We Can't Unsee What We Saw

Joe Biden, you know I love you, and I'll vote for you over Trump no matter what. But after that performance at the debate, you need to step down.

I even think you did a great job these past 4 years. But you need to step down. And Kamala ain't your replacement.

The signs were there all the way back in 2020. You guys pretended they didn't exist and constantly gaslit everyone who brought it up over these last few years.
Just by judging how well he has done the last 3 years,
And how he did compared to what this board has said about his inability to do anything.
Am hoping that the other idiot party supports him until he decides to retire and new blood is found.
The Republicans kept it going while Regan had dementia. Old age should not be a crime.
Pretty freakin' complicated.

I don't know a lot about the process, but would the Dems try to go into the convention with someone specific in mind, or would they have to battle it out on national TV?

It does seem like the momentum is to convince him not to run again.
He didn't convince them of that, he just said he wouldn't try to force the modern DEI/LGBT/trans bullshit on them.

And he gave them a Court that would expand on that.

Why should evangelicals vote for Dems?
If they want to ever have grandbabies they should vote Democratic. Your kid may get an abortion when she's 18 but she could always have one later. Take away her abortion rights and see what happens.

They're too young to be conservatives. So they snip snip and suddenly, your family tree ends.
You never know what to believe, but I'm seeing that he and Jill are being pretty obstinate. Of course their family will back them up.

You can't watch that debate and not see it. And the visual of Jill carefully helping him off the stage may be burned into my memory forever.

I dunno. Watch him stay in and win. Who knows.
I watched the highlights. Am I supposed to believe the orange bag of shit had a good performance? :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no.

Continuous lies using a louder cadence are still continuous lies. :rolleyes:
If they want to ever have grandbabies they should vote Democratic. Your kid may get an abortion when she's 18 but she could always have one later. Take away her abortion rights and see what happens.

They're too young to be conservatives. So they snip snip and suddenly, your family tree ends.

Right now the right is easily out breeding the left, so your thoughts on this is comical. Only the left crazies are mutilating themselves over this.

Jesus is their savior, Trump is their candidate. Ex-president’s backers say he shares faith, values​

I thought fleecing the rubes for millions was his best con ever. But convincing evangelicals Don shares their faith and values tops them all. I had no idea the bible thumpers were in favor of sexual assault and committing felonies. ;)

Many of the T-shirts and hats that were worn and sold at the rally in March proclaimed religious slogans such as “Jesus is my savior, Trump is my president” and “God, Guns & Trump.” One man’s shirt declared, “Make America Godly Again,” with the image of a luminous Jesus putting his supportive hands on Trump’s shoulders.
Bible thumpers your tolerance i9s showing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not
The signs were there all the way back in 2020. You guys pretended they didn't exist and constantly gaslit everyone who brought it up over these last few years.
He was sharp enough. Until that debate, he killed it so well at the SOTU, White House Correspondents Dinner AND on Howard Stern that Republicans said he was on drugs. Jacked up Joe was what they were calling him all the way leading up to the event.

Ever notice Trump is jacked up when he's speaking at a rally? The dumb shit he says? Forgets his doctors name after saying he aced the memory test? Lies constantly the entire night and Biden's too old to call him on it. Well what about you? Are you okay with Trump lying constantly all night?

I'm like Trump supporters. Joe could shit his pants on 5th Ave and not lose my support.
Joe Biden, you know I love you, and I'll vote for you over Trump no matter what. But after that performance at the debate, you need to step down.

I even think you did a great job these past 4 years. But you need to step down. And Kamala ain't your replacement.
Who do you think would do as good a job for your party?
I watched the highlights. Am I supposed to believe the orange bag of shit had a good performance? :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no.

Continuous lies using a louder cadence are still continuous lies. :rolleyes:
No standards are applied to him, so that stuff doesn't matter.

It's pretty clear that a pretty sizable portion of the electorate just doesn't give a shit. But he's a loud, gaudy celebrity and a great anti-hero, so that's good!

I watched the highlights. Am I supposed to believe the orange bag of shit had a good performance? :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no.

Continuous lies using a louder cadence are still continuous lies. :rolleyes:
I watched the highlights.
so you saw cherry picked excerpts and made up your mind.
you certainly have an open mind.

Right now the right is easily out breeding the left, so your thoughts on this is comical. Only the left crazies are mutilating themselves over this.
Are these righties uneducated? Because right now in America we have a epidemic among uneducated whites. Dying from economic despair. And they too are having fewer children.

A study from 1997–2002 found that very religious women had an average of 2.3 children, which is half a child more than women who didn't consider religion important. A Pew Research Center survey from 2015 found that Mormons have the highest fertility rate, averaging 3.4 children per lifetime, while atheists and agnostics average 1.6 and 1.3 children, respectively.

According to a 2015 Pew Research Center study, Muslims have the highest fertility rate, averaging 3.1 children per woman, while Christians average 2.7 children per woman. However, Pew Research Center also estimates that the number of babies born to Muslims will surpass those born to Christians in less than 20 years.

So it's not Christians. If it is, it's Mexicans. It's Muslims who are out breeding you. But that's cool right? You're happy just as long as they are religious. Any religion will do right? LOL
Dude has been acting this way for years and people are now so surprised?
How much of a trance do you have to be in to just now see it? Good gawd almighty :rolleyes:
Joe Is an embarrassment to me.
It makes me sad.

But trump is ALSO embarrassing. Dear Lord.....I truly do NOT understand the cult following for a life-long con man and cheat.
Are these righties uneducated? Because right now in America we have a epidemic among uneducated whites. Dying from economic despair. And they too are having fewer children.

A study from 1997–2002 found that very religious women had an average of 2.3 children, which is half a child more than women who didn't consider religion important. A Pew Research Center survey from 2015 found that Mormons have the highest fertility rate, averaging 3.4 children per lifetime, while atheists and agnostics average 1.6 and 1.3 children, respectively.

According to a 2015 Pew Research Center study, Muslims have the highest fertility rate, averaging 3.1 children per woman, while Christians average 2.7 children per woman. However, Pew Research Center also estimates that the number of babies born to Muslims will surpass those born to Christians in less than 20 years.

So it's not Christians. If it is, it's Mexicans. It's Muslims who are out breeding you. But that's cool right? You're happy just as long as they are religious. Any religion will do right? LOL

Actually it's the AWFL's and the men they are supposed to be mating with that are the issue. It's why the left has to gun for other people's kids.

You can throw numbers up all you want, but reality is out there for everyone to see.

And you idiots think you can control the Muslims....LOL
The signs were there all the way back in 2020. You guys pretended they didn't exist and constantly gaslit everyone who brought it up over these last few years.
Libs will deny and ignore reality and come clean only in the direst moment and only to save face and not drown in the sunken ship
Joe Biden, you know I love you, and I'll vote for you over Trump no matter what. But after that performance at the debate, you need to step down.

I even think you did a great job these past 4 years. But you need to step down. And Kamala ain't your replacement.

This post is everything that's wrong with politics and voting. You don't like Trump, then don't vote for him. But you would vote for a man in clear cognitive decline who absolutely cannot do the job. You would vote for the Party that has lied to you about Biden's ability. You would put a man in office who's not all there mentally who would have his hand on the nuclear switch. You're fine with the Presidency being run by no-name people behind the scenes with no accountability. Vote 3rd party or don't vote. But you're doing serious damage by putting Biden back in office just because the MSM has lied to you and conditioned you to hate Trump.
Actually it's the AWFL's and the men they are supposed to be mating with that are the issue. It's why the left has to gun for other people's kids.

You can throw numbers up all you want, but reality is out there for everyone to see.

And you idiots think you can control the Muslims....LOL

No I'm just pointing out that it's not you Christians who are breeding. They want to stay middle class too so they too are having less kids. Not enough. Maybe more than us liberals, but still not enough. So in 200 years your great great grandkids kids will have a last name like Rodriguez or Gonzales. Thank God for immigrants huh? Relax, those South Americans are just as stupid and religious as you are are. Maybe more.

Young white boys don't care about sex. They have porn.

Is that why you are restricting porn in red states? You figure if they can't jack off they'll have sex with a woman who can't get an abortion? That's why we are getting fixed. Remember, your kids rebel against your religiosity too. It isn't till they get older they turn conservative. By then it's too late. Snip snip.

I know you don't believe numbers and facts. You just believe your alternative reality. Amazing that you can discard facts and just believe based on what your little two eyes see. What do you see?

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