Logical next step?

Are you switching gears from Nixon to Trump now?

Trump wasn't interested in "figuring it out" when he told the DoJ to issue a statement calling the election corrupt despite the fact that they had not found any evidence of such corruption.

because all crimes have evidence sitting on the table ready for people to use it, right?
because all crimes have evidence sitting on the table ready for people to use it, right?
Of course not. But how does that permit Trump to tell the DoJ to announce the conclusion of an investigation that hasn't occurred?
Of course not. But how does that permit Trump to tell the DoJ to announce the conclusion of an investigation that hasn't occurred?

He doesn't have to declare anything, he just has to try to figure out if it was a fraudulent election or not. Also there are time constraints involved.

You idiots could have just beat him, even with some "help" from loose absentee ballot rules from the pandemic, but you had to go with the lawfare.

Now the SC has put a stop to it, and many people see right through all this bullshit.
You know, I'm kind of encouraged by the fact that now everyone has a reason to be as politically opposed to the white right as some of us have always been. It's about time some of you had a come to Jesus moment about what they're all about.
Go back to your urban plantation that the white democrats built for you, and obey your democrat massas, the fact that you fail to realize what the left has done means you deserve the line of bull they feed you!
First, I'm not advocating for any harm to come to trump, or any of his supporters, but in the light of the recent Supreme court ruling, serious uncomfortable questions present themselves. A reasonable person might believe trumps threats to seek revenge on his opponents, as well as his offer to trade environmental protections for a billion dollars present a threat to the constitution and the wellbeing of the country. Having sworn to protect and defend the constitution, and in light of the new presidential authority, it is Biden's duty to prevent any chance of trump winning the upcoming presidential election in any way his newfound authority allows. Should Biden, exercise his newfound authority by imprisoning trump in Guantanamo, or some other way? If congress opposes such actions, they can always impeach him if they can get enough of our representatives to find him guilty.
LOL. So, you're advocating that we take democracy away because Trump might take democracy away after being elected in a fair, democratic election?
He doesn't have to declare anything, he just has to try to figure out if it was a fraudulent election or not. Also there are time constraints involved.

You idiots could have just beat him, even with some "help" from loose absentee ballot rules from the pandemic, but you had to go with the lawfare.

Now the SC has put a stop to it, and many people see right through all this bullshit.
Trump sure thought he did given that is what he was instructing the DoJ to do.

The "lawfare" is attempting to protect our nation from the illegitimate, illegal and corrupt actions of a president who is unconstrained by any law or custom.
Trump sure thought he did given that is what he was instructing the DoJ to do.

The "lawfare" is attempting to protect our nation from the illegitimate, illegal and corrupt actions of a president who is unconstrained by any law or custom.

No, it's complete and utter disdain for our Constitutional system for political reasons.

It's about power, which is what it's always about for you lefty fucktards.
First, I'm not advocating for any harm to come to trump, or any of his supporters, but in the light of the recent Supreme court ruling, serious uncomfortable questions present themselves. A reasonable person might believe trumps threats to seek revenge on his opponents, as well as his offer to trade environmental protections for a billion dollars present a threat to the constitution and the wellbeing of the country. Having sworn to protect and defend the constitution, and in light of the new presidential authority, it is Biden's duty to prevent any chance of trump winning the upcoming presidential election in any way his newfound authority allows. Should Biden, exercise his newfound authority by imprisoning trump in Guantanamo, or some other way? If congress opposes such actions, they can always impeach him if they can get enough of our representatives to find him guilty.
How would locking Trump up in Gitmo fall under official duties of the President.

Provide a link.
No, it's complete and utter disdain for our Constitutional system for political reasons.

It's about power, which is what it's always about for you lefty fucktards.
WTF are you talking about?

The disdain for the constitutional system came from Trump who thought he could wield the power of the executive branch to change the outcome of an election he lost. You think that's what the founders had in mind?
And that's why the question was never answered. In all other acts no one got to this point.

For Nixon it was the cover up, which isn't an act of office that he was actually accused of.

And for Clinton he actually lied under oath, in front of everyone, again not a Presidential act.

The point always was the exact same thing. Ordering something illegal was a crime. It was never part of the Presidential protections intended.

Nixon ordered Government agencies to engage in a cover up. That was illegal. Trump ordered government departments to overturn the election. That is not part of the presidential duties. However those conversations are now so immune that they can’t be used against Trump since it was his presidential authority.

So Trump issuing absolutely illegal orders is covered by absolute immunity. The Supremes said so.

Ordering forged documents to be created to empower fake electors is covered by Immunity.

Nothing about that is part of the Presidents traditional duties. Nothing about it is even remotely presidential. But it is absolutely legal now, the Supremes said so.

And Clinton lied under oath in a deposition. A Deposition he shouldn’t have had to go through while in office because of Immunity.

Clinton’s actions are, by the Supreme Decision, legal now. Apparently they always were.

So I maintain that Biden must have Trump killed for the good of America and the dignity of the Presidency. He has the power, and he has the authority. Now the only question is does he have the will? I’d have signed the order already. Announced it on TV, and laughed my ass off as people objected.
Sorry for attempting to educate you. I assumed when you asked a question you were interested in hearing an answer.

You gave a general answer, you did nothing but restate a previous statement, I asked for specifics, apparently that word is beyond your grasp.

That's another lie, TX has a provision for the life of the mother.

Raising the question how is the life of the mother threatened by an unviable fetus, specifically.

A question you refused to answer.

Don't strain yourself. We know you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
The point always was the exact same thing. Ordering something illegal was a crime. It was never part of the Presidential protections intended.

Nixon ordered Government agencies to engage in a cover up. That was illegal. Trump ordered government departments to overturn the election. That is not part of the presidential duties. However those conversations are now so immune that they can’t be used against Trump since it was his presidential authority.

So Trump issuing absolutely illegal orders is covered by absolute immunity. The Supremes said so.

Ordering forged documents to be created to empower fake electors is covered by Immunity.

Nothing about that is part of the Presidents traditional duties. Nothing about it is even remotely presidential. But it is absolutely legal now, the Supremes said so.

And Clinton lied under oath in a deposition. A Deposition he shouldn’t have had to go through while in office because of Immunity.

Clinton’s actions are, by the Supreme Decision, legal now. Apparently they always were.

So I maintain that Biden must have Trump killed for the good of America and the dignity of the Presidency. He has the power, and he has the authority. Now the only question is does he have the will? I’d have signed the order already. Announced it on TV, and laughed my ass off as people objected.

Clinton lied in a State court proceeding, and perjury is not a presidential duty.


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