Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

  • Hamas
  • Hezbollah
  • Fatah
  • Iran
  • Syria
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  • Houthis (Yemen)
  • China (Two Chinese tunnel engineers were arrested in Gaza. Turns out China helped Hamas build their tunnel infrastructure.)
  • Iraq
  • Egypt (Endless tunnels from Gaza to Egypt used to smuggle weapons and who knows what else.)
  • Turkey
  • South Africa

Who did I forget? If this is not a world war, then I don’t know what is.

Also, the fact that Israel still exists is beyond miraculous.

Yes, you forgot the United States, the free money and weapons source for the Zionist regime. The fact that the Zionist regime exists is not miraculous, it's been propped up by the US taxpayer for decades along with many of the former colonial powers. It's easy to be a Third Reich throwback when all the bills are paid and all the crimes are swept under the carpet.
Disputed Waters: Israel's Responsibility for the Water Shortage in the Occupied Territories

By giving preference to the Israeli settlements over the Palestinian residents vis-a-vis supply of water in the Occupied Territories, Israel blatantly violates the prohibition on discrimination and the principle of equality. This principle is unequivocally stated in the Hague Regulations, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Israel is party to all these instruments.
Yes, you forgot the United States, the free money and weapons source for the Zionist regime. The fact that the Zionist regime exists is not miraculous, it's been propped up by the US taxpayer for decades along with many of the former colonial powers. It's easy to be a Third Reich throwback when all the bills are paid and all the crimes are swept under the carpet.
Sherlock Holmes prefer terrorists who are propped up by Terrorist Iran, Russia and China, like Hamas, PA, Hezbollah, Houthis, ISIS, and many others.

Elementary that Watson has quit his job with Holmes out of total disgust with this anti Jewish/Israel thinker.

It is not a Mystery why.
Gaza is not occupied by Israel. Israel took all Jews out of Gaza in 2005. No Jews, No Israelis, no Israeli government or troops.

Keep lying to yourself "Sherlock". Apparently you have misplaced your magnifier.

I take it you dispute something that was in that article? the one from Israel's own human rights organization? Well tell me, what in that article are you disagreeing with? did you spot a factual error?
I take it you dispute something that was in that article? the one from Israel's own human rights organization? Well tell me, what in that article are you disagreeing with? did you spot a factual error?
Since, legally, Israel is not occupying land, the entire set of legal claims predicated on that are factually incorrect.
I take it you dispute something that was in that article? the one from Israel's own human rights organization? Well tell me, what in that article are you disagreeing
You are a useless idiot, indeed. Elementary my dear Sherlock that you would not know that Betselem is an anti Israel organization not worth the air it breaths. So is Haaretz an anti Israel newspaper. Being in Israel does not make them correct. They both lie thought their blood cells with an interest in forcing Israel to give up more land to the Arabs who already stole 78% during the Mandate for Palestine, aka Israel, and were given Gaza in full in 2005 due to endless terrorist attacks and delusional Israeli left.

Getting out of Gaza only showed ARab Muslims that they could get MORE in time, which is what they keep hoping for. It is called HUDNA in Arabic.

Muslims believe that all land they once conquered belongs to Muslims forever. THAT is why the Arabs and Iran continue to try to destroy Israel which is the Ancestral Homeland of the JEWISH people, NOT any non existent Palestinian Nation or people who only came to be with the Mandate for Palestine where ALL people living in the Mandate were Palestinians.

Arabs only adopted the Palestinian nationality, identity in 1964 after Arafat planed with the KGB in Moscow to implement that word as their nationality.

Muslims are fighting the Jews because Islam does not see Jews as equal, as full humans. It is written in their Quran and other Hadiths. They denigrate Jews the same way Europeans denigrate Africans.

A useless article, by useless people for useless people who believe it. Like yourself.
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You are a useless idiot, indeed. Elementary my dear Sherlock that you would not know that Betselem is an anti Israel organization not worth the air it breaths. So is Haaretz an anti Israel newspaper. Being in Israel does not make them correct. They both lie thought their blood cells with an interest in forcing Israel to give up more land to the Arabs who already stole 78% during the Mandate for Palestine, aka Israel, and were given Gaza in full in 2005 due to endless terrorist attacks and delusional Israeli left.

Getting out of Gaza only showed ARab Muslims that they could get MORE in time, which is what they keep hoping for. It is called HUDNA in Arabic.

Muslims believe that all land they once conquered belongs to Muslims forever. THAT is why the Arabs and Iran continue to try to destroy Israel which is the Ancestral Homeland of the JEWISH people, NOT any non existent Palestinian Nation or people who only came to be with the Mandate for Palestine where ALL people living in the Mandate were Palestinians.

Arabs only adopted the Palestinian nationality, identity in 1964 after Arafat planed with the KGB in Moscow to implement that word as their nationality.

Muslims are fighting the Jews because Islam does not see Jews as equal, as full humans. It is written in their Quran and other Hadiths. They denigrate Jews the same way Europeans delegate Africans.

A useless article, by useless people for useless people who believe it. Like yourself.

You raise a great many points here. B'Tselem is basically an anti-apartheid organization not anti Israel other than to the extent that state promotes apartheid, of course if you approve of apartheid you'll be disparaging about B'Tselem.

Actually Palestine is not the ancestral homeland of Jews, not at all. Before any Jews existed the Canaanites dwelled in the land of Canaan, later this territory became named Palestine. Abraham and his family migrated from Ur (which today is in Iraq) they were foreigners in the land of Canaan.

Much later Judah was born - the very first Jew - and later still the kingdom of Judah. In fact the kingdom of Judah was on various occasions, at war with the Kingdom of Israel. The kingdom of Judah was the bottom half of todays state "Israel" and the upper part was the kingdom of Israel.

So technically modern Israel should really be named "Judah" because it specifically favors just Jews not all Israelites, in fact it is pretty likely that many Palestinians are in fact distant blood relatives of Jews, descendants of the other Israelite tribes, yet they are getting bombed, starved and tortured.

Muslims are fighting the Jews because Islam does not see Jews as equal, as full humans. It is written in their Quran and other Hadiths. They denigrate Jews the same way Europeans delegate Africans.

This is a lie created by militant Zionist in the 1920s. Prior to the Balfour declaration Jews and Arabs lived in relative peace in the region. Under Ottoman rule Jews were treated with respect, they were afforded protection by the Ottomans too, granted that was a Muslim empire but that's no more relevant than the Northern states being a Christian empire once.

Jews were in far greater danger in Europe too, go and check, Jews were persecuted and expelled from Christian Europe many times over many years, do you know where they sought refuge? Ottoman Palestine.

I'm happy to debate you or anyone here but I do expect courtesy and honesty.
You raise a great many points here. B'Tselem is basically an anti-apartheid organization not anti Israel other than to the extent that state promotes apartheid, of course if you approve of apartheid you'll be disparaging about B'Tselem.

Actually Palestine is not the ancestral homeland of Jews, not at all. Before any Jews existed the Canaanites dwelled in the land of Canaan, later this territory became named Palestine. Abraham and his family migrated from Ur (which today is in Iraq) they were foreigners in the land of Canaan.

Much later Judah was born - the very first Jew - and later still the kingdom of Judah. In fact the kingdom of Judah was on various occasions, at war with the Kingdom of Israel. The kingdom of Judah was the bottom half of todays state "Israel" and the upper part was the kingdom of Israel.

So technically modern Israel should really be named "Judah" because it specifically favors just Jews not all Israelites, in fact it is pretty likely that many Palestinians are in fact distant blood relatives of Jews, descendants of the other Israelite tribes, yet they are getting bombed, starved and tortured.

This is a lie created by militant Zionist in the 1920s. Prior to the Balfour declaration Jews and Arabs lived in relative peace in the region. Under Ottoman rule Jews were treated with respect, they were afforded protection by the Ottomans too, granted that was a Muslim empire but that's no more relevant than the Northern states being a Christian empire once.

Jews were in far greater danger in Europe too, go and check, Jews were persecuted and expelled from Christian Europe many times over many years, do you know where they sought refuge? Ottoman Palestine.

I'm happy to debate you or anyone here but I do expect courtesy and honesty.
You do not expect honesty because you know none. You are enveloped in your anti Israel beliefs and there is nothing else to address here.

This thread is about what is going on in the Hamas started war against Israel, aided by Iran which is also supplying Hezbollah, Houthis and others for the same purpose of destroying Israel.
do you know when this happened and how it relates to the development of Judaism in the region?
Yes, Abraham is believed to have migrated from Ur at around 1890 BC. In fact the Bible mentions he purchased a burial site from the Canaanites, that is now believed to be in Hebron. As for the development of Judaism, I can't say, not sure I can say much about that.
Yes, Abraham is believed to have migrated from Ur at around 1890 BC. In fact the Bible mentions he purchased a burial site from the Canaanites, that is now believed to be in Hebron. As for the development of Judaism, I can't say, not sure I can say much about that.
We are not discussing Jewish history here. Go to the proper threads and continue there.

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