We Can't Unsee What We Saw

No I'm just pointing out that it's not you Christians who are breeding. They want to stay middle class too so they too are having less kids. Not enough. Maybe more than us liberals, but still not enough. So in 200 years your great great grandkids kids will have a last name like Rodriguez or Gonzales. Thank God for immigrants huh? Relax, those South Americans are just as stupid and religious as you are are. Maybe more.

Young white boys don't care about sex. They have porn.

Is that why you are restricting porn in red states? You figure if they can't jack off they'll have sex with a woman who can't get an abortion? That's why we are getting fixed. Remember, your kids rebel against your religiosity too. It isn't till they get older they turn conservative. By then it's too late. Snip snip.

I know you don't believe numbers and facts. You just believe your alternative reality. Amazing that you can discard facts and just believe based on what your little two eyes see. What do you see?
Hispanics by in large are Christians. Now sure what you are talking about
This post is everything that's wrong with politics and voting. You don't like Trump, then don't vote for him. But you would vote for a man in clear cognitive decline who absolutely cannot do the job. You would vote for the Party that has lied to you about Biden's ability. You would put a man in office who's not all there mentally who would have his hand on the nuclear switch. You're fine with the Presidency being run by no-name people behind the scenes with no accountability. Vote 3rd party or don't vote. But you're doing serious damage by putting Biden back in office just because the MSM has lied to you and conditioned you to hate Trump.

Yes I would vote for a good man and his team to continue leading this country over the felon. Even if Biden was in a coma.

Who's Trump's 5th in command? I trust Biden's 5th in command more than I trust Trump's 10.
Kamala over any of them. Even Mike Pence.

Sorry but there is nothing that I see that would ever get me to vote GOP.

Dude, Trump's cabinet considered invoking the 25th amendment. What's wrong with YOU?

There have been discussions among some members of Donald Trump's Cabinet and his allies over invoking the 25th Amendment, a potential vehicle for removing the president from office, multiple sources with direct knowledge of the discussions told ABC News.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., on Thursday became the first Republican to publicly call for the invocation of the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office.

The 25th Amendment, which was ratified in 1967 in the wake of President John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963, lays out the procedures for replacing the president in the event of death, removal, resignation or incapacitation.

"The president not only abdicated his duty to protect the American people and the people's house, he invoked and inflamed passions that gave fuel to the insurrection we saw here," Kinzinger said in a video posted to Twitter. "When pressed to move and denounce the violence he barely did so, while of course victimizing himself ... all indications are that the president has become unmoored, not just from his duty, or even his health, but from reality itself."
I'm a NeverTrumper, guy. He's will always be a orange bag O' shit.

Looks like Joe has been hitting the spray tan. Maybe he confused it with his dementia meds.

Hispanics by in large are Christians. Now sure what you are talking about
I know and your white ass is trying to take credit for the children they're having. Your white ass isn't having nearly enough kids. You're being replaced bitch!

The number of white births in the United States has been declining since 1999, and in 2016, white deaths began to exceed white births. This decline has contributed to a natural decrease in the white population, which is partly due to the older age structure of white people compared to other racial and ethnic groups. The Great Recession also had a significant impact on fertility and life-cycle decisions for many families, which contributed to the decline in white births between 2007 and 2016.
I know and your white ass is trying to take credit for the children they're having. Your white ass isn't having nearly enough kids. You're being replaced bitch!

The number of white births in the United States has been declining since 1999, and in 2016, white deaths began to exceed white births. This decline has contributed to a natural decrease in the white population, which is partly due to the older age structure of white people compared to other racial and ethnic groups. The Great Recession also had a significant impact on fertility and life-cycle decisions for many families, which contributed to the decline in white births between 2007 and 2016.
Well I am it white, and I am certainly not taking credit for anyone else having a baby.
I'm a NeverTrumper, guy. He's will always be a orange bag O' shit.
therefore you support Biden, despite his obvious shortcomings?

despite rumor to the contrary, I didn't vote for president in 16, 20, and I won't in 24.

Trump, Hillary, and Biden might possibly be the 3 worse candidates to appear on the ballot.
No I'm just pointing out that it's not you Christians who are breeding. They want to stay middle class too so they too are having less kids. Not enough. Maybe more than us liberals, but still not enough. So in 200 years your great great grandkids kids will have a last name like Rodriguez or Gonzales. Thank God for immigrants huh? Relax, those South Americans are just as stupid and religious as you are are. Maybe more.

Young white boys don't care about sex. They have porn.

Is that why you are restricting porn in red states? You figure if they can't jack off they'll have sex with a woman who can't get an abortion? That's why we are getting fixed. Remember, your kids rebel against your religiosity too. It isn't till they get older they turn conservative. By then it's too late. Snip snip.

I know you don't believe numbers and facts. You just believe your alternative reality. Amazing that you can discard facts and just believe based on what your little two eyes see. What do you see?

And the nihilist have won, and you idiots are cheering it.
Hispanics by in large are Christians. Now sure what you are talking about
They say "don't have kids you can't afford" is the most successful policy initiative ever. Way more successful than "just say no" for example. Our parents told us not to have kids we can't afford, and we did everything we could to follow that advice. "You'll ruin your life" they said. So we listened.

Then student loan debt, shitty jobs with no security, no pensions, harder to save for retirement, the high cost of weddings, taxing us to death, don't count on your social security being there, you are being paid what you are worth.

We complained the rich were getting richer and we were not getting our fair share. You argued. Okay, so fuck it. We just won't have kids. Now we will have plenty of money to retire. And you can send your kids to public schools and they can take on extreme debt. Congrats. Enjoy that money pit called Parenthood.
They say "don't have kids you can't afford" is the most successful policy initiative ever. Way more successful than "just say no" for example. Our parents told us not to have kids we can't afford, and we did everything we could to follow that advice. "You'll ruin your life" they said. So we listened.

Then student loan debt, shitty jobs with no security, no pensions, harder to save for retirement, the high cost of weddings, taxing us to death, don't count on your social security being there, you are being paid what you are worth.

We complained the rich were getting richer and we were not getting our fair share. You argued. Okay, so fuck it. We just won't have kids. Now we will have plenty of money to retire. And you can send your kids to public schools and they can take on extreme debt. Congrats. Enjoy that money pit called Parenthood.
Well you shouldn’t have kids you can’t afford. Why do you think that’s not wise advice?
Joe Biden, you know I love you, and I'll vote for you over Trump no matter what. But after that performance at the debate, you need to step down.

I even think you did a great job these past 4 years. But you need to step down. And Kamala ain't your replacement.
Your Social Credit score might have plummeted, but congrats!
And the nihilist have won, and you idiots are cheering it.

Just like you didn't care how good Joe's economy is doing and it'll never be enough. You want to tear down the system you say. They are all globalists, deep state RINO's you say. But then the Supreme Court shows you how it's blatantly corrupt (not that we didn't already know) and you cheer.

Yea, I want to see your way fail. Because it's going to fail for the poor. The people Trump is conning right now. The rest of us will be fine. Hell, we might be even better.

But there is no way Republicans want to give uneducated blue collar workers more money. No way.
Just like you didn't care how good Joe's economy is doing and it'll never be enough. You want to tear down the system you say. They are all globalists, deep state RINO's you say. But then the Supreme Court shows you how it's blatantly corrupt (not that we didn't already know) and you cheer.

Yea, I want to see your way fail. Because it's going to fail for the poor. The people Trump is conning right now. The rest of us will be fine. Hell, we might be even better.

But there is no way Republicans want to give uneducated blue collar workers more money. No way.

We want to restore the system.

The SC fixed a problem with removing Chevron deference, that's the truth.

Typical socialist, always surprised when the sans culottes come for them eventually.
Well you shouldn’t have kids you can’t afford. Why do you think that’s not wise advice?
It's great advice. Unfortunately that's not good for the economy or country. Or so they say. So my point is your polices have made it so not enough people can afford to have kids. Happy now?

The rich are getting all the spoils. Unfortunately they can't have enough kids for the rest of us. So perhaps instead of them getting $1 million a year, you give them half a million a year and split up that other half a mill and give it to 50 employees. That's another $10K a year for each of them. Those 50 people will start having kids.

And the boss will live just fine on $500,000 a year. Don't cha think?
It was so very easy for you moonbats to unsee what a decrepit senile bag of useless flesh that Pedo Peter has been for the last four years.

What's so hard about it now?

Even now the frigging dopes say they would vote for a walking vegetable. This is what sort of 50IQ sap that lives in this country with rights to vote. Like the dumb OP and others.
We want to restore the system.

The SC fixed a problem with removing Chevron deference, that's the truth.

Typical socialist, always surprised when the sans culottes come for them eventually.
When they came for the sans culottes I didn't say anything because I wasn't a sans culottes
It's great advice. Unfortunately that's not good for the economy or country. Or so they say. So my point is your polices have made it so not enough people can afford to have kids. Happy now?

The rich are getting all the spoils. Unfortunately they can't have enough kids for the rest of us. So perhaps instead of them getting $1 million a year, you give them half a million a year and split up that other half a mill and give it to 50 employees. That's another $10K a year for each of them. Those 50 people will start having kids.

And the boss will live just fine on $500,000 a year. Don't cha think?
What the f are you talking about? Of course it is, we are in massive debt because we have people that need welfare. The largest drivers of debt are medicare and Medicaid, paying for people that can’t afford their own healthcare…here’s a hint, don’t have kids you can’t afford so you aren’t a drain

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