the light of the recent Supreme court ruling, serious uncomfortable questions present themselves. A reasonable person might believe trumps threats to seek revenge on his opponents, as well as his offer to trade environmental protections for a billion dollars present a threat to the constitution and the wellbeing of the country. Having sworn to protect and defend the constitution, and in light of the new presidential authority, it is Biden's duty to prevent any chance of trump winning the upcoming presidential election in any way his newfound authority allows. Should Biden, exercise his newfound authority by imprisoning trump in Guantanamo, or some other way? If congress opposes such actions, they can always impeach him if they can get enough of our representatives to find him guilty.
Yeah, that's the ticket, Bulldog! Put Trump in Guantanamo. Impeach him for the THIRD time! I hate to break it to you, Sparky but Biden is going to lose to Trump because he's a senile, totally incompetent President who's used "lawfare" against his chief political rival! Enjoy every moment of the next four years!
The point always was the exact same thing. Ordering something illegal was a crime. It was never part of the Presidential protections intended.

Nixon ordered Government agencies to engage in a cover up. That was illegal. Trump ordered government departments to overturn the election. That is not part of the presidential duties. However those conversations are now so immune that they can’t be used against Trump since it was his presidential authority.

So Trump issuing absolutely illegal orders is covered by absolute immunity. The Supremes said so.

Ordering forged documents to be created to empower fake electors is covered by Immunity.

Nothing about that is part of the Presidents traditional duties. Nothing about it is even remotely presidential. But it is absolutely legal now, the Supremes said so.

And Clinton lied under oath in a deposition. A Deposition he shouldn’t have had to go through while in office because of Immunity.

Clinton’s actions are, by the Supreme Decision, legal now. Apparently they always were.

So I maintain that Biden must have Trump killed for the good of America and the dignity of the Presidency. He has the power, and he has the authority. Now the only question is does he have the will? I’d have signed the order already. Announced it on TV, and laughed my ass off as people objected.

He ordered them to investigate the election. He also didn't try to stay in office, so any actual damages aren't there.

The Deposition was for acts performed before he was in office. try again.

You are fucking insane.
He can think whatever he wants. It doesn't give him the right to act without justification.

All he did was investigate. And tell people to peacefully protest.

In the end Biden took office at the time he was supposed to.
Go back to your urban plantation that the white democrats built for you, and obey your democrat massas, the fact that you fail to realize what the left has done means you deserve the line of bull they feed you!
Are all you conservatives morons who don't understand how plantations worked? This is a poorly constructed insult that just makes you look stupid.

1. Slaves built the wealth that supported plantains and this country. Not the plantation owners. They confiscated the wealth generated by the slaves.

2. I fully support the continued take over of the Democratic party by minorities. I don't have any issue putting a political knife into Joe Biden the moment it becomes politically advantageous for us to do so. Us being progressives.

3. That makes your whole insult imaginary. A fantasy. And how insulted do you imagine I am by you doing dress up and make believe?
All he did was investigate. And tell people to peacefully protest.

In the end Biden took office at the time he was supposed to.
That's simply not true and you continue to ignore any document facts to the contrary.

Like when he tried to instruct the DoJ to publish a statement saying that the election was corrupt despite there being no factual basis for the statement.

How long are you going to avoid acknowledging this?
Raising the question how is the life of the mother threatened by an unviable fetus, specifically.

A question you refused to answer.

Don't strain yourself. We know you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Do you know what unviable means? An ectopic pregnancy or a dead or dying fetus is a danger to the mother and it's you that keeps throwing around general terms. So FOAD

First, I'm not advocating for any harm to come to trump, or any of his supporters, but in the light of the recent Supreme court ruling, serious uncomfortable questions present themselves. A reasonable person might believe trumps threats to seek revenge on his opponents, as well as his offer to trade environmental protections for a billion dollars present a threat to the constitution and the wellbeing of the country. Having sworn to protect and defend the constitution, and in light of the new presidential authority, it is Biden's duty to prevent any chance of trump winning the upcoming presidential election in any way his newfound authority allows. Should Biden, exercise his newfound authority by imprisoning trump in Guantanamo, or some other way? If congress opposes such actions, they can always impeach him if they can get enough of our representatives to find him guilty.
Persecuting and imprisoning political opponents is what Republican presidents do – not Democratic presidents.

With Trump in the WH we’ll see unbridled corruption, criminality, and abuse of power.
That's simply not true and you continue to ignore any document facts to the contrary.

Like when he tried to instruct the DoJ to publish a statement saying that the election was corrupt despite there being no factual basis for the statement.

How long are you going to avoid acknowledging this?

So what? I still think the election was corrupt in some places, and I supported him looking into it.

Meanwhile lets see what Dems come up with when Trump wins the EC count in November.
Do you know what unviable means? An ectopic pregnancy or a dead or dying fetus is a danger to the mother and it's you that keeps throwing around general terms. So FOAD

Unviable means unable to live outside the womb.
So what? I still think the election was corrupt in some places, and I supported him looking into it.

Meanwhile let’s see what Dems come up with when Trump wins the EC count in November.
Your argument makes sense only if your ignore facts and reality.

You can’t come to grips with what you support.
Unviable means unable to live outside the womb.

An unviable pregnancy is the inability to survive, not just outside the womb. I told your commie ass to look it up, since you seem to be incapable of that:

unviable (adjective)
  1. not capable of working successfully; not feasible:
    "the commission found the plan to be financially unviable"

I'm sorry but I don't agree. Killing a political opponent is wrong no matter how many members of SCOTUS claim it can be legal.

We don’t legislate morality. We legislate crimes. Courts don’t examine morality, but criminality.

And morality is always a bit of a conundrum. Let’s say you can go back in time and kill Hitler as a baby. If you do you could prevent World War Two and the deaths of millions of innocents.

Is it moral to kill a dictator who will cause the deaths of millions of innocents? Or is it immoral to kill a baby?

In most elections we are left with the choice of what we call the lesser of two evils. In 2016 I said that Trump was the lesser evil. In 2020 I said that there wasn’t any difference and as such I didn’t vote. We always say that. It’s because we know we are doing the right thing, but the reality is we are left with two bad choices, and we have to choose the least worse one.

In this scenario you know Trump will be a dictator. You won’t be able to stop him once he is in office. He has said he will do it. The supports snort and scoff and say he is trolling the Left with the things.

So is it immoral to murder him? Is it more immoral to let him take the power and do the things he says he will?
He ordered them to investigate the election. He also didn't try to stay in office, so any actual damages aren't there.

The Deposition was for acts performed before he was in office. try again.

You are fucking insane.

Trump did try and stay in office. You should read what he told the Department heads to do.

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