In search of the perfect song (rock or pop)

I hearken to the days before "wall of sound" and screaming, when you could enjoy both. Sinatra said that his songs were "a love story told in three minutes". It was nice to actually hear the story.
Great point. Stories set to music. I used to love the comical ones. Utah Phillips with Moose Turd Pie and of course A Boy Named Sue
A new band I just joined does that song so I gotta learn how to play it. Should be fun.

Everything about it is brilliant. It's a magic song--you can feel it, like it's an instant mood/vibe. The lyrics, the grounding of images..."summer-colored skin", "Frost perched on the ground". The guitar so articulate but atmospheric

"Jesse" is my favorite. As soon as it's finished, I want to hear it again.

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Sorry but I'm not fond of Taylor.
Its not that I don't like her performances but it' like I can't tell the difference from her voice and Beyonce's voice or any of todays pop singers. But from what I hear personaly she is a fine young lady.
That was my teen generation. Best ever!
Mine too.
Its not that I don't like her performances but it' like I can't tell the difference from her voice and Beyonce's voice or any of todays pop singers. But from what I hear personaly she is a fine young lady.

I don't know much about her, so thanks for the info on her. I may give her another listen.

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