Logical next step?

Easily quoted. I'm always prepared to support my claims.

I support my claims to but there are certain posters who I will not give links to that OK Texas is one of them. He doesn't read links - ever. He never posts links ever. But he demands links to things that are public knowledge,
Not really. It's just that conservative justices say that the law doesn't actually matter anymore if they don't like what the president does.

That's why they invented the "major questions" doctrine, to give themselves veto power that doesn't exist in the constitution.

I think you need to read article 3 again.

Keep telling yourself that.

I've said it before. You guys like defending risking infertility in mothers because some abortion laws say they have to carry unviable fetuses to term?

Congratulations, now you can add defending, "the president should be above the law" to your list.

This will play well in November especially among independents and Democrats. You just ensured that most of them, I suspect, will feel they have to turn out to prevent Trump from taking office. Any lack of enthusiasm for Biden is now gone. If for no other reason, that most KNOW what Trump will do with this newfound immunity.

And you'd better hope Democrats won't actually do what you've been claiming they're doing, since SCOTUS just added an entire slew of corrupt actions as legal.

So you're just a fucking liar, GOT IT!

Nowhere does it mention anything about the major questions doctrine. Article 3 does not permit the court to grab vast amounts of power as this court has done.
Stop saying weird shit. Cant you be a normal person for 1 fucking day?
Nowhere does it mention anything about the major questions doctrine. Article 3 does not permit the court to grab vast amounts of power as this court has done.

Really, of course you can expand on that, what power has the court grabbed? Be specific.

Really, of course you can expand on that, what power has the court grabbed? Be specific.

I already stated. They gave themselves veto power over any policy of the executive they don’t like. The law doesn’t matter. They can just pretend the law doesnt mean what it says.
How do you think they create the acceptable racial representation districts in States where it's mandated? They Gerrymander.

They have the ability to hear from both sides experts and decide. That's the whole point of being a judge. Under Chevron only the regulators experts counted when the wording was vague.

Taking a bribe has always been illegal, so the President wouldn't get a pass on that.

No they don't. They simply use geographic lines. Gerrymandering is specifically placing certain voters in the district. You draw straight lines around an area, or use county and city limits, and that's the district.

You don't take the "urban voters" from one area and split them into 3 and add them to three different Conservatives districts to dilute the "urban" vote and prevent this group from having ANY representation.

This is how you get super majorities of white Republicans in states that have close to a 50% minority population. Alabama has a white population of less than 45%, and yet the members of the state legislature are 75% white and 85% male. Hardly "representative" of the population.

And this is why red states are such a complete disaster in terms of education and infrastructure.

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