Logical next step?

The fear Democrats have of an American loving president is off the fuckinh charts . They will shoot him before he wins the election. By any means necessary to stop Trump fro being president. AND THEY, are so full of hate that they would Actually cheer for his demise. No bigger threat to America and Americans then democrats. Believe that
Why not? The Supremes just said it would be perfectly legal to shoot him.
Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion in the one of the final cases the court heard this term. Roberts was joined by the court’s five other conservative justices, while the three liberal justices dissented.

The Supreme Court did not say Trump has immunity in this specific case, in which the federal government has accused the former president of trying to overturn the 2020 election through his actions on Jan. 6, 2021.

“Trump asserts a far broader immunity than the limited one we have recognized,” Roberts wrote in the majority opinion, adding, “The text of the [Impeachment Judgment] Clause provides little support for such an absolute immunity.”

Instead, the court remanded the case back down to the lower courts, which will now have to determine whether Trump’s actions constituted “official acts.”
Simple little recap for the really, really stupid.

Supreme Court delivers massive blow to Trump special prosecutor with immunity decision . . . The high court ruled 6-3 along ideological lines that certain official acts by presidents are not prosecutable at all, while other official acts require the government to meet high criteria before it can criminally charge a president for them. The ruling was a massive blow to Jack Smith’s case, which could look like a shell of its former self once the lower courts have sifted through it to align it with the Supreme Court’s guidance.

The high court’s majority divided presidential acts into three categories:

official acts that are absolutely immune from prosecution,

official acts that are presumptively immune from prosecution until the government can prove the prosecution would not threaten the authority of the executive branch,

and unofficial acts, which can always be prosecuted.
Supposedly? There's nothing supposed about minorities gaining more and more demographic and political power. That a simple reflection of demographic shifts in places of political power and what we're going to do with it is it continue to displace you, demographically, culturally and eventually economically with redustributative wealth campaigns when our political control over you is complete.
Racist! I will never pay any more for reparations idiot.
One Texas woman with an ectopic nonviable pregnancy went to court and got an Order to allow her doctor to perform an abortion and Ken Paxton threatened to prosecute the doctor and the hospital if they performed the abortion. She had to go out of state.

There is a pregnant woman being kept on life support so her baby can gestate. That's happening now in Texas, as I write this. If the woman receives immediate care and placed on life support before she stops breathing on her own, so there is no interruption to the oxygen supply, there are cases of women being 14 weeks pregnant when they suffered a stroke and were pronounced brain dead, and delivering a healthy baby more than 110 days later.

Women all over the USA are their states over THEIR right to life saving abortions in the case of pregnancy complications. 1 in every 50 US pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy which is 100% non-viable, and continuing the pregnancy risks the life of the mother because when, not if, her tube bursts, which can never be predicted, she has 10 minutes to get to surgery.

Even Texas women admitted to hospital to await the moment when that happens, have nearly died, because the fetal heart kept beating while the woman bled out, and they couldn't help her until it stopped. She still doesn't know if she can have another baby.

These stories are horrific. 300% increase in pregnancy related deaths for women in states with abortion bans. 13% increase in infant mortality in Texas as women are forced to carry non-viable pregnancies to term, and watch their babies die in their arm, due to missing organs, or developmental issues.

80% of the women dying in the USA from pregnancy complication could be saved. That's beyond criminal, and speaks to hatred and misogyny which is at the core of Republicans treatment of women.

Full stop most are not talking about those cases, we are talking about the 97% of cases where it is for convenience twat waffle. Go sit on a pole if you are so horny you need pleasure, stop killing babies. Men can just go spank it for all I care, stop making babies you are going to kill.
First, I'm not advocating for any harm to come to trump, or any of his supporters, but in the light of the recent Supreme court ruling, serious uncomfortable questions present themselves. A reasonable person might believe trumps threats to seek revenge on his opponents, as well as his offer to trade environmental protections for a billion dollars present a threat to the constitution and the wellbeing of the country. Having sworn to protect and defend the constitution, and in light of the new presidential authority, it is Biden's duty to prevent any chance of trump winning the upcoming presidential election in any way his newfound authority allows. Should Biden, exercise his newfound authority by imprisoning trump in Guantanamo, or some other way? If congress opposes such actions, they can always impeach him if they can get enough of our representatives to find him guilty.

Bub...it is not revenge. It is justice that will befall the filthy, commie dems.

This new decision would have given Nixon immunity for his attempt to use the DOJ to cover up Watergate, and for his firing of the AG in the Saturday Night Massacre. In fact, under this SC ruling, Nixon could not be impeached for obstructing the Watergate Investigation, or any of his actions involving the DOJ, or the Cambodian War.
Read the freaking decision...it DOESN'T give a President the right to break the law! It doesn't provide an exemption for impeachments over high crimes and misdemeanors. What it DOES do is provide Presidents protection from lawfare cases brought by partisan AG's and DA's.

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