Oklahoma’s Superintendent of “Education” will require Bible Study in all Public schools.

thats more reason to have them so people can read them,,
Have you ever read them? If so you are a good example of how even if someone reads them they will not follow them. Instead of wanting to put them up at schools why not just focus on your own life and trying to live by them.
At the core of it most Dems have had a rough life. They blame others for that but it’s their own irresponsible behavior that actually punishes them and no one else.
In turn they feel many positive things should be obliterated because they don’t utilize them . That would be more “fair”
They are angry and unhappy and wish everyone could be made that way
It’s good to follow a righteous path
You just don’t want to and feel entitled to prevent those who do

Complete nonsense. Whether I follow a religious path or not changes nothing other than me.

And please tell me how you think I prevent others from following a righteous path?
I dont see putting a few words up on a wall as pushing a religion,,

truthfully a few people would benefit from it,,

A few words? But you want words that exclusively apply to Judeo-Christians.

Or, how about we post the last 6 commandments and leave the first 4 off, at least for school posters.
not seeing how one piece of paper with a few words on it is a state forced religion,,

you are free to read it or walk on by,,
Yes. I agree. As a Christian Where I draw the line is teaching the Bible ad I'd every kid has to live that way. That's an issue I would fight. If I lived in that place. Thankful I dont.
not seeing how one piece of paper with a few words on it is a state forced religion,,

you are free to read it or walk on by,,

First of all, the Oklahoma superintendent will require Bible study in schools. Can't "walk by" the curriculum.

And if no one will read it, why put it up?
When I didn’t want to watch frog dissection then I did not
I never Thought about preventing others.
It’s very very easy to not look at or read that which you choose not to, unless you are a simpleton
Yes. I agree. As a Christian Where I draw the line is teaching the Bible ad I'd every kid has to live that way. That's an issue I would fight. If I lived in that place. Thankful I dont.
as a side note,,
can you image how peaceful the world would be if everyone actually practiced the christian religion??

of all the religions the atheist are the most violent and hateful

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