Oklahoma’s Superintendent of “Education” will require Bible Study in all Public schools.

As for "when confronted with the sick shit youre OK teaching children", you are simply lying. I have not advocated any of the shit you want me to be in favor of.

Quit lying. Or post where I said I want oral sex and cross-dressing taught in schools.
You lying sack of shit.

I did not say "What a great plan for education our children" referring to the shit.

I said it to YOU because of your post, "the best part about the whole thing is watching the satanist lose their collective minds". In other words, seeing liberals lose their collective minds is more important that education children.
You lying sack of shit.

I did not say "What a great plan for education our children" referring to the shit.

I said it to YOU because of your post, "the best part about the whole thing is watching the satanist lose their collective minds". In other words, seeing liberals lose their collective minds is more important that education children.
what does what I think have to do with whats being taught to children??

its best you just shut the fuck up at this point,,
youre just digging a deeper hole for yourself,,
I guess this comment doesnt exist,,

Rather than taking a single post and quoting it completely out of context, why don't you find any posts I have made advocating for teaching oral sex in public schools, having cross-dressing teachers or whatever you are whining about.

Find one instance where I have advocated for any of those and I will quit this board completely. (leaving your lies unchecked)
what does what I think have to do with whats being taught to children??

its best you just shut the fuck up at this point,,
youre just digging a deeper hole for yourself,,

You prefer driving the libs crazy to education children, and you have the gall to call me names? lol

I answered the post you made. If one of the posts is "sick", it is yours.
Oklahoma’s state superintendent on Thursday directed all public schools to teach the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, in an extraordinary move that blurs the lines between religious instruction and public education.

The superintendent, Ryan Walters, who is a Republican, described the Bible as an “indispensable historical and cultural touchstone” and said it must be taught in certain grade levels.

Can anyone guess where Oklahoma ranks in Educational achievement?

If you guessed 50th you would be correct.

Besides being blatantly unconstitutional, we have the Chinese breathing down our throats as they make major advancements in science, and these Republicans want to bring our public education back to the dark ages. Why is it Pubs want to force down the throats of its residents their brand of Christianity (sorry Catholics) instead of having their kids attend parochial school? Teaching the Bible should stay with the Church. Oklahoma will continue to remain in last place and its children will be left behind as other states and their students get prepared for the future.
The right’s war on the First Amendment continues.
And it is not about teaching kids not to lie, cheat or steal. The first commandment is "Thou Shalt have no Gods before me". That is a command and a religious one.

In fact, the first 4 commandments are purely religious.
It’s good to follow a righteous path
You just don’t want to and feel entitled to prevent those who do
If I am siding with the perverts, your side must be truly disgusting.

I side with the US Constitution. Putting the 10 Commandments in public schools, especially if not allowing other faiths to put their posters up, is completely unconstitutional.

We can follow the US Constitution and still not resort to the disgusting things you seem focused on.
Of course all religions will have to be allowed to post their stuff. It can't be just the one I practice. This has to be. We don't live in a theocracy because those cannot endure.
If you don’t like Christmas scenes, it you don’t want to read inspiring words THEN DONT look and become “inflamed”
The ball is in your court fucking cry babies
As for "when confronted with the sick shit youre OK teaching children", you are simply lying. I have not advocated any of the shit you want me to be in favor of.

Quit lying. Or post where I said I want oral sex and cross-dressing taught in schools.
It’s kind of funny one of the loudest advocates for having the 10 Commandments in school is breaking a few of them to try and make a point. They should spend more time trying to live them in their own lives and less time being concerned with others
It’s kind of funny one of the loudest advocates for having the 10 Commandments in school is breaking a few of them to try and make a point. They should spend more time trying to live them in their own lives and less time being concerned with others
They don't live them anymore than anybody else.
It’s kind of funny one of the loudest advocates for having the 10 Commandments in school is breaking a few of them to try and make a point. They should spend more time trying to live them in their own lives and less time being concerned with others
thats more reason to have them so people can read them,,

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