Who are the Israelis?

See, this is the problem. You created something that doesn't exist in Israel, based on your own interpretation (and ignorance) and have drawn conclusions based on your invention. This is much like your taking the words of Btselem and rewording them based on your own inventions. Valueless.

In your fantasy world of made up statements and your personal interpretations, things are what they are. In reality, they aren't. You should join reality -- a place where people make statements based on knowledge and not fanciful miswordings. Good luck joining reality.

Its not just my interpretations, its the vast majority of countries in the world who have voted for the long list of UN resolutions condemning Israel's racism and criminality, I'm hardly in a minority here.

Israel is a Jew supremacist state, this is affirmed by the Basic Laws and the absence of egalitarian principles. Because it's a Jew supremacist state it is experiencing difficulties as did South Africa. It has made many enemies, it is a doomed undertaking, unsustainable.

Just like the Third Reich it is based on racial supremacy, it has a belief in an unquestioned right to already occupied territory. Like the Third Reich it is prepared to expel or exterminate anyone who gets in the way of its nationalist ambitions and just like the Third Reich the ideology must be destroyed and Jews as well as Arabs freed from the bondage of Zionism.

But let me ask another question, hopefully you'll grow a pair and make an effort to answer this one.

Do you approve of the policy of punitive home demolitions, as discussed here in Israeli evening TV 3 years ago, this is discussed on television while families were sat around enjoying their evening dinner, all matter of fact, just life as usual in Israel:

Do you or do you not approve of this practice?
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Its not just my interpretations, its the vast majority of countries in the world who have voted for the long list of UN resolutions condemning Israel's racism and criminality, I'm hardly in a minority here.
Sure you are. You have changed the wording to create something based on your personal agenda and have been unable to substantiate any of your claims.
Israel is a Jew supremacist state, this is affirmed by the Basic Laws and the absence of egalitarian principles. Because it's a Jew supremacist state it is experiencing difficulties as did South Africa. It has made many enemies, it is a doomed undertaking, unsustainable.
Except that it isn't. You have reworded the basic law to make is sound the way you want it to. But the fact is, it doesn't say what you want it to and what it does say, you grossly misunderstand. I await your thread on the basic laws of Saudi Arabia.
Do you approve of the policy of punitive home demolitions, as discussed here in Israeli evening TV, this is discussed on television while families were sat around enjoying their evening dinner, all matter of fact, just life as usual in Israel:
you mean like these
I'm fine with it -- those settlers need to be discouraged from breaking the law.

also fine with displacement of people off of privately owned land

I think it is foolish to destroy your own home though

and unilaterally destroying homes and displacing people who have done nothing wrong (and aren't related to anyone or helping anyone who did anything wrong) is not nice

but I guess you would be against all of these, right?
Sure you are. You have changed the wording to create something based on your personal agenda and have been unable to substantiate any of your claims.

Except that it isn't. You have reworded the basic law to make is sound the way you want it to. But the fact is, it doesn't say what you want it to and what it does say, you grossly misunderstand. I await your thread on the basic laws of Saudi Arabia.

you mean like these
I'm fine with it -- those settlers need to be discouraged from breaking the law.

also fine with displacement of people off of privately owned land

I think it is foolish to destroy your own home though

and unilaterally destroying homes and displacing people who have done nothing wrong (and aren't related to anyone or helping anyone who did anything wrong) is not nice

but I guess you would be against all of these, right?

But I wasn't asking about that, I asked you specifically about punitive home demolitions as a deterrent to terrorism against Israelis.

Please don't answer your made up preferred question, answer the actual question you were asked.

You're clearly on the ropes, evading questions, trying to act like you're not a racist yet stubbornly refusing to condemn racism, even simple examples of racist text that I made up, you can't even bring yourself to condemn that.

Zionism is a threat to Jew and non-Jew alike, it is a threat to Israel and neighboring states, it has no future other than misery, violence and destruction either it must be wiped out or it will wipe out everything around it including itself.

If you come to sites like this and peddle your Zionist bigotry then I will confront you, I will challenge you and expose you for what you are, let the visitors to these threads see for themselves the despicable nature of Zionism supporters.


I stand with Jews like Hajo Meyer and many many others - against Zionsim.
But I wasn't asking about that, I asked you specifically about punitive home demolitions as a deterrent to terrorism against Israelis.
Wait, now you don't want me to apply your question to real world situations?
Please don't answer your made up preferred question, answer the actual question you were asked.
I did. You should read better.
You're clearly on the ropes, evading questions, trying to act like you're not a racist yet stubbornly refusing to condemn racism, even simple examples of racist text that I made up, you can't even bring yourself to condemn that.
You have shown a complete lack of knowledge and a agenda mired in ignorance and anger. I pity you.
Zionism is a threat to Jew and non-Jew alike, it is a threat to Israel and neighboring states, it has no future other than misery, violence and destruction either it must be wiped out or it will wipe out everything around it including itself.
See? This is your hatred coming to the surface. This is so sad.
If you come to sites like this and peddle your Zionist bigotry then I will confront you, I will challenge you and expose you for what you are, let the visitors to these threads see for themselves the despicable nature Zionism supporters.
and if you come to sites like this and say unfounded, misworded or hateful things, expect to be called out for your lies and stupidity. All will see that you have run away from answers to what you asked, you have refused to answer questions, you have intentionally misworded and misrepresented things. If this is what "Zionists" have to contend with, then there isn't much of a challenge. Stupidity doesn't really threaten anyone. Good luck.

So you're an antisemite, I see.
not sure why you would say that, especially as you are unclear on the meaning of the word "Jew." This is just another of your ignorant claims that has no basis in reality.

not sure why you would say that, especially as you are unclear on the meaning of the word "Jew." This is just another of your ignorant claims that has no basis in reality.

So you wanna play ping pong now, much easier than presenting rational coherent arguments though, I understand.

This is what happens when a sheltered, deluded Zionist meets reality. The poor kid's been so indoctrinated that she actually had no idea there even were Jews opposed to Zionism, fanatical Israeli nationalism.

Ignorance of overseas affairs is sadly very common in the United States, the sanitized, filtered news we get on TV is designed to do that, form our opinions for us rather than inform us.

Consequently many people already have a read made worldview and they use to interpret the "news" and because the news is carefully crafted and filtered to support that worldview, they obediently adopt the posture of their government and toe the line.

You can see this with the general public ignorance of Israel and China and Ukraine, the worldview has a "goodies" and a "baddies" box, the news fill in those boxes as needed and feed it to the public.

In foreign affairs the United States is always a "goodie" and those nations that support the "national interest" are also fellow "goodies" those that do not are "baddies".
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Its not just my interpretations, its the vast majority of countries in the world who have voted for the long list of UN resolutions condemning Israel's racism and criminality, I'm hardly in a minority here.

Israel is a Jew supremacist state, this is affirmed by the Basic Laws and the absence of egalitarian principles. Because it's a Jew supremacist state it is experiencing difficulties as did South Africa. It has made many enemies, it is a doomed undertaking, unsustainable.

Just like the Third Reich it is based on racial supremacy, it has a belief in an unquestioned right to already occupied territory. Like the Third Reich it is prepared to expel or exterminate anyone who gets in the way of its nationalist ambitions and just like the Third Reich the ideology must be destroyed and Jews as well as Arabs freed from the bondage of Zionism.

But let me ask another question, hopefully you'll grow a pair and make an effort to answer this one.

Do you approve of the policy of punitive home demolitions, as discussed here in Israeli evening TV 3 years ago, this is discussed on television while families were sat around enjoying their evening dinner, all matter of fact, just life as usual in Israel:

Do you or do you not approve of this practice?

It's bunch of logical fallacies.

Law is not a popularity poll, that the bandwagon fallacy, but even if you want to apply that rule then you have to mention the 50 Arab/Muslim states promoting that narrative in UN resolutions, that are neither legally binding nor worth the paper it written on.

Now, if you believe the international principle of national sovereignty
is a supremacist racial policy, why do you have to frame a collective
comprising every ethnicity and race as "white"? More like
projecting your own racism to scapegoat a people.

Following with the false analogy to Third Reich,
is the reference to national sovereignty of a tiny state,
relevant rather than the demand for exclusive Arab domination -
over not only the Levant but the entire Middle East and North Africa?

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It's bunch of logical fallacies.

Law is not a popularity poll, that the bandwagon fallacy, but even if you want to apply that rule then you have to mention the 50 Arab/Muslim states promoting that narrative in UN resolutions, that are neither legally binding nor worth the paper it written on.

Now, if you believe the international principle of national sovereignty
is a supremacist racial policy, why do you have to frame a collective
comprising every ethnicity and race as "white"? More like
projecting your own racism to scapegoat a people.
Following with the false analogy to Third Reich,
is the reference to national sovereignty of a tiny state,
relevant more than to the demand for exclusive Arab domination
over not only the Levant but the entire Middle East and North Africa?

The analogy with the Third Reich is reasonable up to a point, of course it is just an analogy but on what grounds can we condemn the Third Reich and remain consistent when not condemning Zionist Israel on the same grounds?

The Third Reich justified its necessity by a prior national catastrophe - defeat in WW1
The Zionist state justifies its necessity by a prior national catastrophe - the Holocaust
The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of a superior race - the Aryans
The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of racial supremacy - the Jews
The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of territorial entitlement - Poland, Sudetenland...
The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of territorial entitlement - West Bank, Golan...
The Third Reich justified its necessity by declaring an existential threat - Bolshevism
The Zionist state justifies its necessity by declaring an existential threat - Islam

and there are quite a few more points I could list.
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The analogy with the Third Reich is reasonable up to a point, of course it is just an analogy but on what grounds can we condemn the Third Reich and remain consistent when not condemning Zionist Israel on the same grounds?

The Third Reich justified its necessity by a prior catastrophe - defeat in WW1
The Zionist state justifies its necessity by a prior catastrophe - the Holocaust
The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of a superior race - the Aryans
The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of ra - the Jews

The only analogy here is that you frame Jews as a race,
with the goal of exclusive Arab domination over
the entire Middle East region and all involved.

Why do you support Arab imperialism?

The only analogy here is that you frame Jews as a race,
with the goal of demanding Arab domination over
the entire Middle East region and all involved.

Why do you support Arab imperialism?

I disagree, each of the equivalents I listed seem reasonable, factual.

I support Arab self determination not imperialism, lets not forget Israel was invented by the imperialist powers, without their machinations the state of Israel would not exist today.

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