Logical next step?

Protecting the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Trump has said the Constitution should be "ignored". Killing Trump is saving the Constitution which is Biden's FIRST and most important "official duty".

Be careful what you wish for Marty.

It's official. you morons have actually lost it.


I think you need to go over the thread. I wasn't the one making the claim.
NO. I hope he does not. He can't sink to MAGA's level. If he does, then we're probably done. We're on the precipice as it is. That's when the Trumps and Bannons and Flynns win.

The Supreme Court's version of the Enabling Act of 1933 was blatant enough. The rest of the country can't be a part of this.

I had to scroll to find this after OKTexas' response, just to add my own.

The Enabling act?


Please tell me you aren't this fucking retarded.
Mac do you believe Trump will have any qualms about testing the limits of this immunity?

I'm not an alarmist by nature nor do I think it's a good idea to try to use whataboutisms to justify your own behavior. But the full implications of this ruling in the hands of an aspiring autocrat are so dire and immediate that I have a hard time NOT just wanting to throw out the rulebook. When it comes down to it I rather have an autocrat who has a moral compass then one without it.

Can you find any fault in my logic?

Yeah, xiden has shown a greater propensity to ignore the law than Trump ever did.

Yeah, xiden has shown a greater propensity to ignore the law than Trump ever did.

Not really. It's just that conservative justices say that the law doesn't actually matter anymore if they don't like what the president does.

That's why they invented the "major questions" doctrine, to give themselves veto power that doesn't exist in the constitution.
No. He and they are going to push this absolutely as far as they can. The rank & file think that this is The Battle of Good Vs. Evil. Literally. Really. They will do and accept anything for their Holy War.

The enablers, those in Congress and MAGA media, are simply leveraging this for their own gain. The enablers are the biggest villains, to me.

As I always say, the world has seen this before. It's just amazing that it's happening HERE, of all places.

What the fuck are they leveraging? The damn decision hasn't even been fully digested yet, it's less than 24 hours old. You damn drama queens are pathetic.

Lol, if SCOTUS decides he can't get charged this becomes difficult.

This isn't some academic exercise. Roberts SPECIFICALLY said that not only is a president allowed TO ORDER the DOJ to lie on his behalf. Any evidence to that effect is INADMISSIBLE.

Again that's INCREDIBLY threatening.

Of course you can provide a quote from the decision to that effect, RIGHT?????????

Yeah, xiden has shown a greater propensity to ignore the law than Trump ever did.

Keep telling yourself that.

I've said it before. You guys like defending risking infertility in mothers because some abortion laws say they have to carry unviable fetuses to term?

Congratulations, now you can add defending, "the president should be above the law" to your list.

This will play well in November especially among independents and Democrats. You just ensured that most of them, I suspect, will feel they have to turn out to prevent Trump from taking office. Any lack of enthusiasm for Biden is now gone. If for no other reason, that most KNOW what Trump will do with this newfound immunity.

And you'd better hope Democrats won't actually do what you've been claiming they're doing, since SCOTUS just added an entire slew of corrupt actions as legal.
Simplistic views from a simpleton.

1. and yet Gerrymandering for race is A-OK right?
2. Those are still crimes at the State level, and probably under other federal laws, this one law was just too vague to hold up.
3. Judges should be able to overturn anything, that's their purpose. And how fair is it if one group of "experts" is judge, jury and executioner?
4. Only for official constitutional acts, and this has been the situation for centuries. It just didn't have to be quantified until now because of Dem lawfare.

Gerrymandering for race is still illegal. But if you do it for partisan purposes, and not race, it's legal.

Judges have neither the education or the experience to decide which drugs are safe, which chemicals are safe, and whether or not a chemical or a drug can harm people.

That has NEVER been true. It's now legal to take a bribe for a pardon, because the pardon is an "official act".
Protecting the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Trump has said the Constitution should be "ignored". Killing Trump is saving the Constitution which is Biden's FIRST and most important "official duty".

Be careful what you wish for Marty.

You loons need to stop with this assassination and killing Trump crap
Of course you can provide a quote from the decision to that effect, RIGHT?????????

Because the President cannot be prosecuted for conduct within his exclusive constitutional authority, Trump is absolutely immune from prosecution for the
alleged conduct involving his discussions with Justice Department of
ficials. Pp. 19–21
So his defense is not that he's innocent. It's that he's above the law. That's a defense GUILTY people make.
If you want to spin it that way I dont mind

You're not on my jury, and I dont need your vote to stay out of jail

Meanwhile I’ll just keep chuggin’ along toward november
Gerrymandering for race is still illegal. But if you do it for partisan purposes, and not race, it's legal.

Judges have neither the education or the experience to decide which drugs are safe, which chemicals are safe, and whether or not a chemical or a drug can harm people.

That has NEVER been true. It's now legal to take a bribe for a pardon, because the pardon is an "official act".

How do you think they create the acceptable racial representation districts in States where it's mandated? They Gerrymander.

They have the ability to hear from both sides experts and decide. That's the whole point of being a judge. Under Chevron only the regulators experts counted when the wording was vague.

Taking a bribe has always been illegal, so the President wouldn't get a pass on that.

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