Oklahoma’s Superintendent of “Education” will require Bible Study in all Public schools.

When I didn’t want to watch frog dissection then I did not
I never Thought about preventing others.
It’s very very easy to not look at or read that which you choose not to, unless you are a simpleton

It is even easier to be compliant with the US Constitution.

Don't put it up.
as a side note,,
can you image how peaceful the world would be if everyone actually practiced the christian religion??

of all the religions the atheist are the most violent and hateful

You are kidding, right? Christians have been some bloodthirsty, violent people throughout history.

Now I am not holding modern Christians accountable for what happened decades (or longer) ago. But spare me the "peaceful" nonsense.
You are kidding, right? Christians have been some bloodthirsty, violent people throughout history.

Now I am not holding modern Christians accountable for what happened decades (or longer) ago. But spare me the "peaceful" nonsense.
as I said,,


and as I also said,,
atheist are the most violet of all religions with islam holding a close second,,
as a side note,,
can you image how peaceful the world would be if everyone actually practiced the christian religion??

of all the religions the atheist are the most violent and hateful
As long as we heavily regulate the rich and powerful yes it could be. But they would ensure chaos
not seeing how one piece of paper with a few words on it is a state forced religion,,

you are free to read it or walk on by,,
No you’re not free to walk on by. This is a case about including religious bible study in the school curriculum. You can not walk on by it any more than you can walk on by an English or Math class.
There are certainly choices available other than prohibiting those who want to from the very few who pretend it melts their eyes or ears
You are a true lib loon shit for brains

Sure there are. Let those who want to read the 10 Commandments get a copy and keep it with them.

Putting it in schools is NOT the better choice. Schools are places of authority. Students (depending on age) are very impressionable.
I;m OK with that,,
You’re ok with telling the lie you did? Good for you, but he Constitution is not ok with religion in the classroom and it will be tossed out as it should be. You are free to teach your kids whatever religious beliefs you choose it’s not the government’s role to teach kids religious beliefs.
as a side note,,
can you image how peaceful the world would be if everyone actually practiced the christian religion??

of all the religions the atheist are the most violent and hateful

Yeah, the Crusades were so peaceful. As were the European Wars of Religion. The KKK were such a loving group that they built fires on people's lawns to keep them warm. The entire concept of Manifest Destiny was Christians claiming God gave the divine rights to the western US.

I have never been threatened by an atheist for my beliefs. I can't say that about Christians.

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