Logical next step?

Show me one state law that forces a women to carry an unviable fetus to term. An unviable fetus in a danger to the mother.


One Texas woman with an ectopic nonviable pregnancy went to court and got an Order to allow her doctor to perform an abortion and Ken Paxton threatened to prosecute the doctor and the hospital if they performed the abortion. She had to go out of state.

There is a pregnant woman being kept on life support so her baby can gestate. That's happening now in Texas, as I write this. If the woman receives immediate care and placed on life support before she stops breathing on her own, so there is no interruption to the oxygen supply, there are cases of women being 14 weeks pregnant when they suffered a stroke and were pronounced brain dead, and delivering a healthy baby more than 110 days later.

Women all over the USA are their states over THEIR right to life saving abortions in the case of pregnancy complications. 1 in every 50 US pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy which is 100% non-viable, and continuing the pregnancy risks the life of the mother because when, not if, her tube bursts, which can never be predicted, she has 10 minutes to get to surgery.

Even Texas women admitted to hospital to await the moment when that happens, have nearly died, because the fetal heart kept beating while the woman bled out, and they couldn't help her until it stopped. She still doesn't know if she can have another baby.

These stories are horrific. 300% increase in pregnancy related deaths for women in states with abortion bans. 13% increase in infant mortality in Texas as women are forced to carry non-viable pregnancies to term, and watch their babies die in their arm, due to missing organs, or developmental issues.

80% of the women dying in the USA from pregnancy complication could be saved. That's beyond criminal, and speaks to hatred and misogyny which is at the core of Republicans treatment of women.

So the testimony is all false. The emails are all fabricated. The recordings of Trump were made up.

You believe that.

The hard information (if it is actually hard information) has been extrapolated to make points that are pure fiction.
Bullshit. Him or his handlers have their fingers in it.

All of these indictments are state level, grand jury indictments. Trump was indicted by a grand jury in Florida. Biden had nothing to do with it.

You keep pushing this conspiracy theory. Trump was in the middle of a fraud trial in 2016 when you elected him. Did Biden have something to do with that.

Trump was forced to return $122 million to his donors when his campaign stole it from their bank accounts. Did Biden force them to do this too?

Trump's charity lost its license for illegal fund raising, and illegal use of funds. Did Biden do that too.

You keep talking like Trump isn't a lifelong criminal and conman, or that he's never been in trouble with the law in his life, when the opposite is true.
All of these indictments are state level, grand jury indictments. Trump was indicted by a grand jury in Florida. Biden had nothing to do with it.

You keep pushing this conspiracy theory. Trump was in the middle of a fraud trial in 2016 when you elected him. Did Biden have something to do with that.

Trump was forced to return $122 million to his donors when his campaign stole it from their bank accounts. Did Biden force them to do this too?

Trump's charity lost its license for illegal fund raising, and illegal use of funds. Did Biden do that too.

You keep talking like Trump isn't a lifelong criminal and conman, or that he's never been in trouble with the law in his life, when the opposite is true.

It's all by Dems, and Dems by nature are collectivists.
You are the one making the accusations. Pony up, bitch.
I already stated how Trump tried to get the DoJ to push out a public statement claiming the election was corrupt despite the fact that they found no evidence in their investigation of this being the case.

This is corroborated by testimony under oath from those he told.

Is that false?
I already stated how Trump tried to get the DoJ to push out a public statement claiming the election was corrupt despite the fact that they found no evidence in their investigation of this being the case.

This is corroborated by testimony under oath from those he told.

Is that false?

It's convoluted and manipulated. Just like everything else your side presents.

After years of this bullshit, get this through your think empty skull. WE DON"T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU ON ANYTHING.
It's convoluted and manipulated. Just like everything else your side presents.

After years of this bullshit, get this through your think empty skull. WE DON"T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU ON ANYTHING.
I see you didn’t even try to come up with an explanation for any of this.

It’s just pure emotion from you.
I'm not going to try to explain bullshit. It just gives it gravitas it doesn't deserve.
You aren’t going to try because there is no explaining your emotions.

Like Trump, you decide what you want to believe first, worry about the facts later.
You aren’t going to try because there is no explaining your emotions.

Like Trump, you decide what you want to believe first, worry about the facts later.

No, I am going to judge the people foisting this bullshit on us, and know they are lying scheming progressive shitheads.

Your trustworthiness has been destroyed by your malfeasance, and more and more people are seeing that every passing day.
No, I am going to judge the people foisting this bullshit on us, and know they are lying scheming progressive shitheads.

Your trustworthiness has been destroyed by your malfeasance, and more and more people are seeing that every passing day.
You don’t know anything. You’re just going off emotions here.
I know far more than you, oxygen thief.
Apparently not, since you didn’t even know about most of the facts behind Trump’s indictment.

What about when Trump tried to convince state legislatures to throw out the chosen electors and appoint new ones for him?

How does that mesh with your claim he just wanted “investigations”?
Apparently not, since you didn’t even know about most of the facts behind Trump’s indictment.

What about when Trump tried to convince state legislatures to throw out the chosen electors and appoint new ones for him?

How does that mesh with your claim he just wanted “investigations”?


Which indictment? The one where the woman doesn't remember what date the assault happened, or the one where he told people to be peaceful in their protest? What about the one where the crime was made up and a law streched to nothingness just to get to call him a "Convicted Felon"

Or the one where he kept less documents than the former vice president, who had them for far longer?
Are all you conservatives morons who don't understand how plantations worked? This is a poorly constructed insult that just makes you look stupid.

1. Slaves built the wealth that supported plantains and this country. Not the plantation owners. They confiscated the wealth generated by the slaves.

2. I fully support the continued take over of the Democratic party by minorities. I don't have any issue putting a political knife into Joe Biden the moment it becomes politically advantageous for us to do so. Us being progressives.

3. That makes your whole insult imaginary. A fantasy. And how insulted do you imagine I am by you doing dress up and make believe?
So wait, white people didn't work? What ya going to with all this power when you supposedly get it?


Which indictment? The one where the woman doesn't remember what date the assault happened, or the one where he told people to be peaceful in their protest? What about the one where the crime was made up and a law streched to nothingness just to get to call him a "Convicted Felon"

Or the one where he kept less documents than the former vice president, who had them for far longer?
And here you are pretending to not know what is being referred to. These stupid games just waste everyone’s time.

And at the same time, fail to address any facts I’ve raised because you don’t want to believe them.

If he was just wanting investigations into the election, why did he try to get state legislators to replace their electors?
And here you are pretending to not know what is being referred to. These stupid games just waste everyone’s time.

And at the same time, fail to address any facts I’ve raised because you don’t want to believe them.

If he was just wanting investigations into the election, why did he try to get state legislators to replace their electors?

So wait, white people didn't work? What ya going to with all this power when you supposedly get it?

Supposedly? There's nothing supposed about minorities gaining more and more demographic and political power. That a simple reflection of demographic shifts in places of political power and what we're going to do with it is it continue to displace you, demographically, culturally and eventually economically with redustributative wealth campaigns when our political control over you is complete.

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